6. February 2012 In RE Androes World Savings Bank lien avoided - TopicsExpress


6. February 2012 In RE Androes World Savings Bank lien avoided in Kansas Bankruptcy in February 2008 Filed under: Bank fraud,Chapter 7 bankruptcy,fradulent documents,fraud,Illegal,Kansas,mail fraud,MERS,mortgage fraud,predatory lending,quiet title,World Savings Bank,wrongful foreclosure Excerpt 1 Trustee Carl B. Davis seeks summary judgment on his complaint against debtor Mark Androes and World Savings Bank (World Bank).1 Trustees complaint seeks (1) to avoid World Banks mortgage on Androes homestead as unperfected because the acknowledgment of the debtors signature is undated and (2) to avoid as preferential World Banks lis pendens to the extent it attached to the home. World Bank filed a response to the Trustees motion and a counter motion for summary judgment.2 The Trustee filed a reply to World Banks response, which also served as his response to World Banks motion for summary judgment.3 World Bank filed a reply to the Trustees response to its motion for summary judgment.4 Debtor filed no response. Excerpt 2 The Court finds that the failure of the certificate of notarial act to recite the date of the notarial act as required by KAN. STAT. ANN. § 53-508 renders it defective. The filed mortgage therefore does not impart constructive notice to a subsequent purchaser. The Addendum does not correct this defect. The Trustee is entitled to judgment as a matter of law avoiding World Banks mortgage under § 544 and preserving it for the benefit of the estate under § 550. The Court need not reach the Trustees preference claim. The Clerk will schedule a one-hour evidentiary hearing in the bankruptcy case on the Trustees motion to show cause why World Bank should not be held in contempt for its alleged violation of the automatic stay by filing the Addendum.31 Should the Court determine that a stay violation occurred, appropriate sanctions, if any, will also be considered at that time. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the Trustees motion for summary judgment is GRANTED. World Banks motion for summary judgment is DENIED. JUDGMENT shall be entered accordingly. 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App. 4th 1373 ◦11th Circuit ◦11th Circuit opinion ◦1382-1383 ◦2013) ◦2nd Circuit Court of Appeals ◦3rd Circuit ◦49 State Settlement ◦4th Circuit Court of Appeals ◦550 U.S. 544 (2007) ◦556 U.S. 662 (2009) ◦5th Circuit Court of Appeals ◦6th Circuit Court Florida ◦7th Seventh Circuit ◦9th Circuit Court of Appeals ◦accountability ◦active duty with the United States Army ◦affirmative defense to a judicial foreclosure action ◦AIG ◦AIG v Bofa ◦Alabama Court of Civil Appeals ◦Allonge ◦ALLONGES ◦Ally Financial (formerly GMAC) ◾Ally Financial Inc. ◦Ally Financial Inc ◦Ambac ◦amendments ◦American Home Mortgage Servicing ◦amicus brief ◦and instead deferred the decision to the lender ◦anti-money laundering (AML) ◦Antitrust Case ◦Appeal ◦appraisal standards ◦Arizona ◦Arizona SB 1451 ◦arson ◦Arthur M. Schack ◦Article 9 ◦Article 9 of the UCC ◦Ashcroft v. Iqbal ◦Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Mutual Fund ◦assign the deed of trust ◦assignment ◦ASSIGNMENTS ◦attorney fees ◦Attorney General ◦Attorney Generals ◦Audit Report ◦Aurora Loan Services ◦author ◦authority and standing ◦automatic stay ◦Avery Fisher Hall ◦avoid recording mortgage assignments ◦B&P Code Sections 17200 et seq ◦BAC HOME LOAN SERVICING ◦bad paragraph 22 notice ◦bank ◦bank crimes ◦Bank fraud ◦bank of America ◦Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company ◦bank settlement ◦bankruptcy ◦Bankruptcy Code ◦bankruptcy code section 506(d) ◦Bankruptcy Remote Financings ◦barack obama ◦Bear Stearns ◦Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly ◦Bernal v. Fainter ◦Blogroll ◦Bogus Allonges ◦BOILERPLATE ◦Bond Backed By Home-Rental Payments ◦Book Signings ◦borrowers ◦breach of contract ◦breached its contractual obligations ◦bulk sales ◦burden post-sale ◦Business and Profession Code Sections 17200 ◦Business and Professions Code Section 17204 ◦Cal. Civ. Code Section 1798.85(a)(4 ◦Cal.App.4th ◦California ◦California Business and Professions Code § 17200 ◦California civil code 2923.5 ◦California Code of Civil Procedure ◦California Court of Appeal ◦California Department of Consumer Affairs ◦California Homeowner Bill of Rights ◦California Supreme Court ◦Carman Moore ◦CARROLL COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE ◦case law ◦CCP 2924 ◦CDO ◦CFPB ◦chain of indorsements ◦Chain of Title ◦Chapter 11 ◦Chapter 11 bankruptcy ◦Chapter 11 cramdown plan ◦Chapter 13 ◦chapter 19.86 RCW; and that the trustee breached its co ◦Chapter 7 ◦Chapter 7 bankruptcy ◦Chapter 7 Stripping Unsecured 2nd Mortgage Lien ◦Chase Bank ◦Citibank ◦Citigroup Inc ◦City of Detroit ◦Civ. Code ◦Civil Code section 2923.5 ◦Civil Procedure § 2030.290 ◦class action ◦Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 (CAFA). ◦CMBS ◦Co-Obligor ◦Code of Civil Procedure § 1987(b) and (c) ◦code section 506(a) ◦Colorado ◦commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) ◦Committee on Oversight and Government Reform ◦compensation ◦Complaint ◦completing assignments ◦Composer ◦Comptroller of Currency ◦computer ◦Conductor ◦Congress ◦Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) ◦Consumer Protection Act ◦contempt ◦contest a sale ◦contract law ◦copyright ◦corrupt judges ◦Corruption ◦Countrywide ◦Countrywide Financial Corporation ◦Countrywide v. America’s Wholesale Lender ◦County of Kings ◦Court of Appeals reversed ◦CR 12(b)(6) ◦credit bid ◦Criminal Evidence ◦Criminal Investigation ◦Culture ◦cyberattack ◦cybersecurity ◦damages ◦Daubert ◦Daubert hearing ◦debt capital markets ◦debtor ◦Deception ◦declaratory judgment ◦Deed of Trust ◦Deed of Trust Act ◦default ◦default judgment ◦defaulted mortgages ◦defective Notice of Default ◦defective to toxic property titles ◦Demonstration ◦Department of Justice ◦Department of the Treasury ◦Deposition ◦Detroit ◦[email protected] ◦Deutsche ◦Deutsche Bank ◦Deutsche Bank National Trust ◦Deutsche Bank National Trust Co ◦discovery ◦disqualify judge ◦Distressed Asset Stabilization Program ◦diversity of jurisdiction ◦Division of Criminal Justice ◦Division of Criminal Justice Financial & Computer C ◦doctoring documents ◦DOJ ◦dual tracking ◦due process rights ◦Economic Recovery ◦economy ◦ENDORSEMENTS ◦endorsing notes ◦entertainment ◦epartment of Veterans Affairs (VA) ◦equitable mortgage ◦equitable subrogation ◦ERNIE WILKINS 4 BLACK IMMORTALS ◦estoppel ◦et. seq ◦event ◦Evidence ◦evidencing transfer of loan ◦Ex Parte Application ◦exclusive jurisdiction ◦exhibit ◦Expo ◦extension ◦Fabricated and Altered Mortgage Documents ◦fabricated mortgage-related ◦factual allegations in a complaint ◦Faiiled Bank ◦failed to establish that it was the holder of the note ◦failing to respond to discovery ◦failure to perfect mortgages ◦Fair Debt Buyers Practices Act ◦Fair Debt Collection Practices Act ◦false advertising ◦false certifications ◦False Certifications to HUD ◦False Claims