6 REASONS WHY YOU DONT WAKE UP FOR FAJR? Why is it that we tend - TopicsExpress


6 REASONS WHY YOU DONT WAKE UP FOR FAJR? Why is it that we tend to miss Fajr more and more these days? #6 Late nights I am sorry but going to sleep at midnight is not considered an early night This is a major problem in todays world, full of all sorts of on-demand entertainment, where as before in the good old days we would wake up with the sun and go to sleep as soon as the sun went down (there was not much to do other than stare out into the dark and be scared) but today we have the Internet, TV, mobile phones, so many distractions... we should be glad we actually DO go to sleep. The sad truth is that most of us stay up way past midnight, going to sleep at 2am something, and if we manage to sleep at midnight we are proud of ourselves and call it an early night. But if you study the life of pious people you will notice that they have a habit of sleeping very early, some go to sleep straight after Isha in order to pray Qiyaam later on during the night, and even the Hadiths of the Prophet teaches us that he (sallallaahu alyhi wasallam) would dislike speech after Isha. In short, if you want to wake up fresh for Fajr, put the iPhone away and have a warm glass of milk. #5 Forgetting to set the Alarm Just five more minutes, pleaseeee! zzz The alarm clock will help wake you up whether you like it or not (usually you dont) and the trick here is to set the alarm about ten minutes before the desired time, dont set it 40 mins before because then youll wake up only to convince yourself you have a bit more time left, and thus falling back into sleep. #4 Over eating the night before Many people dont know that this might actually effect your sleep and make it more deep. Studies have shown that people with a full stomach usually tend to sleep much better (and also deeper) than those with empty stomachs. Now I am not saying starve yourselves but I do advise you to be careful not to eat heavily before going to bed, this will help you wake up for Fajr in time and hey, whos stopping you from eating then? #3 Waking up for Qiyaam al-Layl early just to go back to sleep and miss Fajr This is actually a Sunnah, but dont go to sleep again if you cant wake up afterwards. My advice is, if you do want to pray Tahajjud at night, make sure you dont go back to sleep afterwards, perhaps wake up half an hour before Fajr and stay up, the important thing is STAY UP. #2 Not truly understanding how big of a sin it is Funny how we wait at the flight gate 2 hrs in advance yet catch the end of the Salaah. We often take matters of Salaah very easy, Ill pray later or I dont have time now! are some of the common excuses we hear, but the strange thing is that if we have a flight at the airport at 3am in the morning we stay up the whole night just to make sure we dont miss that flight, you wont hear anyone saying Ill catch the flight later! or any silliness like that. So why are we so hypocritical? When it comes to Islaam we make excuses yet when it is about this world we come up with reasons? This is because, we do not truly realise how severe the sin is of leaving off the salaah or making the salaah late with no valid reason. Make sure you boost your Eemaan by attending lectures, or listening to beneficial talks etc, it is only then you will start working hard for the hereafter. #1 Committing sins during the day Hands down this is the number one reason why we dont wake up for Fajr. How can we expect to be given Tawfeeq (ability) to perform good deeds when all we do is keep sinning? The Salaah is the second pillar of Islaam and without it a persons Islaam is in question. I do not need to quote all the verses and hadiths for you to understand how serious the matter is, and like any other thing in Islaam we know that a good deed begets another good deed, and similarly a bad deed begets other bad deeds. If we truly want to get closer to Allah we need try our very best to stop sinning during the day. Dont get me wrong, no one is an angel, but if Allah is telling us that Salah keeps you away from sins, and you are struggling with praying these Salahs themselves, what does it say about you? Reminder for myself first and foremost [Big B] #Share the #khair :) Surely Allah will reward you for spreading Righteousness.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 00:00:05 +0000

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