56. That the beginning of the Invader - TopicsExpress


56. That the beginning of the Invader invasion in our country starting from the time of Mohammed Bin Quasim in 712 A.D., there was the gruesome murder committed of King Daher and thereafter his two daughters after outraging their modesty were handed over by Mohammed Bin Quasim to his uncle namely Abdul Abbass of Oman. However the Invader ruler after been instigated by the daughters of the King Daher got this Mohammed Bin Quasim death by putting him alive inside the leather of the cow for invading the chastity of two girls prior to their offering to Sultan. This was the beginning of destruction of our cultural heritage by these ruthless invaders. The description of it may be seen in a book written by R. C. Mazumdar namely the ‘Arab mission of India’. 57. That Sultan Mohammed Ghaznavi robbed Somenath temple. Ultimately after invading and defeating the different Rajput rulers for more than seventeen time from the year of 1000 to 1026 A.D. This man was the follower of Islamic fanatism, who destructed many temples during his aggression. Abdul Fateh Daud,a Invader ruler of Sultan was so terrified that he offered his apology to Mohammed Ghaznavi and at the same time Jaypal who committed the suicide instead of being surrendered before Mohammed Ghaznavi, his son Anand Pal was also defeated near Peshawar. In the sixth attack committed upon our nation by Mohammed Ghaznavi. Anand Pal thereafter associate of the King of Ujjain, Gwalior, kalingar, kannuanj, Delhi and Ajmer, but due to the division in the army , Mohammed Ghaznaviu again defeated him and thereafter the he attacked on the Palace of Nagarkot Kingdom. These invasions started from the year of 1007 upto 1027 A.D. continued to remain near Sindhsagar Navnandh, Yagesghwar, Barran, Mahram, Mathura, Kalinjar and ultimately at Katiabad due to disintegrity of the Hindu rulers. Ultimaley Mohhamed Ghaznavi died on 30th April 1030. 58. That the journey of Shahabuddin Mohammed Gauri started from 1176 to 1178 for the victory of Multan and Kutch. He conducted so many attacks with the help of King of Jammu upto 1186. He entered in Gujrat, but Mool Raj the King of Anhilavada got him defeated. However in 1191, he conquered Malinga and Shar-Hind, which included the territory of Delhi. Thus Delhi and Ajmer remained under his domination, while he attacked at Kannuaj, Chandivada (near Etawah), Gwalior and Vijana. Gayasuddin Mohammed Gauri died in 1102. 59. That the reason for the defeat of Rajput rulers was on account of the fact, which is exhibited by the recital of Turk aggressors that there is the survival of the fittest. There was no morality in the Hindu army and as such the Invader rulers defeated them. The main reasons for the defeat were the caste system and idol worships prevalent at the relevant time. The intellectuals were side tracked and the society was divided into much segmentation in which Kshatriya only were considered to be the fighting class amongst the Hindus. Hindu Religion was based on diversity of different caste, Creed, Sects and Multiplicity of Religion The citizens were having the orthodox feeling and they were very much living under the domination of superstitions. This was the reason that the Hindus were subjected to the cruelty by the foreign invaders. 60. That the Kutubuddin Aibak appointed a Invader governor upon Ajmer. He expanded the territory of Mohammed Guari to Meerut, Jhansi, Kol, and Runthambor. He converted many temples into Invader Mosques at Gwalior and Anhilvada. Bakhtiyaruddin Khilji invaded Bengal at the time of Kutubbuddin. There were many rulers namely Aalathmus, Razia Sultana, Naseeruddin Mohammed, Tuglaq Khan, and ultimately Jalaluddin Khilji came to the power. But his real nephew and son-in-law Allauddin Khilji trapped him and killed as a traitor. He committed the murder of Jallaluddin’s sons namely Aktali khan and Rukunniddin. This Allauddin after getting his enemy killed became the ruler to control the governance of the occupied territory. There was the stability in respect of the price of food grains. The cow was sold at one by third cost of the goat during his period. However Alluaddin died in the year of 1316 A.D. 61. That the starting of Gayasuddin Tuglaq and after his death one Mohammed Tuqlaq who was called as a symbol of many contradictions at the same time he was intelligent and cruel while on the other hand he was a religious and lunatic but he was called as unfortunate idealistic who shifted his capital from Delhi to Devgiri at Daulatabad .The successor of Mahmmaed Tuglaq was Feroz Tuglaq who developed the government farm and made the invention for the rotation of the crops. He converted many Hindu monuments and all these monument description is described at Fatauath- e-ferozshahi .The cities were known as Feroza, Ferozabad, Hissar, Jaunpur and Fatehabad during his time period. He created a army of the slaves comprising of about one lakh eighty thousand people belonging to the inhabitant of the same place where he was the conqueror. After the end of Tuglaq dynasty the Taimur dynasty completely vanished the remains of Tuglaq rluers. However soon the Taimur dynasty appointed Khijr Khan as there representative who created Syed regime. It has been said by the great German philosopher Gete that the success and the defeat are the part of the same coin as the joy and sorrow are reactionary and the unity is disintegrity are the reflections of the same quality. This was also the reason that after Mohhamed tuglaq there was the extinction of Invader dynasty and there was the beginning of Hindu rulers at Vijaynagar. 62. That the correspondent of BBC, London Times, Derspegel, New York Times ,Washington Post ,Christian Science ,Monitor Times and ‘life’ weekly’s continue to misrepresent these Hindu Building as that of Invader origin. The freedom of expression continues to ruthlessly suppress the truth about these historical buildings belonging to the pre-Invader origin. These Historian have meticulously calculatively kept their readership ignorant regarding the truth of pre–existing palaces and temple prior to declare them the building as Invader monuments.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 20:27:07 +0000

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