51 ways to make you smile this is the last from 31 to 51... for - TopicsExpress


51 ways to make you smile this is the last from 31 to 51... for you what make you smile?? 31. Make a beeline to your favorite spot, whether it’s a beach, bike trail, or mall. (No judgment—it’s your favorite spot.) 32. Make time to see the sunrise or sunset, and make it an occasion. Invite a friend and bring wine and a picnic basket. Make a memory, and make it beautiful. 33. Walk by your neighborhood park and soak in the innocence, excitement, and wonder. 34. Grab your camera and go outside with a mission to capture things that make you happy. 35. Make a list of all the amazing things you’ve accomplished and experienced this year, and then bask in the beauty of it all. 36. Tell someone how much they mean to you. Say all the things that might make you feel kind of vulnerable, and then think about how special you just made them feel. 37. Help a neighbor with something, whether it’s pulling weeds from a woman’s garden or running an errand for an elderly man who no longer drives. Two part happiness—forgetting about your own problems, and showing someone that neighborly kindness is not a thing of the past. 38. Ask a friend to tell you what’s new with his or her passion project. Same idea: forget about yourself for a while and watch someone else light up. 39. Commit a random act of kindness and tell that person to pass it on. 40. People-watch with a dialogue-writing slant. As in, find two people sitting across the street and make up a ridiculous conversation in your head that they could be having. I know, it sounds silly, and it is. But it always makes me laugh! (I got this from the movie Date Night, in case it sounds familiar.) 41. Visit a positive news site. (There are tons of them.) 42. Elf yourself or a friend. (I know this one’s seasonal, but it’s funny year-found!) 43. Spend some time exploring 1000 Awesome Things. 44. Make your own list of awesome things. 45. Use the search functionality on Twitter and look for “happy” or “smile.” 46. Create a gratitude list for the day, including the smallest details (a fluffy pillow) and the biggest things (your health and your family). 47. Take a run around your block. Trigger some endorphins, whittle your waist line, and remember that the world is so much bigger and greater than it seems when sadness closes you down. 48. Laugh out loud. Seriously, just choose to laugh and keep going. (They actually offer laughter yoga and laughter meditation, if you’re interested in checking them out.) 49. Hum your favorite song. Humming has all kinds of benefits—it’s soothing, it centers you, and also calms your nervous system. 50. Make a new friend, in person or by commenting on a blog. Like this one. =) 51. And lastly…watch an uplifting video, like Tiny Buddha’s first YouTube video. I asked readers to submit footage of the things that make them smile, and the end result definitely put a smile on my face:
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 13:01:04 +0000

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