51. David and Goliath The Israelite army were whimps and they - TopicsExpress


51. David and Goliath The Israelite army were whimps and they acted like chimps The army called upon a boy in which He was defiant towards the giant. The giant the boy did destroy with great joy even though He was a boy. He became a champ in the armies camp. 52. Daniel and the Lion’s Den To the king’s idols to God Daniel made a vow not to bow. Because to the king He did not obey, in the lion’s den he got put away. The lion’s mouth was shut up. He became like a pup, Daniel got delivered up. 53. Jesus Is My Best Friend Jesus is my best friend He will be with me until the end. You He will always defend and His love in your heart will descend. To Him you do not have to pretend in your life He wants to attend. Let Him be your best friend He will be with you until the end. 54. Abraham God said to Abraham,”in my creation you will be a father of many nations.” God said be bold you will have a son it does not matter if you think you are old. Abraham did not believe what the world would say instead He believed God’s way and what He would say.Abraham did obey and did what God did say. He did have a payday. 55. The Sacrifice God told Abraham this what I want done. “ Go to the mountain top with your son. Don’t falter make me an alter I want Isaac as the price of the sacrifice.”Abraham raised his hand up. He was ready to obey what God did say. God did not falter He said take Isaac off that altar. Because Abraham did things God’s way He had a payday.God did bless and got him out of that mess. When you stay on God’s side He will always provide.God provided the ram that got them out of that jam. 56. What Gate Are you prepared to go through Heaven’s Gate, Its’s not too late, don’t wait and accept your other Fate you will hate that other Gate. 57. Shout Praise When you have a bad day Raise His praise and you will get a payday. Give out a praise shout to get rid of that doubt. No matter what the trouble is about shout a praise shout And God will deliver you out. 58. The Right Track If you got off the track God is calling you back and that’s a fact. His love will get you back on the right track. God still loves you and that’s a fact. So why not come back and on the right track. 59. The Blessing This is what God’s word does say if you obey. Without a doubt you are blessed coming and going out. Yes it’s true God will bless everything you set your hands to. Let me be frank God will put money in your banks. God give you prosperity in the city and much bounty in the country. Because God’s love never fails you will be the head and not the tail. In God’s shop because you are the cream of the crop He does not want you on the bottom He wants you on the top. 60. The Creation God spoke and said light be that light was a great light then all of creation was able to see. God had to grin because He made man to look like Him. He spoke all the living creatures into existence. Adam had to give God assistance. He name every one and He had fun. Then He made Adam fall into a deep sleep. None of the living creatures didn’t even make a peep. Out of the man he took a rib and made Wow man Adam woke up and saw her and said Wow Man 61. The Fall of Man God gave man a specific order It had a boarder. Man went beyond this boarder and disobeyed this order. God commanded the man, saying, of every tree of the garden you may freely eat: This was a great treat. God said the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, don’t eat If you do, you will have a great defeat. This why in the day that you eat it you shall surely die. This tree was a great delight to see in Man’s sight. The devil came even lower than man’s level. To the woman He said Go the tree and eat you won’t have any defeat. You will know what is good and bad and that is better than what you had. So Adam and Eve ate of that tree and from that garden God made them flee. 62. The second Adam Because of the fall of man God had another plan for His man.God did not want to be alone on His throne .He came up with a good plan for His man. He needed His son to get the plan done.A great miracle had to be done I believe God had fun. His son was born as a man just like it was part of the original plan.The son of God and man had no sin He was the perfect man. He was the real deal everyone he did heal.When it came time for him to die He grieved like any man this no lie. On this you must get a grip Jesus they did beat and whip. They put Him on the cross so the world would’nt stay lost.For us this is swell Jesus died and went to Hell. While there Jesus the Devil did beat with a great defeat. Jesus got back the keys so we could be set free. Jesus rose from the dead so now man can move ahead. So now in your heart Jesus you found you are Heaven bound. 63. Sampson He was a man who was strong at the time He did no wrong. His hair was His strength because it had great length. With a jawbone of an ass he killed thousand’s omen But He ended up in Delilah’s denWith God’s disgust he gave into lust. He had a great fall and no longer stood tall. He repented of what He did and on the philistines brought down the roofs lid. Even though there was cost the Samson’s enemy lost. 64. Noah’s Ark God spoke to Noah and said I want you to make me a big boat and I will make it float. God said have two of every kind on this boat when it is ready to float. Noah’s family did not have immorality so they did not have any causality’s Because of the world’s immorality, the flood caused the world’s causality’s The flood lasted forty days after that the water went away. God said this will never happen again. Not even until the world ends. 65. Get God’s Extreme Dream It does not matter how things seem, When you are on God’s Dream Team Let Him gives you an Extreme Dream He will redeem that Extreme Dream He is not mean no matter how things seem On Him you can always lean He will redeem that Extreme Dream. 