500 Daily Camp Amazing ..’ like what’s in a name? ‘ .. - TopicsExpress


500 Daily Camp Amazing ..’ like what’s in a name? ‘ .. Everything, just about, is in a name. A name, a title, could mean so many of the same and different things to so many people. The thing, is well, the thing. Though, what we perceive, is quite another thing. The word camp, is no exception; in fact, there aren’t any exceptions! Ever since doing it once, going camping was an exciting and most enjoyable activity. It is delightful, sending time in the woods or even in a nice camp ground. Building a fire and cooking meals .. hanging around the campfire at night, under the stars (hopefully) and just letting loose. Of course, the person or the people you are with can make all the difference in the world. One of the many terms used to note a specialized segment, perhaps, of an organization, sometimes, is called a camp. This is a group serving a common purpose. Many fraternal organizations go for this type of identifier. Then again, we have armies. Where an army chooses to settle down for a night or longer, is called a camp. Politics and any situation that takes sides is also known as a camp. Like, which camp are you amongst? The sides that are chosen, taken, go as far as the sides that are drawn. Not only in the physical realm, but in other realms as well. Ever use the term school of thought? Well, within the schools are also more defined groups or camps. Camps also can depict a time that is torturous. Anyone that has been imprisoned in a camp, for whatever reason, or those of us that know a person of this elk (camp), knows the horror that lies therein. Being confined to life in a camp, is not anything that will ever escape you. Just think of how terrible natural disasters are. Though awful, there is usually a light at the end of the tunnel; hope. When one is a prisoner of circumstance, it is easy for most to lose hope. You’ve broken no law that might even slightly justify such an existence. You have not been found guilty in any legitimate court. Still, there you are. Some of the worse conditions that have ever plagued people, were the German and Japanese concentration camps. Deplorable conditions and even worse. Once confined to a concentration camp, you were not expected to ever leave alive. Once your services, manly your ability to work, was exhausted, you were of no further use. You had a one way ticket.. Prisoner of war camps for civilians, while not as bad as The Concentration Camps, still concentrated people and restricted the inhabitants freedom drastically.. This in the ‘Land of The Free’ Back in the early seventies, had a friend named Craig. Craig was gay. One of his favorite expressions was to describe having fun and perhaps, even exploiting oneself, was to call the activity as camping it up. Wonder if he made it through The Epidemic? We send kids, athletes and new employees to camp as well. When it comes to camp, there is one in one fashion or another, for everybody.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 02:20:13 +0000

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