6 Jan 2015 My nerve reserve but its been quite a week - and - TopicsExpress


6 Jan 2015 My nerve reserve but its been quite a week - and Independent Newspaper has seldom been out of the spotlight, from the controversy around a pic shared on social media of two top executives attending the ANCs big Cape Town rally wearing ANC merchandise to columnist Max du Preez dropping the group. (As David Bullard said on Twitter: Columnist sacks paper. Respect.) Its all in Grubstreets posts, below, while there is also a very interesting piece - full of excellent tips - by Contributoria editor and co-founder on what shes learned about crowd-sourcing journalism. This is a great option for freelance hacks in SA for stories for which they can’t raise interest among SA’s news editors (and we all know that newspapers are slashing their contributors’ budgets). Watch out next week for a piece on whats up with the various media houses internships and cadet schools and what Wazimap offers SA media peeps. This week we started including the Daily Sun and the Daily Voice in the daily front pages post. We had a few hiccups but these should be ironed out next week. Have a lekker weekend! Gillgrubstreet.co.za/?email_id=110&user_id=142&urlpassed=aHR0cDovL2dydWJzdHJlZXQuY28uemEvMjAxNS8wMS8xNi9ncnVic3RyZWV0cy1iZXN0LWZpdmUtbGVhbi1iYWNrLXJlYWRzLWZyaS0xNi1qYW4tMjAxNS8%3D&controller=stats&action=analyse&wysija-page=1&wysijap=subscriptions Grubstreets best five (lean-back) reads, Fri 16 Jan 2015 Grubstreets best five (lean-back) reads, Fri 16 Jan 2015 My pick of the best five interesting reads from around the world this week: This is really rather amazing and more than a bit creepy: Why on earth does David Cameron feel the need to call for new digital powers for the security services when they are only beginning to use the ones they already have? Suppose you wanted … Read more. --- Media in the media, Fri 16 Jan 2015 Media in the media, Fri 16 Jan 2015 grubstreet.co.za/?email_id=110&user_id=142&urlpassed=aHR0cDovL2dydWJzdHJlZXQuY28uemEvMjAxNS8wMS8xNi9tZWRpYS1pbi10aGUtbWVkaWEtZnJpLTE2LWphbi0yMDE1Lw%3D%3D&controller=stats&action=analyse&wysija-page=1&wysijap=subscriptions The SA media news of the week you need to know, as reported by and aggregated from the media: News24, 15 Jan: Johannesburg - Independent Newspapers on Thursday said it did not agree with Max du Preezs reasons for resigning as the organisations columnist. In his resignation letter to the groups executive editor Karima Brown, Du Preez said one … Read more. --- Max du Preez severs ties with Indie Max du Preez severs ties with Indie grubstreet.co.za/?email_id=110&user_id=142&urlpassed=aHR0cDovL2dydWJzdHJlZXQuY28uemEvMjAxNS8wMS8xNS9tYXgtZHUtcHJlZXotc2V2ZXJzLXRpZXMtd2l0aC1pbmRpZS8%3D&controller=stats&action=analyse&wysija-page=1&wysijap=subscriptions Max du Preez has ended his relationship as a long-standing columnist with Independent Newspapers with this hard-hitting letter to the groups executive editor, Karima Brown - and which he has just posted to his Facebook page. This follows a war of words between the veteran journalist and Vrye Weekblad founder with the presidency that resulted in an apology from Independent, … Read more. --- Brown-Mde pic debate an insight into theirleadership of Indie group Brown-Mde pic debate an insight into their leadership of Indie group grubstreet.