#55 Sandile:” I will come back tomorrow when you are calm” - TopicsExpress


#55 Sandile:” I will come back tomorrow when you are calm” me:” why are you still here? And don’t ever call to enquire about my whereabout ever again.” Sandile:” whether you like it or not you are still my wife” me:” Im tired of hearing that already, try something else” sandile:” your hormones are clearly…” me:” I’ve heard that before too, now leave or I will call the police” sandile:” no you wont” I I get up and take out my phone out of my purse, sandile:” why are you doing this?” me:” I need you out of my house” sandile:” its our house” me:” you don’t live here anymore remember” sandile:” now Im tired of being reminded that I left and besides the police have better things to do with their time than to come here” me:” really? But I bet if I tell them that you slapped me they will come” sandile:” but I haven’t” me:” but they don’t know that and beside I can always show them the bruises that your hands left on my body and not forgetting my medical report. The odds are against you, now do I have to repeat myself or will you be a good daddy and leave” sandile:” fine, I will see you in the morning when I come for the girls” me:” I told you to stay away from them, so don’t bother” sandile:” you are not being fair” me:” life isn’t fair” sandile:” you cant keep me away from them” me:” I can and I will” sandile:” in that case find yourself a good lawyer because this is one thing that you cant take from me” me:” then I guess I will see you in court” he storms out of the room and violently slamming the door behind him. if sandile thinks that Im his door mat that he can walk all over as he please his got another thing coming. I think its time I consult my lawyers Im done with him, its time I take everything that rightfully belongs to me and my children. I wear a robe over my night gown and I go to the girls room. My babies are sleeping peacefully, I kiss them and walk out. I go to the kitchen make myself a sandwich and tea, when Im done I place the dished in the sink and I go to my room. I stop by zodwa’s room who is busy studying, me:” are all the doors locked?” zodwa:” yes sisi and I’ve armed the alarm” me:” ok, good night” zodwa:” good night” I close the door behind me and go to my room. I get under the covers and call potential daddy no. 1. He answers his phone on the first ring. Me:” you must have been waiting for my call” lunga:” well, yes. I was just about to call you” me:” are you home?” lunga:” yes, what about you” me:” Im in bed” lunga:” I wish I was there” me:” me too” and that is the honest truth, I wish I had him around to hold me and tell me that everything will be fine. lunga:” what was the family crisis that had you leave so hastily” me:” it’s a long story” lunga:” a summary will be fine” me:” sandile was being sandile” lunga:” thought as much, so how did it go?” me:” bad, very bad” lunga:” did he hit you?” me:” no” lunga:” lethu I know you feel you need to remain loyal to him but please be honest with me, did he hit you?” me:” no lunga he didn’t” lunga:” ok, I love you lethu and I hope oneday I will get the chance to hear you say these words to me and I understand that you might still have feelings for sandile, its understandable but now that I am and will remain patient until he is fully out of your system” me:” thank you” lunga:” I want to take you out on Saturday evening, please say yes” me:” Saturday is a date” lunga:” great and where would you like us to go?” me:” anywhere will be fine as long as Im with you” lunga:” ncooo” I giggle me:” lunga don’t” lunga:” what?” me:” that doesn’t sound right coming from you” lunga:” Im just glad I made you laugh, its been a while since I was honoured with such a hypnotising sound” me:” Im blushing” lunga:” I can tell” me:” yeah right” lunga:” Im serious and I can tell that you are smiling right now” me:” that’s just a lucky guess. What else can you tell?” lunga:” that you are afraid to have this baby and you are worried what people will say about us and the whole sandile dilemma. Am I right?” “ yes” I whisper lunga:” lastly you are afraid to allow yourself to love me because you fear I will do what sandile did to you? lethu I’m not him, I never have been and I never will be. Just give yourself a chance to be happy again, you deserve it”…
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 18:12:27 +0000

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