6/18/13 DAY 4 -A GOD DEPENDENT FAITH “I am the vine; you are the - TopicsExpress


6/18/13 DAY 4 -A GOD DEPENDENT FAITH “I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5, NLT) Jesus’ words are so counter-cultural. We live in a Sprite culture (”Obey your thirst”) and have a Burger King mentality (”Have it your way”). But God-pleasing faith says, “God, I am nothing without You. I need You in every area of my life.” God-pleasing faith assumes absolute dependence upon God. Jesus is the Vine, which means that He is the source of power and productivity. Have there been times in your life when you felt like your wheels were just spinning? Maybe you’re trying your best to make your marriage stronger. Maybe you’re trying your best to raise well-behaved kids. Maybe you’re putting forth your best effort at work. Maybe you’re doing all you can to reconcile a relationship. Maybe you’re doing your best to find employment. The problem is that our best effort is not good enough without the power of Christ in our lives. What do you need to do today to stay dependent upon God? Let me give you a few practical suggestions as you seek to rely on God today. Try one or all three today: Set aside 5 minutes to pray at lunch, admitting to God that you need His power and direction in your life. Take a few minutes to read all of John 15 in the Bible. Jesus’ words are so encouraging! Get a sheet of paper and make a “sin list.” In other words, write down some areas in your life that are not totally surrendered to God. Confess your sins, and ask God to forgive you for your lack of faith. Finally, throw away the sheet of paper and renew your commitment to depend upon God. PRAYER: “God, You are the source of the power and strength I need in life. Apart from You, I can do absolutely nothing. Apart from You, I cannot be the spouse You want me to be, I cannot be the parent You want me to be, I cannot be the employee You want me to be, I cannot be the Christian You want me to be. Forgive me for being so independent. Today, I’m all Yours! In Jesus’ name, Amen.” POINT TO PONDER: God-pleasing faith assumes absolute dependence upon God.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 01:33:53 +0000

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