5775 NUCLEAR iran DEMANDS ALL SANCTIONS MUST BE LIFTED MY DEAR FRIENDS: IN THE US WHEN YOU VOTE NEXT TUESDAY REMEMBER THE FOLLOWING: Let us be perfectly candid: Since arriving at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave (The White House) 6+ unbearably long years ago, SON-OF-ISLAM obama has treated the NUCLEAR iran more like an ALLY then ISRAEL. In fact he has purposely ISOLATED the JEWISH Homeland while bashing her (and JEWS) ad nauseam. After all, his puppeteer, one valerie jarett, was born in iran, and she is his closest top official and confidante according to him. REMEMBER After his first fraudulent election, she said that there would be all hell to pay for anyone opposing him, and that has truly been his mantra, hasnt it? The NUCLEAR iran has demanded that ALL sanction MUST be lifted or they will walk away from negotiations. In the meantime, they have accelerated their uranium enrichment program, moved their NUCLEAR program under non-detectable mountain ranges, and denied international inspections, ALL with impunity. Today iran is closer to a NUCLEAR bomb to destroy ISRAEL and change the US forever. I TOLD YOU AM YISROEL CHAI ISRAEL=JEWISH NO MORE CARVING ISRAEL UP OR PRISONER RELEASES THE TINY YET POWERFUL ISRAEL WILL AND MUST ALWAYS PREVAIL JERUSALEM IS THE UNDIVIDED ETERNAL CAPITAL OF ISRAEL AN THE JEWISH PEOPLE SILENCE=COMPLICITY STAY INFORMED STAY VIGILANT KING SOLOMON IF YOU SAVE ONE, IT IS LIKE SAVING THE WORLD their state=TransJordan NO MOSQUE AT GROUND ZERO WHAT ABOUT BENGHAZIGATE? WHAT ABOUT DANIEL PEARLS muslim MURDERERS? FREE JONATHAN POLLARD GOOD SHABBOS JUDY NEVER AGAIN NEVER FORGET Iranian official declares the country wants all Western sanctions to be lifted as part of a final deal on its contested nuclear program. ------------------------------ By Arutz Sheva 10/31/2014 Bushehr nuclear reactor Bushehr nuclear reactor Reuters Iran wants all Western sanctions to be lifted as part of a deal on its contested nuclear program by a November deadline, a top official said Wednesday, according to AFP. The announcement came amid intensifying efforts to conclude a definitive pact. The six powers in the talks with Iran - Britain, China, France, Russia,the United States plus Germany, known as the P5+1 - have set November 24 as the deadline after they failed to reach an agreement by a previous deadline in July. However, the chairman of the Iranian parliament’s National Security andForeign Policy Commission, Alaeddin Boroujerdi, said an American proposal of a gradual lifting of sanctions was “unacceptable.” “If we want a definitive accord on November 24, there must be an immediate lifting of sanctions,” he told a news conference in Paris,according to AFP. A Western diplomat close to the negotiations with Iran on Monday said a firm deal by the deadline was highly unlikely, saying Tehran would have to make “significant gestures.” The aim is to close avenues towards Tehran ever developing an atomic bomb, by cutting back its enrichment program, shutting down suspect facilities and imposing tough international inspections. In return, the global community would suspend and then gradually lift crippling economic sanctions imposed on the Islamic republic. But the two sides, despite long-running talks, remain far apart on how to reconcile their objectives. Western officials have said there are still important differences between the sides, especially over the future scope of Irans production of enriched uranium, which can be used to fuel atomic energy plants but can also provide the fissile core of a bomb if purified to a high degree. Iran has been toughening its position, with senior negotiator Abbas Araqchi saying last week he sees no prospect for a deal unless the other side abandons its “illogical excessive demands”. Araqchi recently indicated that nuclear talks with world powers could be extended again if no deal is reached by the November 24 deadline. However, an American official dismissed the possibility of talks being extended yet again after November, saying there were no talks now about extending the deadline. More on this topic Iran Claims it Foiled Another Nuclear Plant Sabotage Attempt Officials Reveal US is Cozying Up to Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas UN Concerned Over Continued Executions in Iran NY Times Tour of Iran: Another PR Victory for Dictators Iranian Negotiator: West Should Drop its Excessive Demands Steinitz: British Vote for Palestine Encourages Terrorism Iran, P5+1 in Day 2 of Nuclear Talks EU Hypocrisy: Helping Palestinian Authority Violate Oslo Accords Yaalon Tells Hagel: Were Worried About Iran Talks Iran Says it Foiled Sabotage on Bushehr Nuclear Reactor
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 20:50:52 +0000

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