5775 CONGRESS MORE PRO ISRAEL-PRO AMERICA HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN MY DEAR FRIENDS: We can all rest easier knowing that both houses of Congress, the Senate and House, will be much more PRO ISRAEL then it has been since SON-OF-ISLAM obama moved into 1600 Pennsylvania Ave-The White House. The Republicans elected yesterday were and are much more PRO ISRAEL then the obama-clinton democrats they defeated. They are aware that SON-OF-ISLAM obama`is in bed with the NUCLEAR iran and other American enemies. He has courted Americas enemies repeatedly during these past 7 years, and rendered the US a laughing stock on the international stage. He is a Black RACIST and Race Baiter who has asked Race-Baiter-In-Chief al sharpton to advise him on racial matters like Ferguson, etc. He truly disrespects the memory and legacy of the late Martin Luther King Jr. Keep in mind that obama has behaved like an Imperial Pres who bypasses Congress and tramples the US Constitution ad nauseam. I TOLD YOU!! AM YISROEL CHAI ISRAEL=JEWISH NO MORE CARVING ISRAEL UP OR PRISONER RELEASES THE TINY YET POWERFUL ISRAEL WILL AND MUST PREVAIL JERUSALEM IS THE UNDIVIDED ETERNAL CAPITAL OF ISRAEL AND THE JEWISH PEOPLE SILENCE=COMPLICITY STAY INFORMED STAY VIGILANT KING SOLOMON IF YOU SAVE ONE, IT IS LIKE SAVING THE WORLD their state=TransJordan NO MOSQUE AT GROUND ZERO WHAT ABOUT BENGHAZIGATE? WHAT ABOUT DANIEL PEARLs muslm MURDERERS? FREE JONATHAN POLLARD JUDY NEVER AGAIN NEVER FORGET AM YISROEL CHAI ------------------------------- BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS-November 5, 2014 By Lea Speyer As Americans headed to the polls on Tuesday in the midterm elections, many supporters of Israel wondered what the outcome of the elections would mean for the Jewish state. The results are in and it looks like Israel has gained a major foothold when it comes to bolstering support for Israel among American lawmakers. For the first time in eight years, Republicans are in control of the US Congress. Republicans won control of the US Senate and increased their majority in the House of Representatives. Republicans picked up seven seats in the Senate, giving them 52 out of a total 100 seats. In the House, several high-profile races ended in Republican victory, including Florida and Wisconsin. The usually Democratic-leaning states of Maryland, Illinois and Massachusetts turned from blue to red. The results are a major blow to the Democrats, especially US President Barack Obama. Obama now faces an uphill battle during the remaining two years of his presidency with a Congress that is now controlled by a party that firmly and vocally opposes his policies. The American people have spoken and they are not happy. Elie Pieprz, the Director of External Affairs for the Yesha Council and a former DC lobbyist, explained to Breaking Israel News that the election results were a bit surprising and created a “much bigger wave than expected” among Republican support. “The election results are consequential for Israel, especially since Netanyahu is trying to bypass the White House,” Pieprz said. “The Democrats are trying to differentiate themselves from Obama, who has been radioactive to Israel and the Democratic Party as a whole,” Pieprz said, referring to the rising tensions between the Obama administration and Netanyahu. In light of the results, Pieprz explained that Obama can either gracefully bow to the needs of the American people or work with Congress, or he can do the opposite. Democrats now have the task of redefining themselves outside of the Obama narrative. “Many Democrats have seen the mistakes of the Obama administration. In the 2016 presidential election, we will see many Democrat and Republican candidates who will want to restart the relationship with Israel,” he said. “Many Democrats will say they have a different approach to Israel than Obama. The toxicity of communication between the two administrations is something the Democrats don’t want to replicate again.” While Obama has hit some pretty intense lows when it comes to foreign policy, Pieprz said that when it comes to Israel, the president has been very “successful in pressuring and pushing Israel.” However, with Congress in the hands of the Republicans, the threats imposed on Israel by the Obama administration will be that much tougher to see through. “When it comes to Israel, the Senate has more responsibility and authority in regards to foreign affairs,” Pieprz explained. “Now we have a number of Republican senators who are fairly strong in foreign policy and very pro-Israel.” One such senator is Tom Cotton (R-AK), a Gulf War veteran who is “very strong in international affairs.” In the House, Representatives such as Lee Zelden (R-NY), the only Jewish Republican in Congress who “campaigned with a strong religious perspective on Israel; Carlos Cordello (R-FL), “a very solid advocate on behalf of Israel”; Alex Mooney (R-WV), who has been to Israel a number of times, worked in Christian political movements and is a “strong asset in the House”; and Mia Love (R-UT), the first African-American female Republican who uses her Mormon religious beliefs to “govern her positions and Israel is certainly one of them,” will be fresh faces and vocal allies of the Jewish State. “To have these kinds of personalities in Congress is very consequential for Israel,” Pieprz stated
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 23:02:25 +0000

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