#5709 LATE NIGHT JANUARY Memories are so punctual. It never get - TopicsExpress


#5709 LATE NIGHT JANUARY Memories are so punctual. It never get late whenever you are looking for them. Often I walked down through the memory lane. The small and tiny pieces of past moments shines together in our mind. Even if it is humid and hot here, I am feeling some pleasant and chilling breeze with those moments of past. Two years before today.. Tonight, it is 5 degree celcius here. Winters of January shows this well-known magic at late night. Lights are dimmed, and I could see the bright lonely moon through the ventilated hole of my room. I am laying on the bed, awake and lonely. Even it is usual, its different tonight. I have no company to share the night, and talk to. We used to talk about the moon, the clouds that often hides the moon light..and the stars. The sky and their beholder were part of us. We keeps on waiting for bedtime. We even sometime skips the dinner to get some more time to talk. Every pulse of my Pay-per-second is an evidence. I am still numb that today is really happening. Even the promises are no more holding us together. Yesterday I was waiting for her by the fall. Our town is only known because of those beautiful waterfall. I unparked my bicycle at the roadside. Its absolutely okey because only a few cars are passing by this road. She was walking towards me. Her smile is her another asset, I said to me. We went behind the fall and started eating the bread and tomatoes, dipped in olive. She prepared that. It was fresh and crispy. Some ladies were washing clothes by the other side. They unnoticed us and keep doing their work. They looked a bit in a hurry. We have enough time. It was winter holidays, so school were closed. After spending a whole afternoon, and watching the sun going down by the opposite hill, we decided to move. Clouds were scattered more quickly then ever. It coloured up the sky. She grabbed my palm and stood up. Her gentle goodbye kiss was even more gentle. As if her lips never wanted to hurt me cheeks. We slowly started walking down and right and left and finally to our home.. And by now it is dark and thundering. I left the bicycle by the gate. As I entered home, Dad with an yelling voice: Hey where were you ? Go, pack your valuable items I felt like waking up from sleep, and asked: why? Are we going somewhere? Everyone was in hurry. Rushing here and there.. Dad: Noo.. Dont you know about the weather?.. flood is going to hit through here Mom: Hurry up son.. I without knowing anything rushed to my room, searching for those gift and stuff I kept hidden in the drawers of my bed. I got everything out, packed in my bag. I didnt realise I was talking to myself. Me:I will go and save you. We gonna save our stuff. She may dont know about the weather. My hands were quivering while picking the cellphone. I dialled her, but it is out of coverage. I climbed up the ladder and hang up my clothes, my books and all other stuffs in the wooden ceiling. And atlast that bag. I hurriedly went upto my bicycle but I heard Dads scream. I went back and saw him laying on the floor, he had sprains. I couldnt go to her. Time passed and clock strikes at 9. By then no birds is chirping, no wind, no leaves are moving but just an echo of some sound are approaching towards us. Rushhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....!!!###_-##!!! And it just happened so sudden. Cracking of trees and homes, waterfalls were over filled with water. And rushing down water, as much as it have... Everywhere water is rushing through. Our house was not in the way of the floods path. Screems and cries were well heard from everywhere. We just waited and was praying in our mind. It was the biggest cloud burst ever happened. Five hours past then, it was slowly getting quite. Many houses were destroyed, roads are blocked. And.. and every worst thing that could happened, did happen. And at last I heard about her. Their house is no more standing. And they all went to accompany the sky along with other people..and resting there forever in peace. Yesterday ended endlessly. Her last goodbye kisses were fortunate. They goodbyed.. I am no more waiting for anything today. Neither I am skipping the dinner, nor I am hungry.. And my eyes are flowing like the never ending waterfall, even if my heart is as empty as the sky. I am endlessly waiting for the moon to appear through the ventilated hole. Somewhere among those beholders of the sky, I am going to search her. I am starring at the sky Of late night January.. Seeking the other half of me Among the stars that seems blurry. If she stood up to shine back, I am going to smile And tell her my story.. Story that left paused, Between yesterday and tonight..
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 14:21:46 +0000

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