6. The flyers As everyone in the small court began gathering - TopicsExpress


6. The flyers As everyone in the small court began gathering themselves up to leave. The doors in the front of the room once again slid open. Two men entered wearing amber jumpsuits. As they walked their hands busily tied up the excess cloth on their sleeves. Madam Beal was the first to see them enter and gasped. Oh dear holy trinity! Flyers were seldom seen at ground level. They trained in secret outside Vail. The only glimpse of them was atop the towers that encircled the protectorate. To see them up close meant trouble. The prince paused and looked at the two. Good flyers. Why have you abandoned your posts? He asked. John spoke for both men. Your grace the savages gathered in Dinah. Theyve come up the mount and we are come to alert the Portella. I see, said the prince. And why has the watch not come. Why were you forced off the towers? John looked at the watchman apologetically then spoke. They left this morn to bring the new arrivals. Yet by this eve wed not heard report of their return to their posts from the runners. The watchman looked puzzled. Austin seemed suddenly filled with terror. Dinah! He shouted and ran from the room. Reginald shook his head then spoke to the room. Do forgive the governor. Hes a man with very little courage, and yet less sense. You good flyers go to the armory and alert the sergeant at arms. Watchman, go down to the station and do find replacements for our missing men. As for everyone else please carry on. The walls of Vail have never been breached and today shant be any different. He finished smugly. The three men with orders left the court hurriedly. Ordec turned to Gabriel and beckoned him to follow. Madam Beal sighed and rose. The prince stopped her and quietly whispered to her. Find that fool before he causes a panic, and Im forced to remove his head! Yes your grace. She replied.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 18:49:49 +0000

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