+5Its just a media propaganda, Pakistan is safe place its just a - TopicsExpress


+5Its just a media propaganda, Pakistan is safe place its just a media hype, As China has Tibet, India has Kashmir then some other areas, America has some places, so every country have some places with some issues, Pakistan have some area boarding Afghanistan and terrorists come from there when ever they have faced attack they run into Pakistans mentioned areas, otherwise we are living happily here with peace. Pakistan has some great places also part of World Heritage sites lists, you can search some more places who are knowed world wide, people are very friendly they love foreigners. Pakistan is Peaceful country. thumbs upthumbs down +5Meri Pehchan Pakistan Keeping in view the potential of our nation and Pakistan, its geostatic location, its natural resources etc we can achieve much more. Pakistan with 2nd largest salt mine, 4th largest coal reserves, 7th largest copper mine, 5th largest gold reserves, 14th largest food producing country, 9th largest wheat producing nation, 7th nuclear power, a country with all four seasons, sea ports like Gwadar and Karachi, highest mountain ranges, most fertile lands and most brilliant mind can attain the heights of glory. thumbs upthumbs down +5Pakistan is one misunderstood country defamed by the international media. Its nowhere near to what most people say that its a dangerous country; yes there are places like in any country that are risky but what is not present in Pakistan that other countries dont have: the world most amazing river system, beautiful farmlands of Sindh and Punjab, the unrelenting, punishing and yet magical Thar desert, the multitude of mysterious lost cultures that dot Sindhs interior regions, the rugged land of Balochistan and our Emerald Khyber PakhtunKhwa (north province) that lies next to what could be a glimpse of Paradise (Sawt, Gilgit, Naran and other adjoining areas etc. ). Also our beautiful coastal line that is not only a scenic beauty but acts as a major trade route. I just wish people out there are not too quick to judge a Nation by the actions of a few FUELED by an international media consortium that has its own secret agendas. I love you Pakistan... PEACE thumbs upthumbs down Hereunder is a list of countries to whom I think in my opinion are the best in the world. 1. Pakistan. It was created in the name of Islam and known as Alternate of Medina Sharif. No one can harm it and it will remain forever. Other features about Pakistan has already been described here by one of my friend, I second him. 2. Saudi Arabia. As a center point of Islam. The holy Kaaba in the holy city of Mecca and the shrine of the holy prophet (SW) in Medina. 3. The united Kingdom (UK) The country which is known for their justice systems all over the world. It is the country in the world where everyone has the right for freedom of speech, freedom to live according to their own faith and religion. Any sort of discrimination is not allowed by the law. This country has accepted the people from all over the world and treating all of them with equality and dignity. Everyone is seen with the same eye. It may be called a small world where every one has been given the same rights as given to the natives. There is no country in the world who is so flexible, considerate, accommodating and ideal for those who want to settle in this country from other part of the world. 4. Turkey. A Muslim country who have a great history. The people are very brave. 5. China. A peace loving country. It has the largest Army in the world yet not aggressive to any nation unless someone compels to respond. A dependable, trustworthy and true friend of Pakistan. thumbs upthumbs down +5Pakistan isnt a piece of land only.. Its name of minds, set of believes doesnt matter if the devils bring violence and mayhem to the territory but they wont be succeeded as long as a single pakistani mind persists Because pakistan is meant to be Islam N Islam is to persist till the end of times.. Long live pakistan. PAkistan zindabd thumbs upthumbs down +2From the world highest mountain ranges in the north to mangroove forests in the south Pakistan has a vast variety of landscape... One of the worlds oldest civilizations first settled along the Indus river in Pakistan... Size of the army doesnt matter what matters is the Determination Courage and Training... Pakistan army is one of the Best in the world... It has proven its capabilities by successfully eliminating the Taliban from within Pakistan... And are ready to protect there home with their lifes... thumbs upthumbs down +6Pakistan is the best country. The people of pakistan is so loving. Pakistan is the stronge country and beautiful country. Pakistan is also full of greenery... PAKISTAN army is the most strongest army in the whole world. Pakistani girls are much more beautiful and decent than india and some other countries.. I really LIKE PAKISTAN and PAKISTANI PEOPLE +5Pakistan is the best country in the world. We have best religion, best poet, best politician father of nation, best people, best land, best community, best army, best fruits, best vegetables and everything else. No one in the world can defeat us. They can try their best to overcome but