6,000 years old?? Most of us who take the Bible literally agree - TopicsExpress


6,000 years old?? Most of us who take the Bible literally agree that the Universe is a “mature, recent” creation, about 6,000 years old (as evidenced by the lunar landing where there was the equivalent of about 6,000 years of space dust on the surface of the moon). This means that Adam and Eve were created in 25 year-old bodies (or whatever) and that everything was already complete. Similar to the Earth “created” by Slartibartfast and the Magratheans from “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”. Light didn’t need to travel 14 billion years from the furthest known galaxies. It was created complete. It didn’t “START”. We all know that micro-evolution is a fact, but there is no proof of MACRO-evolution ever taking place – not even in the extensive fossil records we have. My contention has always been that if the universe MUST BE 14+ billion years-old to fit current scientific models, then the obvious explanation is that we have no time frame for how long Adam & Eve were in the Garden of Eden. When you are in the presence of God, time would be meaningless and we would not age and everything would be static (roughly). Maybe they were there for 13.9999999 billion years. Procreation and “time” didn’t start until they were kicked out of the Garden – about 6,000 years ago (by Biblical lineage). I read an interesting article recently that went to great lengths to explain that the time gap came between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 and that the Earth was created (1:1) and then God had to make it formless and void (1:2) and start over about 6,000 years ago. That doesn’t make sense. God doesn’t do: “Oops, I messed up. Let me start over.” If He does, then, by definition, He isn’t God – just an advanced “man”. The Flood is a proof of that theory: that was, partly, as a result of Angels procreating with human women (sorry folks, Angels are ALWAYS portrayed as male and mighty warriors in the bible) and creating a race of super-humans, called the Nephilim. I assume that is where we get the stories of Giants and most mythology. God told Noah, BUILD A BOAT. IN 125 YEARS, I AM GOING TO DESTROY THE EARTH AND GET RID OF THE NEPHILIM. He did NOT say, from now on, man will only live to be 125 years old. I don’t believe in aliens or ghosts or vampires or zombies. I don’t believe time travel is possible or the human race (or whatever race) in the future would’ve already gone back in time and “fixed” everything (or made it worse, or messed up the space-time continuum and we wouldn’t be here now – or ever). Stephen Hawking helped prove my suspicion with his own experiment. I also don’t believe the Illuminati or Skull and Bones or the CIA/KGB/Mossad or the secret societies (that we all know about) or the super-wealthy have the answers and run the world. If so, we would all bow down to Warren Buffet (who surpassed Bill Gates as the richest man in the Universe by net worth in 2008) and L. Ron Hubbard (who died in 1986 – or did he? Maybe he’s just travelling the universe?). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE ENJOY: From my Messianic Jewish friend, Toviah Rose: Major Twin Cities Worship Event On August 2 & 3 the worship team, For His Names Sake, will be hosting a major worship event in the Twin Cites. The Saturday afternoon speaker will be Messianic Rabbi and author Jonathan Cahn. Saturday evening worship leader will be Barry and Batya Segal. Sunday evening will be Paul Wilbur and For His Names Sake. This two day celebration will be hosted at Grace Church in Eden Prairie. Please note: this is a paid event requiring tickets to be purchased in advance or at the door. For more information: kodinternational.org/events/restore-event/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defining Your Self-Worth TGIF Today God Is First by Os Hillman I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well (Psalm 139:14). What measurements do you use to define your self-worth? Do you define it based on your financial assets? Is it based on what you have achieved professionally? Perhaps you define your value based on the number of children you have. There are many things we can use to define our self-worth. However, the scriptures tell us there is only one measure for our self-worth. Each of us has self-worth because we are made in the image of God. And because we are made in the image of God, we are valuable. Whenever you and I place a value in ourselves that is based on some other performance criteria, we have moved beyond Gods view of our worth as human beings. You are never more valuable to God than you were the day you were born. Many of us have sought to determine our self-worth based on the amount of money we have. This is a dangerous trap. Paul warns us against seeking to build wealth in order to gain greater value. Paul came to understand that the greatest riches could not compare with knowing Christ. In fact, he considered all other material things to be mere rubbish in comparison: I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord (Philippians 3:7-8). Basing our self-worth on how much money we have or our achievements is an easy trap. We are bombarded with messages that say we are defined by what we drive, where we live, how many toys we own, and the size of our investment account. The media message is designed to create dissatisfaction and lust for what we dont have. Paul said the purpose for his existence was......to know Christ, and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death (Philippians 3:10). In what terms do you define yourself? Is it based on knowing Christ alone? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it: Your words, your dreams, and your thoughts have power to create conditions in your life. What you speak about, you can bring about. If you keep saying you cant stand your job, you might lose your job. If you keep saying you cant stand your body, your body can become sick. If you keep saying you cant stand your car, your car could be stolen or just stop operating. If you keep saying youre always broke, guess what? Youll always be broke. If you keep saying you cant trust a man or trust a woman, you will always find someone in your life to hurt and betray you. If you keep saying you cant find a job, you will remain unemployed. If you keep saying you cant find someone to love you or believe in you, your very thoughts will attract more experiences to confirm your beliefs. Turn your thoughts and conversations around to be more positive and power packed with faith, hope, love and action. Dont be afraid to believe that you can have what you want and deserve. Watch your Thoughts, they become words. Watch your Words, they become actions. Watch your Actions, they become habits. Watch your Habits, they become character. Watch your Character, for it becomes your Destiny. GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY! ~Author Unknown~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dominic Young Linkedin/in/DominicYoung70 or: Facebook/DominicYoung70 (612) 281 - 4176 (Call or Text) Dont get tired of helping others. You will be rewarded when the time is right, if you dont give up. Galatians 6:9 (CEV) or a Zig put it a couple thousand years later: You can get everything in life you want if you simply help enough others get what they want. Zig Ziglar
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 19:53:16 +0000

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