6 Spiritual Productivity Tips to Help You Benefit From Rajab - TopicsExpress


6 Spiritual Productivity Tips to Help You Benefit From Rajab 1.Think about your intention.I can’t remind myself often enough: think about your intention! Myself— and you— should apply these tips with the intention to mentally and physically prepare for Ramadaan! 2.Seek forgiveness, and forgive!Remember: don’t wrong yourself. We all sin. Strive for a tawbah nasoohah— a sincere repentance. Ask Allah ‘azza wajalto forgive you, so you can start Ramadan with a heart that feels light and strong enough to worship well. Also, try to forgive others for the wrong they’ve done you so your heart won’t have grudges or ill-feeling and will free to enjoy worship in Ramadaan! 3. Fast some extra days.There’s no authentic narration from the Prophet nor sahaaba stating that there’s a special virtue in fasting in Rajab. The same fasting is prescribed as in the other months, e.g. Mondays and Thursdays and the three days of al-Beedh (the mid three days of the lunar month) or fasting alternate days. There is no better way to prepare mentally and physically than to fast some extra days. So if you’ve never fasted on Monday or Thursday, start at least with one day a week! 4.Deprive yourself.Start training yourself to resist by not indulging in things your nafs desires. Have a simple dinner over the weekend, for example, or avoid biscuits and sweets for a change. This will set the tone for you to control your nafs in Ramadaan. 5. Think about your charity.In this sacred month do charitable deeds consciously and with the intention to please Allah. Think about good deeds you can do. Help someone, cook for someone, give a compliment, make your mother smile, and even trying to stay away from a bad habit (like watching too much television)! 6. Make dua.Ask Allah for His forgiveness and to bless us to reach Ramadan and benefit from this month and Sha’baan after it in preparing for it effectively. Ask Allah to accept your past Ramadans
Posted on: Thu, 01 May 2014 04:59:30 +0000

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