53rd independence: Outrage greets FG’s alleged order for N682m - TopicsExpress


53rd independence: Outrage greets FG’s alleged order for N682m iPhones A report in a British newspaper alleging that the Federal Government placed order for 53 customised gold iPhones, ahead of the 53rd independence anniversary, has sparked outrage on the social media. The Independent reported on Wednesday that the FG ordered the iPhones said to be worth N682m from a luxury products company, Gold and Co. The Chief Executive Officer of the company is Amjad Ali, a British-born businessman based in Dubai, who supplies royal families, governments, and other customers across Russia, China and the Middle East. Ali was quoted in the newspaper as saying that the order from the FG would be engraved with the Nigerian coat of arms, a shield and two horses. But the luxury company has denied that the Nigerian government made the order. Rather, it said it was an unnamed private individual that made the order. Later on Wednesday, the company via its Twitter handle, @goldandco, in response to an enquiry by a Nigerian social media enthusiast, Henry Okelue, said, “First of all, no one is slandering. Nigeria is huge on the international stage and especially Africa. “These (iPhones) have been ordered not by the government but by an individual who is gifting them to people there to celebrate the 53rd anniversary. In the interview that was given by our CEO, he informed that the phones were to be made with the Nigerian government crest on the back. What was written and what was said are different. “We do not discuss our business with bystanders. Good day.” The Federal Government also on Wednesday denied ever ordering 53 iPhones from the businessman or anybody in commemoration of the nation’s 53 independence. The Special Assistant (Media and Communication) to the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Mr. Sam Nwaobasi, told The PUNCH that the report by the foreign newspaper was a lie. He said, “The Federal Government has not ordered for any 53 iPhones from any businessman anywhere. That is my answer to your question; it is not true, the Federal Government did not order, is not ordering for and has not ordered for 53 iPhones from anybody or anywhere,” Nwaobasi said But many of those who protested against the development online wondered who would make use of the luxury phones after the FG takes delivery of the order. They said the transaction clearly showed that the FG was not in tune with the yearning and aspirations of millions of Nigerians wallowing in abject poverty. “Just wondering what value this will add to the nation’s economy. Who is going to use the luxury phones? This is an apparent case of misplaced priority!, “one Uche Egwim wrote on Facebook. While some rained abuses on the leadership of the country, others called for an immediate protest to stop the government from concluding the deal with Ali’s company. Some of those who dropped comments online expressed the desire to find out why the FG embarked on such an expensive adventure. “I don’t get it. What’s with i-Phone? Is there any correlation between our Independence Day celebration and gold plated phones? I think we deserve to know. I’m not even talking about the obvious penury that is prevalent in our country. Just the reason behind it all,’’ Charles Steven said on Facebook. Many students affected by the ongoing industrial action embarked upon by the Academic Staff Union of Universities appear to be quite bitter with the FG. “The same FG says it cannot meet ASUU’s demands. Yet, it has ordered phones worth N682m. God will punish them all,’’ Afolabi Semiu Olanrewaju said on Facebook. Osas Chijioke also wrote, “At a time they said there was no money to invest in the education sector and the ASUU strike could continue indefinitely for all they care, now see what they are using money for.” Expressing shock over the development, Ebun Akinsete wrote. “A whooping N689m for phones! Yet the ordinary Nigerians are dying of hunger almost everyday. What a nation of wasters.’’ While many others expressed anger against the FG’s action, some Nigerians said they were yet to come to terms with the report. One of them, Alonge Olawale, said, “I don’t believe Uncle Jonathan will do this kind of a thing when there are many things to be done that are not yet done. ASUU should not hear this. If they do, they will never agree to go back to the classrooms until all their allowances are paid.” Calling for a mass action over the report, Adenike Oyalowo said, “As long as Nigerians remain criminally docile and complacent, this kind of things will continue to happen. And this will be regardless of the party that hold sway at the top. So long as these vultures know they can get away with whatever they do; so long as we the people are only concerned with chasing our next meal to the detriment of the country can we will continue to experience this kind of insanity.”
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 07:21:40 +0000

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