66. Attack Back This is a fact the enemy attacks Don’t just react Speak the word and Jesus name with your mouth and Attack Back Persist to Resist And God will assist To the Devil say no And let the word from your mouth flow Speak the word because that is The enhancer and advancer to your answer Don’t repeat your defeat Speak the word And enhance your advance Don’t let your faith be destroyed With your mouth speak the word Because the word will not go our void Chorus The word is the Advancer to your Answer The word is the Advancer to your AnswerIt will not go out void, it will not go out void 67. God’s Rest Rest in His Rest He wants you to have His Best This is no test. You can rest in His rest and Have His Best He wants you blessed. Cast your cares on Him and rest God wants you to have His best.You need to confess I am blessed, With His Rest and His best. With this you can rest, go to His word and invest that is His best. 68. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego. These three to idols, they made a vow not to bow. Because the king they would not obey, in the furnace the got put away. The king said let this furnace get seven times as hot then what you got. The men who did this, became amiss. The king when He awoke went to the three and spoke.Are you still alive who is that by your side. This was God’s son who with the three became one and in the end they won. Because the three, to idols would not bow there knee They got set free and gained great prosperity. 69. Pray For Others ’ll give you a tip of the cap when you stand in the gap why Because it’s a God rap, to stand in the gap, remember all your need will fall in your lap. Just know this, Satan is a real sap and you don’t have to fall into his trap, or accept any of his crap .When you stand in the gap, you just don’t give Satan a tap. You give him a real big slap. 70. The Potter I am the potter you are the clay, you must say yes and do it His way. Be bold and let the potter mold. Sometimes when He uses a tool, it does not feel so cool. Even when it gets hotter, let Him be the potter. If you do things God’s way, that piece of clay will be a beautiful piece of pottery one day. 71. Your Destiny To perform your destiny even in the midst of adversity takes Humility to know you need Godis ability Having God’s ability will know you can do the impossibility. 72. You Are God’s Masterpiece You don’t have to put out a fleece to know that you are God’s masterpiece. When you know this in your heart God will impart in you r heart His peace That you are His masterpiece. 73. Church The Church is the people not the steeple. To a Church you need to belong so that your faith can remain strong. To a Church you need to have connection so that you can have protection. To a Church you need to have connection so that your Pastor can help you find your destination. 74. The Christmas Season On Christmas morn Jesus Christ was born. He came to earth to give us new spiritual birth. Christmas isn’t just about getting gifts it’s Jesus being the gift that gives our spirits a lift. Christmas isn’t about the pine tree it’s about Jesus coming in our hearts to set us free. At Christmas let love, joy, and peace be your expression not depression. At Christmas don’t think your alone when Jesus Christ says your Seated with Him on His throne. At Christmas have an attitude that is giving. At Christmas lights are really bright and out of sight but Jesus is the greater light that is even more out of sight. 75. Thanksgiving Yes indeed in everything giving thanksgiving is a good deed. When giving thanksgiving in everything, God will meet every need. Even in the midst of depression thanksgiving needs to be your expression.. For out of the thanksgiving expression, will come joy as your expression. Instead of complaining have an attitude of gratitude. Counting your blessings is how you can start having an attitude of thanksgiving. You need to give thanks even if you have no money in your banks. In expressing thanksgiving you need to be faithful and cheerful while being thankful. 76. Christmas And Giving When you remember the real reason for the season is to God is well pleasing. The gift of gift of giving should never stop ceasing When you keep giving your reaping will keep increasing. God’s gift of son just keeps reaping more sons it never sops ceasing. 77. Christmas Oh what fun it is to have jesus in your heart Seeking Him each day in your heart is a great start. This season remember Jesus is the reason for season Remember Jesus is the greatest gift that will giver spirit a lift. Jesus came to earth so our spirit could have new birth. Jesus died on the tree so we could be set free. Jesus went to the grave so we could get saved. Jesus rosefrom the dead so we could move ahead. Jesus fell to hell so our lives can become swell. Jesus is coming back and that is a fact. In the end we win we go to Heaven to be with Him. 78. Your Nest Sometimes God wants you to rest in your nest. Sometimes He will stir up your nest and push you out of the nest. Sometimes the Devil is a pest and He will attack your nest. When the devil attacks your nest it is a test Will you past the test? Go to the word and invest attack back the you can rest in His rest in your nest. 79. The Rapture The Church needs to get a revelation that we wiil not be here in the tribulation. We will not have to get the mark of the beast because we will be in heave with Jesus having a feast/ Because God is so lovable He wants to deliver you from trouble. So yes Church we can laughter we are going up in the rapture. 