50 years ago today I remember well my Father coming to pick me up - TopicsExpress


50 years ago today I remember well my Father coming to pick me up early from school and as to my recollection, school was being dismissed due to the horrific national tragedy. We watched the events on our black and white TV with rabbit ears attached and a complete set of spare tubes sitting on top in case of breakdown of the set. For many of us, it was the first time we had actually seen real death happen. The early years of TV limited its airwaves to showing only entertainment in a G rating format. JFK and family was the first First Family that I remember. Kennedys charisma got him the job, the job became saving our nation from the Russian nuclear missiles pointed at us from Cuba and enforcing racial equality law in a Nation where people of color had been having to drink from a separate water fountain. A couple of days later we say Oswald shot down on live television, then a funeral procession of which has yet to be matched. My Father could not accept the fact any one person could shoot the President of the United States, particularly 3 shots in 6 seconds. There had to be a conspiracy or why else would Ruby hush Oswald? It had to be resolved. The country Preacher from South Georgia was going to get to the bottom of it. Dad didnt trust 1949 Chevy nor the 50s Renault to make the trip to Dallas. It was the next spring, 1964, that I was with him when he bought the new Galaxie 500. Built-in factory air conditioning was not yet an option so there was an under the dash unit installed. Air Conditioning in cars, what would they think of next? With a few slight modifications by the new owner, which included adding a platform across the back floorboard to prevent the kids from sitting up and forcing them to lay down for the entire trip, the new ride and Leath clan was headed to Dallas for the Family Vacation of 64. After what seemed like an endless drive with stops only for fuel and roadside parks where Mother prepared the sandwiches and tea, we arrived in Dallas. Dad set up base in a downtown hotel, walking distance to the assassination area. We toured the Texas Book Depository, saw the window where Oswald fired from, reviewed every angle, walked the grassy knoll, went behind the fence, leaving no potential evidence or theories without personal inspection. Obviously Dad never could prove there was or was not a Conspiracy, but he made the trip, he asked the questions, he was being a good American. I remember. Well Dad, 50 years later we are still asking the same questions.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 19:11:20 +0000

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