5774 New Year: Prophetic Word – Chuck Pierce “A TIME to PUSH - TopicsExpress


5774 New Year: Prophetic Word – Chuck Pierce “A TIME to PUSH YOUR DOOR OPEN!” Many of you will witness with the fact that you have been in a time of ‘transition’. Be encouraged, as this ‘transition’ is in line with the season we are in; the year 5773 – Ayin Gimel. We are close to entering a new season – the year 5774 – Ayin Dalet (Open Door/Portal/Opportunity/Entrance)! This prophetic word is timeous! “May the Lord give you ears to hear!” A TIME to PUSH YOUR DOOR OPEN! Chuck Pierce, Anne Tate, James Vincent, John Dickson, Keith Pierce, Leann Squier, Barbara Wentroble, & Robert Heidler My Eye is watching you! Now I will begin to direct you in a way that you will know that the path before you is being lit for your future. I’ve been watching and nothing you’ve done has escaped from My vision. I will now begin to order your steps, and in ordering your steps I will begin to lead you through and into a place you’ve not been before, and into a victory that you have never attained. My voice will speak over you and cause the path that’s been crooked to begin to straighten out. Look for your straight path, and on this path is a four-fold anointing and return for you. My Eye is on YOU! Now you will hear My voice and hear My Word coming from behind you, telling you which way to step. You will come to a DOOR, when you’re at the end of your strength, and you will command the door to open. And on the other side of that door will be the strength and the might and the power of God. You will come to the door when you are at the end of your faith; you will command the door to open, and on the other side will be the faith and power of God. You will come to the door when you are at the end of your health and command the door to be open; on the other side will be the healer God, and healing will open up to you. This is the season where our Kinsman Redeemer will redeem and open every door need for your entry! Death would appear to be final, but there is a power stronger than the grave! There is a power stronger than death. There is a power that raises to life. There is a power that renews again! There is a power that can restore! There is a power that dries every tear! There is a power that eradicates sorrow… There is a power beyond, beyond! There is a power that creates again! There is a power that creates out of nothing! There is a power that raises to life! There is a power! There is a power! There is a power! There is a power! There is a power! There is a power! There is a power beyond, beyond! Let the same Spirit that raised Christ form the dead arise in you! Let that same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead arise in you! Arise in you! May you arise and roar! Arise and speak to that mountain! Speak to that hill! Shout: be gone! Speak to that problem, speak to that mountain: be gone! Arise and decree that vision will come alive! Why do you continually war with the handle on the door? The enemy has sent that handle as a distraction. Look and see! All you have to do is push the door, and the door will open unto you. Am I not the Go that changed the garment of the priesthood, so that they could enter into the Holy of Holies? And yes, I Am the God that has opened the door unto you. Push, push, push and come in, come in, come in, come in because I welcome you into My Throne Room in a new way. Yes, today is the day. Let go of the distraction, because it is designed to ensnare you. Raise your hand and push, and see what is opened before you in My Holy Name. That handle is you asking Me, “How can I do this? I don’t know how to do this and I’m not sure how to work this? I don’t know how to put my hand on that?” Don’t ask that question any longer! Just push, and step into what I’ve ordained for you. There are no questions…there are only answers for you ahead! Quit trying to finagle! You are trying to finagle something to make it work! And it’s almost like trickery, you almost feel like you have to do something so mystical that you don’t even know how to do. The truth is that you don’t have to finagle, because I have created you to do certain things. I have given you the vision to accomplish the desire that I put within you. You’ve stepped in and are trying with all your might, but there’s a point where you must go beyond your comfort zone and your knowledge level. The knowledge level is that thing that you are wrestling to overcome. The voice of ‘I don’t know how to do that’ must be shut away. I AM not depending on your knowledge! I can step you into the connection with the resources, the people, and the information that you need to take you to the next step. I will say this to you: you must let go of all control. Just let go of control and quit thinking that you can finagle the situation you are in and the future entry that I have for you. I AM taking many people out of their comfort zones because I want to demonstrate MY glory. You will be an oddity in what you do because it won’t be because of your years of training and all your wisdom and all your skills and all your everything! I AM doing things like signs and wonders to show MY glory. Watch the signs and embrace the wonders! So don’t trust in your own ability to finagle, but just be willing and be obedient and trust that if I have brought you this far to do something, then I have all the pieces in order in front of you to complete the task at hand. Go ahead and say, ‘Just show me the next little tiny step’. Listen to Me —Every finish line is a series of tiny, tiny little steps. And not everyone is willing and obedient to do each tiny step. Therefore, their finish line eludes them. They run, run, run, without finishing the race! So I encourage you: make the tiny steps of willingness, be obedient to what your hand holds, and your feet will cross the finish line and the door will swing wide open! Barbara Wentroble had this incredible testimony! A testimony is the spirit of prophecy! “This morning, all morning long, God has been speaking to us about open doors. This last week I’ve had major painting done at my house and wood work does not dry overnight. I already had a party planned for yesterday – a cook out with 20 people coming. So all the doors and all the cabinets and the front door and everything’s open, and I have to alert everybody when they get there that I’ll have the garage door open, so they’ll need to come in through the garage and not touch any of the doors. And ll day there was this temptation to close the doors, because I’m one of these that don’t like doors standing open. I want them closed.” I heard the Lord say: “This is not a time to try to close what I’m trying to open. This is a time you’re going to have to wait. I’m opening some doors for you, and if you will be patient and if you will wait upon me, then I’ll give you access through that door. This is not the time to try to close what I’m opening, because you are in a new season. In the last season, you experienced that which was closed and that which was locked up to you… but you are no longer in that season. Be willing to let Me open those doors. And no, there won’t just be one door, but this is a season of multiplication. I am multiplying the doors that I’m gong to open for you. Do not get distracted and look in only one direction. I’m causing you to be very alert. I’m causing those dreams and vision s to arise within you. As for those dreams and visions from the past where the doors were closed, watch Me, as I give you access and I give you multiple doors that you will walk through in this new season.” The most difficult closed door is the one in your own closed mind. A closed mind is like a closed door to ME. In your thoughts, if you can’t entertain the thoughts of Me, you’ve got a closed door in your mind. This block will make it very difficult for you to go through any open doors. Poverty and lack is connected with your thought processes. Those with a mind unwilling to receive the abundance in My mind, who choose to live in their own understanding, will always have a measure of lack! Your mind connects with My Spirit and creates a move in the earth dimension. If you are closed to MY amazing Heavenly resources, you will automatically connect to a structure of poverty and doubt linked to this world. For this world is a enemy of MY heart. My resources are very abundant. Everything you need is all around you. I can open your eyes to see the abundance that is already all around you. Open your mind! Open your mind! Open your mind up to My Spirit! Open your mind! Open your mind up to the Son! Let the thoughts of God shine in on you! Let the thoughts of God stream in on you! All of Heaven will come down! All of Heaven will come down! I am ready to fall on My people if My people will open up to Me and declare no limits! No limits! No boundaries! No boundaries! Witty inventions more than you could ever need! All of Heaven will come down—SO PUSH—AND THE DOOR OF HEAVEN WILL OPEN! So SHOUT… and I will step through the open door! I will step through the open door! I will step through the open door! I will step through the open door!” An exhortation from Robert Heidler: “There is someone saying: ‘I do not have the resources to go through that door.’ You’re saying, ‘I do not have the money it would take me to get to the other side of that door.’ I have a word for you: ‘God has that much! Come to Him and ask for His strategy! Ask for the next step you need to take and watch God’s resources pour into your need!’” (From Glory of Zion International Ministries – May 2013)
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 02:21:53 +0000

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