6 THINGS YOU PROBABLY DIDNT KNOW ABOUT MYSELF AND MY 59 YEARS ON THIS EARTH: #1: At the age of 19 soon to be 20 at the Ritz Carlton hotel in New York City I wrote and and composed the Grammy winning song the way we were performed by Barbra Streisand , it was a cold and wet night while I sat in my motel room bored I started placing words on a scratch pad to pass the time as I had done since the age of three and came up with the words and music to the song THE WAY WE WERE just as I finished I placed the note pad on the night stand and fell fast asleep, the next morning I awoke and rushed to the airport to catch a flight to Brazil where I had booked a trip up the Amazon River to fish for Peacock Bass ! Two months later on my return from the remote jungles I read where Marvin Hamlisch had somehow gotten his grubby little fingers on my song and plagiarized it winning SONG OF THE YEAR in 1974 !!!!!!! #2: In late 1975 having dual citizenship with France I went to Paris to visit a close family friend Valery Giscard d Estaing, the conservative President of France who had just taken office and was convinced by him to join the French Foreign Legion and quit my drifting and drinking and try and make something of my life !!! Little did I know that 6 months later I would be sent to the deserts of Sudan in North Africa where during a sand storm became separated from my fellow soldiers and ended up lost in the desert of the Sudan for 65 days with no water, only my trustworthy and faithful camel CLYDE , having no water or food I lived on Camel milk and the few lizards and tarantulas I could catch and those I ate raw because there was no wood to build a fire !!! I was located by Bob Hope and Bing Crosby doing a remake of the movie ON THE ROAD TO BALI they had chosen this area to film because of the enormous sand dunes !!! Thank God for Me and Clyde that Bob came along when he did , we were lifelong friends from that day till he died in 2003 at 100 years old !!! #3: In 1979 I and Clyde who had been presented to me as recognition of my survival in the Desert by the French government returned to the USA in search of a bride where I found Cynthia my current wife of 32 years who I married after a quick courtship of 35 days , only problem we have experienced is Cynthias jealousy of Clyde and her reluctance to try camel milk !!! #4: In 1985 my firstborn Melinda Nicole Cohrs arrived who I delivered while on an expedition at the North Pole , I was assisted by my step son Jason M. King who was in charge of the sled dogs and navigation at the young age of 13 , he and I were stalking a male Walrus with 6 feet long tusk , we knew he was going to be world record when alerted that Cynthia was experiencing rapid labor pains , rushing to her side after killing and processing the Walrus carcass we found the baby girl had already arrived and was laying on the sled with no blankets next to her mother who had passed out during birth , we still attribute this event to why Melinda loves the cold weather of winter !!! #5: It was only 2 years later when her brother Neal arrived in an Onion field south of Donna Texas , it was a humid day in December on the 29 , we were hoeing weeds , Cynthia was already a week past due and we thought some vigorous work might speed up the process , Cynthia was lagging behind as usual chopping out more onions than weeds when she screamed out that the baby boy had arrived , running back to her we found Neal there laying in the 1/2 grown onion crop and right away we knew he was different than any child in history , I rushed him to the pickup and placed him on the tailgate where he would barely fit, grabbing a tape measure from the truck he measured a full 5 feet long and weighed in at 15 and 3/4 pounds ! He holds the record for the longest baby in history but not the heaviest!!!! #6: There were least 30 other interesting stories to tell you of my life but I thought Id finish up with this one , on a fishing trip in 2011 in the frigid waters off the shores of Kennebunkport Maine just off Walkers Point about 23 miles offshore in a storm which came up unexpectedly my boat capsized after being hit by an enormous wave , I was alone and treading water in the Atlantic in 50 degree water for at least 3 hours (with no life jacket) when a Dolphin swam up beside me, with my numb, trembling hands I grabbed his long Dorsal Fin and held on for life he carried me up to a dock where I pulled myself up and was found by none other than George Bush Sr. He and Barbara were hosting a family reunion and with Bush 43 or Junior as I now call him they helped me into their home and had Laura lay on top of me for body heat till paramedics arrived. We, to this day have a great friendship and talk on a regular basis on the phone!!!
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 15:54:26 +0000

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