6/9/14 On The NEXT ZoWhat? Morning show topic: The White - TopicsExpress


6/9/14 On The NEXT ZoWhat? Morning show topic: The White Knight syndrome: captain saveem: an expansive look into the mind of chronic Relationship Rescuers & their effect on intimate relationships Exclusively On TradioV 11am to 1pm PST/PDT 2pm to 4pm EST 855-878-4652 “The White Knight Syndrome: The Science Of CapN Saveem:” ZoWhat? Morning show topic: On TradioV 11am to 1pm PST/PDT or 2pm to 4pm EST 855-878-4652 community empowerment segment Please support these businesses!!!! ::::::::: Blackmastery VeronicaConway Ramomart hiploose arisehospitality Docren Pharaonicdesigns WBEA Taylorinsfin { taylorinsureance } I want to offer a First Time Client Promo - Free Logo Design/Redesign (3 options/unlimited revisions) Or 1hr Virtual One on One Wordpress training. (Web Backend) We will be offering Free Weekly Tips/Insights on a better online presence on our blog. We are looking to educate and empower small business owners and startups. Even if we cant help them we want to educate them and also create partnerships gain trust and get refferal business. I know you speak alot about supporting black business we want to help play a part. We also will offer discounts to non profits and more social cause type websites. I also helped corey with his website. My mobile number is 404-915-5033 -- Landon Williams - EasyBoyWeb 400 Perimeter Center Terrace N. Suite 900 Atlanta, GA 30346 Phone: (800) 807-0319 facebook/easyboyweb twitter/easyboyweb Creative Custom User-Friendly Websites you can edit Show Intro: In mythology, the white knight is a dashing character who rescues the damsel in distress, falls in love, and saves the day. According to authors Mary Lamia and Marilyn Krieger, modern white knights are men and women who get involved with needy partners, hoping that love will transform their behavior. Such relationship patterns, they write, seldom lead to storybook endings. We all find ourselves in need of someone’s assistance at one time or another. If we are wise we thank those who have assisted us as we regain our composure, we repay our debts and we learn from our experiences. Often we find ourselves in a position to help others. Again, if we are wise we assist those who need us without exacting some hidden toll. Wisdom dictates that we give graciously and receive humbly. This way, both parties are respected. In tonight’s show, we will take an investigative look into the world of sugar momma’s and cat’s that mack with their wallets, of damsels in distress and knight’s in shining armor. Tonight exclusively on The Voice of Reason Show with Zo Williams, we will shed light on the concealed motives behind secret identity of that age old protector of the weak and needy. Tonight we will expose, The White Knight! AKA Captain save ‘em! Questions: do you have an Compulsive Need to be Needed by your Partner? Are you only attracted to relationships where your need to be needed takes precedence over your own needs? Whats the difference between the extreme nurturer and the extreme rescuer relationship archetypes? Are you forever trying to Slay your spouses/partners Demons as means of indirectly slaying your own? What is a Balanced Relationship Rescuer, and what is not? How can empathy for others be used in Negative ways? Can Therapist or Counselors be White Knights? Are White Knights Simply Beta Males In Shining Armor? do you know someone wants to be paid in endless-appreciation for the empathy theyve invested into you? Is the Relationship Concept of You Complete Me A Complete Myth? Is Captain Saveem/The White Knight, A Gold Diggers Wet Dream? Does the White Knight Of your Relationship show feelings of resent, or ambivalence when you begin to succeed in life? Can The Traditional Good Man be seen as a type of socially engineered White Knight? Are you forever trying to save people from themselves? Are you making excuses for your partner? Are you always hungry for reassurance in your relationships? Do abusive, hurtful, shameful, feelings of neglect from your childhood motivate you to go to the ends of the earth to help whoever you’re in relationship with? Are you overly involved in your partners problems? Are you always trying to solve your partners problems for them? Do you feel like your love can heal your partner? Does Your Love for your Spouse/Partner have the power to heal their unresolved inner Demons...Or yours for that matter? R U attracted to needy damaged or helpless people? Do you engage in relationship heroism to mask a superiority/inferiority complex? Have you ever fallen in love with someone to compensate for your own weaknesses? Do you settle for dating less desirable people with hopes that you look grand in their eyes? Is your self-esteem dependant on your partner’s recognition of your heroic qualities? Are the white knight, and the gentle one in the same?
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 19:45:11 +0000

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