6/24/14 SBCC Prayer for our church, country, leaders, - TopicsExpress


6/24/14 SBCC Prayer for our church, country, leaders, families. Dear AMAZING AWESOME GREAT God, Thank you God for our church. Weve been here for a year now!!! I just want to lift SBCC up to you in prayer. I pray that in all SBCC does, it is all to glorify you. Its all about you God, we are just your humble servants. We want the world to see how great You are and to come to know you and have a personal relationship with you. I pray for every single person that comes to SBCC. I pray that youll be with the SBCC Staff as they are making so many huge decisions now regarding the new church. There is a lot of planning involved now. Give them wisdom, guide them, lead them, just open doors for them. Keep them healthy, strong and close to you. Please just watch over them. I lift the staff up to you. Let them feel your presence. Please God, help us to keep our country One Nation Under YOU! I pray for President Obama and his administration, and all the elected officials in our country. I lift them up to you. I ask that they will remember to consult you before they make any decisions. I pray that you will be their light to follow. I pray that they will uphold Christian values and keep you as our ultimate leader. Thank you soooooooooooooooo much for all your blessings....for blessing our country as we are free to worship, vote and enjoy civil liberties that are not found in other places in the world. Thank you for those who have sacrificed their lives to fight for our liberties and for our country. Bless their families and just let them know that you are there. Be with all those in the military, bring them home safely. Cover them with your protection. Please guide President Obama and help him to uphold Christian values. Please help America shine and Be Light for the world to see. Thank you for everything you have blessed America with. In God we trust. Help us to be One Nation Under God. I pray that you will bless our church and all our leaders. I pray that you will bless our families and our nation and our nations leaders. I pray that you will help our church to grow by leaps and bounds. I pray that you will help all of us reach out to others. Let us prosper so we can do your work. I pray that you will protect our church and keep it safe from any evil forces that will try and hinder our growth. I pray that you will protect our families and our country and our countrys leaders from evil forces . God, please give SBCC and the SBCC Staff your favor and bless our church. Please give our families and our country and our countrys leaders favor. Please bless us. Please bless our country. Please bless our church. Please bless our families. Please bless our leaders. Thank you God, AMEN!!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 03:08:48 +0000

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