6.19.2013 URBAN INSPIRATION CONFERENCE CALL WEEKDAYS from 7a to 7:15a: (805) 399-1000 350446# 24 hour Call back: (805) 399-1099 350446# “Wisdom” Wisdom’s a powerful tool and gift that I have. However, it’s one of those words that’s tossed around so often, it’s highly susceptible to cliché; I have to be sure I know exactly what it is since it’s so highly regarded by the Bible. PROV 3:13 begins by saying, “How blessed is the man that finds wisdom . . .,” so the Bible’s letting me know that wisdom’s something I have to look for; it’s not gonna come out and just say, “Hey!!! Here I am!!!” Wisdom is something that has to be found analogously to gold that was found in San Francisco during the gold rush. The gold was there well before it was discovered, but it required some digging, some mining, some tools, some work, some protecting, and some fighting to bring it forth — wisdom’s quite similar. Even though there’s a tremendous amount of wisdom available thru various media, I won’t find it unless I’m actively going after it. The Bible declares that everyone that finds wisdom’ll be blessed — where there’s wisdom, there’s profit and progress. I need to be leery of folks who say they have wisdom, but aren’t showing much corresponding fruit to it. Verse 13 continues referencing what’s gonna happen to the man that gains understanding. So I have to embrace finding wisdom and gaining understanding. There are many folks that are in the presence of wisdom thru ministry, books, and the people they’re around, but they lack understanding. It’s vital I understand and have insight about what I have, what I need to do with it, what it will do, and what it won’t do so I can parlay the Father’s wisdom in a way it’s designed to work as opposed to prostituting it in fashion that it’s not designed to work. Verse 14 goes even deeper, saying her [wisdom’s] profit is better than that of silver and her gain’s better than that of fine gold — not just gold, but fine gold. The Bible’s doing a comparative analysis of something I can relate to so I can see how wisdom’s supposed to make a difference in my life. Verse 15 says she [wisdom] is more precious than jewels with nothing I can desire comparing to her. The Bible’s telling me this is something I need to be searching for along with the gain of understanding and insight. Wisdom’s something that’s precious and greater than anything I’ve ever had in my entire life. Verse 16 says this: long life is in her [wisdom’s] right hand, and in her left hand are riches and honor. There are four different types of wisdom — the more I understand what wisdom is, along with what it will and won’t do, the better I’ll be able to use it for my own life. JAS 3:15 says that this wisdom doesn’t descend from above, but is sensual, earthy, and demonic — so there’s a heavenly wisdom that descends from above as well as a demonic wisdom which comes from beneath. I need to realize the dangers, the counterproductive tendencies, and the counterfeit nature that may be present beneath the surface in the other three types of wisdom. When under the influence of the other three wisdoms, I may feel like I’m going right but end up in a place of destruction for it not being the heavenly wisdom from above. Four Types of Wisdom Heavenly wisdom Earthly wisdom Sensual wisdom Demonic wisdom If there are multiple forms of wisdom, I need to make sure I go back to PROV 3:13 and understand on an even greater level when It says, “Blessed is the man that finds wisdom and gains understanding . . .” because now I can know whether I need to keep or toss the wisdom based on its type. If I get a hold of some earthly wisdom, I better know what to do with it — and earthly wisdom isn’t all bad as it comes from education, experience, and knowledge. This wisdom’s based off of trial and error and has caused great accomplishments on the earth and beyond (e.g., walking on the moon, traveling throughout the universe, cell phones, airplanes, clothing, etc.) However, there’s some earthly wisdom’s that’s proved to be unwise (e.g., the most important thing in life is to have a good time; don’t concern yourself about tomorrow; live for today since I may not be here tomorrow, etc.). If the Father has wisdom, the devil has wisdom, too; every thing the Father has to advance me, the devil has twisted in order to demote and contain me. The devil’s a duplicator of disadvantage, so he copies what the Father’s made for my construction and twisted his edition of the Father’s creation to bring about my destruction. This is why I need to rightly divide the Word of Truth (II TIM 2:15). This is why I need to think before I move and deal with folks that are wiser and smarter than me — folks that have an extensive and proven track record instead of something that just sounds good. And something that’s tangible is the provision that’ll make others wanna listen. This is why Satan wants me in a position as to where all I have is talk — so folks that hear me think, “It doesn’t look like it’s working for you; why should I be concerned about trying it in my life?” Heavenly wisdom’ll produce undeniable results. Next, there’s sensual wisdom, and this can be very dangerous — this is wisdom that’s driven by feelings. And there’s a lotta wisdom that comes from this — wisdom about men and women, relationships, finances, etc. Sensual wisdom’s impulsive — if one thinks it, one does it. With this type of wisdom, there’s a lack of discipline, and this’ll cause my life to end up in ruins. Finally, there’s demonic wisdom. This is wisdom that usually doesn’t seem all that bad on the onset — that’s what makes it effective in leading folks astray. I must use heavenly wisdom to combat demonic wisdom so I can think before taking a drink. Peep the rap world, for it has a plethora of demonic wisdom — “I can get a ki, break it down so I can flip it, etc., and I’ll have the money they have.” But how many have the money of Jay-Z? How many have the money of Nicki Minaj? And this is the deception of the enemy — to take a few and put em in the limelight, and then, like a pied piper, the rest of em are led astray for demonic wisdom will follow things, people, and opportunities because there’s no accurate knowledge of who’s actually behind it — that being Satan. --Pastor Troy Wynn
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 08:17:27 +0000

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