#55_facts_about_Nepal 1 In Nepal from India you can come on - TopicsExpress


#55_facts_about_Nepal 1 In Nepal from India you can come on foot. The border between two countries is very conventional - Indians and Nepalis can move freely. 2 Visa for 2 weeks or a month can got at the entrance of the country - at the airport or at the border crossing. 3 In some buses prohibit carry large bags and backpacks in the cabin - they were taken on the roof in order to fit into the cabin more people. Since the inside, anyway, all the passengers do not fit, go along with the rest of things - on the roof. 4 One of the sacred places in Nepal - a stone in Lumbini, near which, according to legend, the Buddha was born. 5 The national flag of Nepal - the only non-rectangular flag in the world (it consists of two connected triangles). 6 The difference with Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) in Nepal is very atypical - it is 5 hours and 45 minutes. 7 Because of the lack of rich natural resources, landlocked, underdeveloped agriculture and transport infrastructure, Nepal is one of the most backward and poorest countries in the world. 8 90% of the goods and products imported into Nepal from India. 9 District of Thamel in Kathmandu - the epicenter of sewing fake, mainly sportswear clothing brands: Deuter, Salewa, North Face, Columbia, etc. Things sew pretty high quality, and they cost several times cheaper than the original. 10 About a third of women in Nepal are working in the tourism sector, mainly guides in the Himalayas. 11 Nepal - it is the only country in the world where the average life expectancy of men more than women 12 In the capital, Kathmandu, electricity generated is not enough to ensure at the same time the whole city, so the electricity is switched alternately in different areas according to schedule. Outside of the capital there is no schedule. 13 In the winter months in the homes of very cold, central heating system does not exist, and electric heaters, as a rule, do not use - its expensive, and electricity is not always. 14 Many homes have Nepalis in the windows have bars, but no glass. 15 In order to heat the water, the locals poured it into the black bins and try to bathe in the afternoon when the water warms up the most, but the street is not cold. As an alternative energy source more affluent residents use solar panels, but their power is enough for it to heat the water to just the warm state. 16 Nepalese winter home run in caps, warm pants, and sometimes in jackets, also asleep, additionally sheltered with 2 blankets. 17 Most of the Home Affairs Nepalis are trying to do for the day on the street to get the most sunlight. 18 Some of the locals are quite strange to the conservation of heat - they can be bundled up from head to toe while walking in flip-flops, with the result that often get sick. 19 Some of the most popular outlets - a pharmacy kiosks, which can be easily found on any street, and cough lozenges Strepsils you can buy at any grocery tray. 20 In the winter the weather is very changeable. On a sunny day, the air is heated to 22-25 degrees and you can walk in a T-shirt, and after sunset the temperature plummets and falls to 8-10 degrees. 21 On overcast winter days to warm locals bonfires on the street right in front of the house or the shop where the work, which brings together all the family gossip or just warm up 22 Nepalis, even with average incomes, often sleeping on the floor, and side by side with other family members. 23 Sleep usually fall around 9 pm and get up at 5 in the morning to in masimumu use of daylight 24 classes at the university begin at 6 am and end as early as 12 days. 25 Typical Nepalese eat two meals a day - lunch around 10 am and dinner around 7pm. 26 Instead of breakfast, as a rule, drink a cup of sweet tea milk. 27 The majority of Nepalis - vegetarians. Normal food intake - it is rice and dal (lentil soup) plus vegetable curry. Morning and evening meals are virtually identical. 28 One of the most popular local dishes in a cafe - its Mo-Mo. In form they resemble dumplings are cooked by steaming or fried in oil and stuffed with lamb or vegetables, and home mo-mo cook very rarely. 29 Meat eating infrequently, mostly lamb, goat, chicken, meat, buffalo or yak. 30 Dairy products are not very popular, but are sometimes found, including buffalo milk and cheese made from yak milk. 31 Beef in Nepal do not eat cows here - sacred animals. 32 In this case, as in India, these sacred animals often walk the streets in hopes of finding their own food, and eat almost anything, including cartons. 33 In Nepal, eat only with your right hand. The left hand is considered unclean, so to eat the food, as well as to supply or take anything it is not accepted. 34 In Kathmandu is one of the largest and oldest and most visited Buddhist temples in the world - Boudhanath Stupa 35 Near the temples inhabited by many monkeys, moreover, they clearly feel themselves masters and behave often very aggressive - grin, trying to get into the bag and snatch food. 36 One of the stupas Svayambhunath located in Kathmandu, even the so-called - Monkey Temple due to the huge amount of living there primates 37 As in Varanasi, Kathmandu conducted cremation ceremony, they are in the temple of Pashupatinath, which is considered one of the most sacred places for Hindus, to the burning permitted only relatives, but tourists can also watch all the action from the opposite bank of the river 38 in Kathmandu Durbar Square is listed in UNESCO World Heritage List, on it there are more than 20 small palaces and temples 39 Bagmati River, which is revered in Nepal is not less than the sacred Ganges in India, is a pretty poor show, and more like a dirty gutter. 40 Log in to the attractions for Nepalis free or cost a penny, and for foreigners in 10, 20 and sometimes up to 50 times more expensive. 41 Many tourists, coming to the temple and looking at the local, consider it their duty to twist the sacred drums, though few people understand their purpose 42 Despite the fact that Nepal is a very poor country, in general, are cleaner than in India. 43 In Kathmandu quite dusty, so many go, and especially ride motorcycles in the bandage covering the mouth and nose. And the dressing is often not a simple one-color, and bright, colorful, with different pictures. 44 Nepal - the most mountainous country in the world. About 40% of its territory is situated at an altitude of over 3000 m. Nepal - mountainous country 45 In Nepal, there are 8 of the 14 eight-thousanders - the mountains above the height of 8000 m, including the highest mountain in the world - Mount Everest (8848 m) 46 Trekking in the Himalayas is necessary to issue two documents - permit (permission to visit the protected area) and TIMS (registration card in the search and rescue service). They are valid for one visit, but stay in the mountains is not limited to - at least one day, at least one year in advance to describe your main route and duration 47 Everything you need for tracking - from clothes and shoes to backpacks, sleeping bags, cats and studs, as well as route maps and sunglasses can be purchased at Thamel in Kathmandu or Lakeside in Pokhara - Prices less than in Russia. All this can also be rented for a daily fee, or buy a new, and then return to the same sellers for half the cost 48 Overnight in mountain villages in the tracking is very cheap (from $ 05.01 per room), sometimes even offer free, in exchange for the promise of dinner and breakfast at the same hosts. Sometimes you can even find an accommodation with the hot water in the shower 49 Each guesthouse in the mountains, without fail, there is a stove, which flooded the evening and around which gather tired and frozen tourists. 50 The food in the villages is offered on a single menu with fixed prices, which increase climbing (per dish from $ 2.5). 51 One of the features of the mountain menu - is the availability of large thermos of tea, which offer some of the guesthouse. Since trekking day ends as early as 4:00, the time remaining well whiled away by a three-liter thermos :) 52 Snow in the mountains there is a height of approximately 2,500 meters 53 For a mountain hike can take porter - a porter who will carry heavy things. Endurance porters amazing - they are loads of 30-40 kg, there is not very much prepared tourists hardly rise light, barely moving his feet from altitude sickness. 54 Earnings porters is $ 10 per day, which is a good source of income for the Nepalese, while working with tourists is considered to have a big success, because otherwise you have to carry a heavy load even more for less money 55 One of the top attractions in Pokhara - flight with paraglider over Lake Phewa, of the Himalayas
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 05:17:40 +0000

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