6 THINGS YOU DIDNT KNOW ABOUT CHILDHOOD OBESITY. TAKE ACTION WITH EDENEFITNESS NOW. LETS DO IT!!! Obesity simply means having too much body fat Childhood obesity is spreading like wildfire. With our current lifestyle and nutritional habits the percentage of overweight children keeps growing at an alarming rate The causes are multiple: Some parents don’t have the first clue about nutrition and healthy living and those who have simply don’t apply it and still feed their kids junk food and let them spend most of the day in front of the TV or playing video games. For some it is a way of expressing their love or just keeping the kids quiet and happy. Do you know that the complications of obesity are terrifying? • Type 2 diabetes. • High blood pressure and elevated cholesterol especially elevated bad LDL and tryglycerides are much more common in obese children. • Several bone and joint disorders in childhood are related to obesity, the most serious being a slippage of the growth plate in the hip bone called slipped capital femoral epiphysis. • There are numerous studies now that suggest many other disorders may be related to obesity, including liver and kidney diseases, and even a possible increased risk of cancers. • Lower life expectancy means obese kids are likely to die younger than they should. • Emotional and mental trauma that can take a significant tool on self-esteem and self worth. It is disturbing when you see fit parents with obese children. It seems like some parents take care of themselves but allow their kids to get to that state. As a leading Personal Trainer and Nutrition consultant, known and respected for my work ethic and outstanding results. I have worked with dozens of obese, overweight and perfectly fit kids over the past few years. I understand and share parents concerns and pain. I know it’s HARD, but you’re not Alone in this BATTLE anymore. BIG NEWS!!!! Edenefitness KID BOOTCAMP will start in September. Places are very limited and only 20 kids will be admitted. contact us for details. Take action today and transform your loved one’s life Like and share this article with your friends, colleagues and family. Follow: alainthecaveman on instagram References PhD, Stephen Daniels, MD, PhD, John Foreyt, PhD, Gary Foster, PhD, Elizabeth Goodman, MD, David Heber, MD, PhD, David Katz, MD, Francine Kaufman, MD, David Ludwig, MD,
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 10:29:07 +0000

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