54 ~~~~DEAR JESUS~~~~ BY SARAH YOUNG “I have prepared this - TopicsExpress


54 ~~~~DEAR JESUS~~~~ BY SARAH YOUNG “I have prepared this day with the most tender concern and attention to detail. Instead of approaching the day as a blank page you need to fill up, try living it in a responsive mode: being on the lookout for all that I am doing. Dear Jesus, This is the way I want to live—discovering what You are doing, and responding to the opportunities You place before me. I know this is the most joyful and productive way to live. Nonetheless, the part of me that likes being in control resists this manner of living. Please teach me the art of living responsively. Beloved, because I am your Creator, I am the Initiator of your very life. Your first cry as an infant was a response to the life I provided. Many people think they can live independently of Me, but that is an illusion. I sustain everything by My powerful word! When I cease sustaining someone’s life, that person dies. So, living responsively is a matter of aligning yourself with ultimate reality: My sovereignty over the universe. The fact that I am sovereign over every aspect of your life can increase your sense of security, to the extent that you trust in My perfect Love. Thus, the art of living responsively rests upon a foundation of trust—in My absolute goodness, My infinite wisdom, My loving Presence. To build on this trust-foundation, you need to be perceptive: seeing things from My perspective as well as yours. Search for what I am doing in the big picture as well as in the details of your day. Living this way requires concentration, because the world is rigged to distract you from Me. However, the times when you do succeed in living responsively will be the best in your life: You will feel fully alive and richly connected with Me at such times. This is a foretaste of what awaits you in heaven, where you will respond to Me perfectly—throughout eternity! The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. Hebrews 1:3 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Matthew 10:29–31 But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. Psalm 13:5”
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 06:58:28 +0000

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