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/karimabrownvukaneFromeuseubius.jpg This is the picture that sparked so much debate on social media yesterday and last night after Marianne Thamm wrote a piece for Daily Maverick about journalists and their political allegiances. The picture shows Vukani Mde (left), Independent Newspapers group opinion editor, and executive editor Karima Brown (centre) in ANC merchandise headed for - or away (we are … Read more. --- Max du Preez hits back at Indie for Zuma corruption apology Max du Preez hits back at Indie for Zuma corruption apology grubstreet.co.za/?email_id=110&user_id=142&urlpassed=aHR0cDovL2dydWJzdHJlZXQuY28uemEvMjAxNS8wMS8xMy9tYXgtZHUtcHJlZXotaGl0cy1iYWNrLWF0LWluZGllLWZvci16dW1hLWNvcnJ1cHRpb24tYXBvbG9neS8%3D&controller=stats&action=analyse&wysija-page=1&wysijap=subscriptions Theres a new chapter in the war of words between veteran journalist Max du Preez and the presidency, with The Mercury running a letter today from Du Preez taking issue with the fact that a correction was run by the paper after his wrecking ball column. The Mercury is owned by Independent Newspapers, which publishes a weekly column by Du … Read more. --- What Ive learned about crowdfunding journalism What Ive learned about crowdfunding journalism grubstreet.co.za/?email_id=110&user_id=142&urlpassed=aHR0cDovL2dydWJzdHJlZXQuY28uemEvMjAxNS8wMS8xMy93aGF0LWl2ZS1sZWFybmVkLWFib3V0LWNyb3dkZnVuZGluZy1qb3VybmFsaXNtLw%3D%3D&controller=stats&action=analyse&wysija-page=1&wysijap=subscriptions Grubstreet recently came across crowdfunding journalism website Contributoria because veteran SA journalist Ray Joseph made an appeal on social media for support for a story he wants to do on Blikkiesdorp in Cape Town (and he reached his support target in two days!) How brilliant is that - and if you poke around on Contributoria, youll notice Joseph is not … Read more. --- The persistent internet hoax endures, now on Facebook The persistent internet hoax endures, now on Facebook grubstreet.co.za/?email_id=110&user_id=142&urlpassed=aHR0cDovL2dydWJzdHJlZXQuY28uemEvMjAxNS8wMS8xMi90aGUtcGVyc2lzdGVudC1pbnRlcm5ldC1ob2F4LWVuZHVyZXMtbm93LW9uLWZhY2Vib29rLw%3D%3D&controller=stats&action=analyse&wysija-page=1&wysijap=subscriptions With somewhere in the region of 1.3 billion users, Facebook is the largest ever internet social engagement phenomenon. With so many people interconnected through the site, information can speedily propagate around the world – without any clear indication whether it is correct – and this has given new life to the phenomenon of the internet … Read more. God help Eskom CEO Tshediso Matona: SA front pages, Fri2015-01-16 God help Eskom CEO Tshediso Matona: SA front pages, Fri 2015-01-16 We have a variety of leads on the front pages today but many are focusing on Eskom and the warning that we must all learn to live with load shedding for the next five years. This is a warning weve heard before (in December) but this time its laid out starkly by CEO Tshediso Matona, who said yesterday: Eskom has … grubstreet.co.za/?email_id=110&user_id=142&urlpassed=aHR0cDovL2dydWJzdHJlZXQuY28uemEvMjAxNS8wMS8xNi9nb2QtaGVscC1lc2tvbS1jZW8tdHNoZWRpc28tbWF0b25hLXNhLWZyb250LXBhZ2VzLWZyaS0yMDE1LTAxLTE2Lw%3D%3D&controller=stats&action=analyse&wysija-page=1&wysijap=subscriptions Read more. --- Quirky & interesting (& Cape Times defends itscutting of Allister Sparks): SA front pages, Thurs 2015-01-15 Quirky & interesting (& Cape Times defends its cutting of Allister Sparks): SA front pages, Thurs 2015-01-15 Business Day and The Star are focusing on big national stories - Eskoms future (click here for Business Days lead) and the battle over the Hawks (click here for TimesLives story on the second suspension notice served on Gauteng Hawks head Major-General Shadrack Sibiya; The Stars stories are behind paywall), and there are noteworthy things going on at: 1. The … grubstreet.co.za/?email_id=110&user_id=142&urlpassed=aHR0cDovL2dydWJzdHJlZXQuY28uemEvMjAxNS8wMS8xNS9xdWlya3ktaW50ZXJlc3Rpbmctc2EtZnJvbnQtcGFnZXMtdGh1cnMtMjAxNS0wMS0xNS8%3D&controller=stats&action=analyse&wysija-page=1&wysijap=subscriptions Read more. Facebook Twitter Google --- Unsubscribe - Edit your subscription [email protected] Reply, Reply All or Forward | More Click to reply all grubstreet.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/grubstreetremailheader.jpg
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 07:09:21 +0000

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