but all in vain. +5Pakistan is truly a land of opportunities, The Most Beautiful Country on the Planet earth... All we need is just good leadership we have every thing else...I.E. four seasons... Beautiful Northern areas... Rich Agricultural Land... Deserts... Rivers... And much much more +4We are the best country in the world.. We are the best nation.. We are most peace full nation.. After all terrorism, earth quakes, flood, drone attacks we are still alive, happy and united. We are the most united nation of the world. We have most beautiful mountains, most productive soil,.. WE ARE THE BEST. thumbs upthumbs down +5Pakistan has own culture and beautiful places to visit in northern areas. Tourist Comes to Pakistan to visit historical places like moenjo dara, harapa. Pakistan is full of natural resources but unfortunately we have lake in technology to make the most of it. thumbs upthumbs down +4Pakistan is the most peaceful country in the world due to this if most of the countries are trying to destroy its peace and even these circumstances people of Pakistan are living cheerfully almost. People of Pakistan are of very high potential of patience. Some day will come Inshallah when there will be nothing instead of peace, cheer, brotherhood and progress. thumbs upthumbs down +4I love pakistan its the best country in the world. It experiences all four seasons with a lot of historical importance! We have our variety of languages, cultures, religions, music, sports and best of all the FOOD! People offen mistake pakistani food for indian but guys all the BEST tasting indian food is actually from PAKISTAN and NOT india! Keep that in mind! thumbs upthumbs down +464 years of independence and we are still here and we will continue to grow difficult times are the best times in history of nations and we are going through it sooner or later we will succeed. People who said in 1947 that Pakistan cant last more than 6 months,64 years is good answer to them. thumbs upthumbs down +1Pakistan was made in the name of Allah. Thousands of muslims sacrificed their homes, families, lands, and way of liffor freedom of religion. The people already living in the territory of pakostan welcomed the immigrants with everlasting hospitality and gave them their own houses to live in and shared their food with them without any feelings of selfishness. We emmerged to succeed in this world where many countries thought that we collapse in days. The people of this nation have stood united as one and PAKISTAN is surely the best country in the world and PAKISTANIS are the best people in the world thumbs upthumbs down +3I think Paksitan is the best county because what dont we have here Gold Mines, K2, the second highest mountain in the world the best fruit in the world 1000000s of other natural things and places and its true we dont have the best buildings but thanks to god I have every thing in my country so I think my country should not be #9 but it should be #1 and people people please vote for my country Love Amna, ps please vote for my country PS hope pakistan has a Great Independence Day +3I have traveled so many countries in Europe, Africa and America but I like Pakistan because Pakistani People are very polite and simple. Pakistan is Powerful country in the world in Pakistan are four weathers. Pakistani people are very brave and beautiful. Pakistani people fear only of Almighty Allah. thumbs upthumbs down +4World best country with lot of natural resources facing multiple problem locally and globally. With these limited resources creating world best intellectuals who serving around the world. The people of Pakistan are very peaceful, loving, friendly and more... +2Lahore famous for historic sites, best food and culturally richest in the country. Karachi offers a modern side, Fast city and growing rapidly. Islamabad the most beautiful city in the country. Modern building facing mountains and valleys. Clean and tidy. I love Pakistan and I WANT THE WORLD TO SEE WHAT WE REALLY HAVE TO OFFER. +6Pakistan is a beautiful country to attract the tourists Pakistan is one of the few countries in the world where youll see all kind of landscapes and weather. From the majestic mountains of NWFP, Northern Areas, and Azad Kashmir to the lush plains of Punjab to the deserts and beaches of Sindh and Balochistan. +3the best country. the most important country for all those who want power in the world like America, Britain, and without Pakistan it will end like Russia. Pakistani peoples are wounded tigers fought with bomb lasts, guns, terrorist, and corrupt politicians thumbs upthumbs down +3Pakistan is one of the loveliest countries with natures best gifts... From snowy peaks to vast deserts... It has shown the will and strength to fight worst terrorism of recent times and has contained it for peace of world... Pakistan Painda Bad thumbs upthumbs down +2Pakistan is the most beautiful country in this world! Believe or not! Forget about those beautiful Himalayas mountains in Nepal, if you want to see the really beauty check out the northern region of Pakistan (sawat, gilgit etc). The karakoram is just wow & K2
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 11:16:06 +0000

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