80. Fruit When you join God’s nation you become a new creation. When we become a new creation a new seed in our heart does impart. This see does take root which then produces fruit. 81. The Birthday of Jesus Jesus was born in a manger where there was a potential of much danger. When Jesus was born there was much controversy and adversity. Herod made a decree to kill all the Jewish firstborn he went on a killing spree. Because of what Herod did The Baby Jesus got hid. When King Herod got dead Jesus then moved ahead. Jesus then became greater and greater. Now we need to remember this day to sing happy birthday to the King of Kings. 82. God’s Frequency When you get on God’s frequency in your life there will be no mystery. When you get on god’s frequency you will find your destiny.When you get on god’s frequency you will be able to walk the walk of faith in victory. 83. Heaven Because in your heart Jesus you took your name is written in Heaven’s book. I am going to be bold to say you will dancing with your loved ones on the streets of gold one day. In Heaven there is no more sickness and pain only joy to gain. In Heaven there is no more depression only celebration. In Heaven we will raise great praise when we sing to the King of kings. To you now this may seem extreme but in Heaven our bodies are redeemed. In Heaven the colors are like bright neon lights. This might seem deep but in Heaven we probably won’t need to sleep. In Heaven I am told the snow is not even cold. In Heaven Because of the Father’s compassion we will all have our own mansion. In Heaven all of our need and desires will be met and we will even see our pets. In Heaven there is river in which we drink to obtain God’s grace to live in that place. In Heaven for all the good works on earth we have shown we will receive a crown, there will be a great celebration of a coronation. 84. The Perfect Gift Jesus is the perfect gift that always gives your spirit a lift. He is the gift of love that keeps on giving because in our hearts He keeps on living. On this holiday it should be our way to sing to Jesus Happy Birthday. Because Jesus set the example and we are God’s temple, we should have the spirit of giving in our living. This season let Jesus be the reason for your season. In your heart why not receive this gift and let your life have a brand new start. When you accept Him in your heart His love, joy and peace in your heart He will impart and they and He will never depart. 85. The Gate Beautiful Don’t stay at the gate beautiful looking in When God wants you to enter in. Don’t accept your fate. Come on in it’s never to late. Jesus paid the price for your sin and we win. It’s your turn to enter the door and be sick and poor no more. Against the Church the gates of Hell will not prevail God’s love will never fail it always prevails. 86. The Believer’s Authority It’s our priority, to know how to use our authority. This is on the level. There is a Devil. To Him you don’t have to cower, because you have God’s power. When you use Jesus name, things will never be the same. This you must discover when you lay hands on the sick they will recover. At the names of Jesus, demons will be screaming, without a doubt they will come out. Take the word, pray, and say. You will have a payday. Take a shower in God’s power, then things will no longer be sour, in fact you will come out smelling like a flower. With your faith stand your ground, don’t let the Devil push you around. This pretty profound, because God’s word is sound, if you speak it, your mind will soon become sound. Because in Christ you have been found, you can take your faith and stand your ground. When you sin, repent and God’s great grace will abound. In your seat with Christ make a decision to take your position. With this you can grin, in Christ we always win. This is what you need to be expressing knowing this, your name is written in the book of life is a great blessing. 87. Embrace God’s Great Grace You need to embrace God’s great grace to run in His race. You need God’s great grace to find your place in His race then to take your place in His race. You need God’s great grace to take your seat with Christ in the Heavenly place. You need God’s great grace to keep His pace in His race. The Devil will attack you in this race and when he does you can embrace this great grace and say to the Devil’s face. In Jesus name get out of my face. Then He will leave without a trace. Then you will finish the race into the Heavenly place. 88. Faith or Fear Don’t let fear contaminate Let faith dominate. Don’t let fear procrastinate Let faith demonstrate. Don’t let fear negate Let faith create. Walk in faith not in fear then in your life healing and prosperity will appear. If you have faith you will have great cheer, If you have fear that cheer will disappear. If you walk in faith and not fret your needs will always be met. If you walk in fear you will always have lack and that’s a fact. When you walk in fear you pout and doubt. When you walk in faith you can take the word and shout that doubt out. So do you talk and walk the faith walk or walk and talk the fear walk?
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 20:05:33 +0000

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