6 Steps to Get Your Lymphatic System Moving by Ion 1 Comment - TopicsExpress


6 Steps to Get Your Lymphatic System Moving by Ion 1 Comment These days I was reading an article by Dr. John Douillard - The Miracle of Lymph, and he was saying that lymphatic system is the most forgotten, under studied and least understood system in the body. Then it hit me that I wasn’t even aware about it as well. As long as I actively practiced sports my lymphatic system worked well and it took good care about my health condition (even if I wasn’t aware of that), but now when my lifestyle changed towards a sitting job, I got interested about it. Maintaining the lymphatic system Having a sitting lifestyle doesn’t feel that dangerous. But you may not know that the lack of movement affects your lymphatic system, which is an important aspect of your immunity. In time the lymphatic system becomes toxic and sluggish and your body becomes weak in front of common health disorder. If you think that the lymphatic system works on its own, it’s not really like that. The lymphatic system needs your help, because it doesn’t have a pump like the heart for the circulatory system. If you’ll maintain the lymphatic system’s ability to detoxify well and eliminate waste efficiently, you’ll enjoy longevity and optimal health. So what can you do about it? 1. Move your body To live, keep moving A good flow of lymph relies on the contractions of your muscles. Muscle contraction massages the lymphatic system and promotes the flow of the fluid through your lymph vessels. Incorporate regular exercising in your life and you will have a healthy lymphatic system. You can choose from stretching, tai chi, pilates, daily walks and other moderate activities are also helpful. Make exercising a regular and joy-inducing part of your life and your lymphatic system will appreciate this. 2. Breath deeply Deep breathing pumps up the lymphatic system. When you breathe deeply the Diaphragm moves down and moves upward when you exhale, moving the fluid. The expansion and contraction of the Diaphragm actually stimulates your lymph system and massages your internal organs, helping the body rid itself of the toxins, and leaving more room in the cells for an optimal exchange of oxygen. 3. Drink water To make the lymph fluid flow freely it needs an adequate amount of water. Make sure you drink water daily to keep the lymphatic system functioning at its best. 4. Sweating is a great therapy Sometimes sweat is the best form of therapy. Your skin is the largest organ in your body and one of its primary functions is elimination of toxins through the pores. It helps your lymphatic system. Do you know how groovy it feels after you sweat buckets? It’s great! Saunas and steam baths greatly accelerate the process. Also the heat increases the heart rate and your breathing, both of which help move lymph fluid along. Author’s note: When I was practicing sport intensively I was doing an enormous amount of exercising. And all the above mentioned was part of my lifestyle and things like deep breathing, sweating and drinking water was a part of a natural process which importance I wasn’t realizing. When you exercise on a regular basis all the above will take care by itself. 5. Get a gentle massage. A lymphatic drainage massage is a customized form of bodywork that helps the body clear sluggish tissues and swelling. The lymphatic system is located right under the skin, so the massage therapist will apply very light pressure in a rhythmic and circular motion. Too much pressure feels good on the muscles, but it’s not that effective for the lymphatic system. 6. Eat a clean diet To keep your lymphatic system moving it’s necessary to eat a clean and balanced diet. During the winter time when the body needs to keep the warmth inside eat more raw food, unsalted nuts and seeds to power up your lymph with adequate fatty acids. During the spring the body needs to open up, eat more fruits and vegetables. You can easily eat them on an empty stomach because they are great lymph cleansers. It’s easy, just do it As you see, the process to keep the lymphatic system work is not complicated. Yet it’s very difficult to stick to it and make it a regular habit. Get rid of bad habits and replace them going to sauna once a month, spend less time in front of the screens and get out where beautiful nature is. You’ll make an important step towards a stronger immune system and less headaches, fevers, hand and leg swelling. Isn’t that beautiful?
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 19:38:56 +0000

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