Act ◦False Claims Act violations ◦false statements ◦Fannie and Freddie uniform instruments ◦Fannie Mae ◦Fannie Mae shareholder ◦FDCPA ◦FDIC ◦Federal Bankruptcy Court ◦federal consumer financial protection laws ◦Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. ◦Federal Housing Administration (FHA) ◦Federal Housing Finance Agency ◦Federal Reserve ◦Federal Rule 15 ◦Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure § 7012(b)(6) ◦Federal Rule of Civil Procedure § 12(b)(6) ◦Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure 7015 and 7016 ◦Federal Trade Commission ◦felony ◦Feltus v US Bank ◦FHA ◦FHFA ◦Fictitious Accounting ◦film ◦financial crimes ◦Financial Crimes Enforcement Network ◦financial fraud ◦Financial Institutions Reform ◦financial misconduct ◦FinCEN ◦FLAGSTAR BANK ◦Florida ◦Florida Ethics Opinion 75-19 ◦Force-Placed Insurance ◦Forced Placed Insurance ◦Foreclosure ◦Foreclosure Avoidance Program ◦Foreclosure Defense ◦Foreclosure Procedure ◦Foreclosure Review ◦Foreclosure Settlement ◦foreclosure-by-advertisement ◦forgery ◦fornia Homeowner Bill of Rights ◦Fourteenth Court of Appeals ◦fradulent documents ◦fraud ◦fraud claims on mortgage securities ◦fraud in the inducement ◦fraud on the court ◦Fraudclosure ◦fraudulent concealment ◦fraudulent documents ◦fraudulent inducement ◦fraudulent loan applications ◦Fraudulent Mortgage Lending Practices ◦fraudulent mortgages ◦fraudulent transfer ◦Freddie Mac ◦Freddie Mae ◦FSB ◦gangster banks ◦Georgia ◦Georgia Court of Appeals ◦GLOBAL BOYCOTT ◦GMAC ◦GMAC Mortgage ◦Goldman Sachs & Co ◦Grant 1 Million ◦Gregory J. Reed ◦guarantors ◦Guilford County ◦Guilford County Registry of Deeds ◦hackers ◦Hale v. Sharp Healthcare ◦HAMP ◦Hamp Fraud ◦Harris County ◦Hawaii ◦HBOR injunction ◦Hearing ◦high attorney fees ◦history ◦holder ◦Home Affordable Mortgage Program ◦Home Affordable Refinance Program (“HARP”). ◦Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) ◦homeowner assistance ◦homeowner committee ◦Homeowners Bill of Rights ◦Homeowners Loan Act (HOLA) ◦Homeowners Mass Joinder ◦HSBC ◦HUD ◦HUD No. 12-096 ◦Hustle ◦Iceland ◦Illegal ◦illegal activities ◦illegal debt collection ◦illicit narcotics proceeds ◦improper business practice ◦Improper foreclosures ◦In Town ◦In Washington ◦Inc. ◦independent investigation ◦Indictment ◦Indictment ◦indirect civil contempt ◦indorsements ◦INDYMAC ◦Infringement lawsuit ◦Injunction ◦intentional misrepresentation ◦investment ◦investment bank ◦Investor Fraud ◦investors ◦involuntary dismissal ◦J. ◦John Conyers ◦JPMorgan ◦JPMorgan Chase ◦JPMorgan Chase & Co ◦Jr. ◦Judges ◦JUDICIAL corruption ◦JUDICIAL FRAUD ◦judicial system ◦Juilliard ◦Juilliard School ◦junior mortgage ◦Jury Trial ◦jury verdict ◦Kansas ◦Kentucky ◦Kentucky county clerks ◦Kentucky recording statutes ◦kickbacks ◦Klem v. WAMU ◦lack of adequate notice ◦lack of consideration ◦Lack Standing to foreclose ◦lacked legal authority ◦Lacked Standing ◦Lawsuit ◦lawyers ◦legal standing to foreclosed ◦Legal writing ◦Legislative Bill #4409 ◦LEND AMERICA ◦lender option of repurchasing ◦Lender Processing Services ◦lien stripping ◦Limited Brands ◦limited recourse guaranty ◦limited to lost equity ◦Lindsey v. Wells Fargo Bank ◦LLC ◦LLP ◦loan modificatio ◦loan modification ◦Loan Modifications ◦loan origination ◦loan servicer ◦lost note ◦LP ◦magazine ◦Maiden Lane assigns to Countrywide ◦mail fraud ◦making false or misleading statements ◦Malcolm X ◦Mandatory Mediation ◦Mandatory Mediation Law ◦Mass Joinder ◦Massachusetts ◦material misstatements and omissions ◦MBIA Insurance Corporation ◦MBIA v. CWHL ◦MBS ◦MBS transactions ◦mediation ◦MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER ◦merger clause ◦Merrill Lynch ◦MERS ◦MERS Rule 2 Section 4 ◦MI Supreme Court ◦Michigan ◦Michigan Appellate Court ◦Michigan Supreme Court ◦Michigan Welfare Rights Organization ◦MINNESOTA FEDERAL DISTRICT COURT ◦misappropriation ◦misrepresentation ◦Missouri Merchandising Practices Act ◦misstatements and omissions ◦misuses of the discovery process ◦modification ◦money laundering ◦money-laundering scheme ◦Mortgage assignment ◦Mortgage assignment inadmissible ◦mortgage crisis ◦Mortgage delinquency ◦Mortgage Foreclosure by Advertisement ◦Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act of 2007 ◦mortgage fraud ◦mortgage fraud scheme ◦mortgage modifications ◦Mortgage Note ◦MORTGAGE SCAM ◦mortgage securitizations ◦mortgage settlement ◦MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITIES ◦Motion Filing ◦Motion Filing Requirements ◦motion for terminating sanctions ◦motion to vacate ◦Moynihan Deposition ◦Mozilo Deposition ◦multiple frauds ◦music ◦N.A ◦National Bank Act. ◦National Consumer Law Center ◦National Mortgage Database ◦National Mortgage Settlement ◦negligence ◦negotiability of a note ◦Negotiation ◦Nevada ◦Nevada Supreme Court ◦new fraudulent loan origination process ◦new mandatory mediation law ◦New York ◦New York & Delaware trust laws ◦New York Appellate Court ◦New York Attorney General ◦New York State Supreme Court ◦NH ◦Ninth Circuit ◦no indorsement on the note ◦No Standing ◦Non-Disparagement ◦non-judicial foreclosure ◦non-negotiable ◦nonholder ◦nonjudicial foreclosure proceedings ◦nonjudicial foreclosure statutes ◦nonjudicial foreclosures ◦nonlawyer ◦North Carolina ◦not a beneficiary ◦Note ◦Note and Deed of Trust to become split or separated ◦notes were not indorsed ◦notice ◦Notice 2012-5 ◦notice in lieu of subpoena duces tecum ◦Notice is Sufficient ◦notice of default ◦Notice to Appear ◦O.J.C. 5595 ◦Oaklahoma ◦Oaklahoma Supreme Court ◦Oakland County ◦occ ◦Occupy Wallstreet Protest ◦OCGA 44-14-162.2(a) ◦Ocwen Federal Bank ◦Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight ◦OIG) ◦Open Mike ◦Operation of Law ◦or “UCL” ◦oral misrepresentations ◦Order ◦Oregon ◦Oregon Foreclosure Avoidance Program ◦Oregon Foreclosure Avoidance Program (OFAP) ◦Oregon Legislature ◦original trustee ◦origination of loan documents ◦originator ◦OSSIPEE ◦OTDA ◦OTS ◦over-secured creditor ◦ownership ◦parol evidence rule ◦payment requirements ◦Perfection of Security Interest ◦Performance ◦performing unlawful foreclosures ◦perjury ◦permanent loan modification ◦person entitled to enforce ◦PETE status ◦Petition ◦Poetry Reading ◦Ponzi scheme allegations ◦Poverty ◦predatory lending ◦Predatory Mortgage Modifications ◦Premiere ◦president ◦priority lien ◦private right of action ◦Promissory Note ◦promissory notes ◦proof ◦Property Code ◦Prospect Mortgage ◦Protest ◦PSA ◦Public Citizen’s Congress Watch ◦publicity ◦publishing tips ◦Puerto Rico ◦QE Infinity ◦quiet title ◦Rally ◦Reading ◦real-party-in-interest rule ◦rebuttable presumption ◦recorded chain of mortgage assignments ◦Recorders Fees ◦recording ◦recording fraudulent documents ◦recuse ◦refinance options ◦Register of Deeds ◦REMIC ◦REMIC — admin @ 23:08 cc.bingj/cache.aspx?q=World_Savings_+Bank_+Remic+_+&d=4543183456568071&mkt=en-US&setlang=en-US&w=FAjFKuEDU0wSAEmjkyKT0gFd8FXCjYHw
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 19:17:57 +0000

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