6 Travel Myths.... Myth 1: Everyone speaks some semblance of - TopicsExpress


6 Travel Myths.... Myth 1: Everyone speaks some semblance of English Youll likely be able to get by in major global metropolises, but dont count on a single cab driver, most restaurant staff, or even many hoteliers in Mainland China to have a clue what youre saying. Similarly, theres a romantic notion Stateside that all Europeans are remarkably bi-, tri-, or quad-lingual, but its not true. Why should the waiter in Avignon speak any more English than your local McDonalds cashier speaks French? The least you can do is carry around a translator; everyone already knows youre a tourist -- own it. Myth 2: Duty frees a good deal Unless youre scoring a magnum of Jim Beam and cartons of smokes, duty free isnt really a great deal most of the time. About 1/3 of items purchased are high-end products like bags, sunglasses & jewelry; and even though the items are tax free at the airport, theyre often marked up beyond what theyd cost in outside stores. Exception: Countries with steep taxes on booze. Landing in Australia? Stock up before catching your roo into the city, where pre-gamings noticeably more expensive. Myth 3: Pick-pocketers run rampant Most destinations where tourisms big are safer than you think. Is there a chance youll get pick-pocketed on Las Ramblas in Barcelona, or riding the Paris Metro? Of course, but it could also happen in a place like Wilmington, NC, and thats where Dawsons Creek was filmed (mad safe). There are, however, some general rules to follow to ensure your wallet stays where it belongs: DONT keep it in your back pocket when youre in a crowd, DONT whip out a map on the street, revealing yourself to be a clueless tourist, and DO wear a wolf t-shirt -- theyre badass and no one messes with dudes in wolf shirts. Its a fact. Myth 4: Your souvenirs were made locally Unless youre in Honduras or China, chances are those authentic goods the vendors are wildly shaking in your face were made elsewhere… like China or Honduras. While most people say they buy said tchotchke as a reminder of their trip, this is BS; you bought it so you can drop it into conversations back home -- admit it. Myth 5: Haggle for everything, and never pay more than 10% of the asking price The truth is, not everyones trying to rip you off. And that $7 bag you insist is only worth $6? The buck in-between is way more useful to the vendor if youve got the means to travel abroad. A good question to ask before you start wheeling-and-dealing: Is that bag worth $7 to you, regardless of the knowledge it might be sold to a local for $6? Yes? Sold. No? Move along in search of another bag. Myth 6: Tours are for suckers Obviously this can be true, but chances are your tour guide knows a ton of people, a ton of cool bars, and ton of places to score delicious local eats. Youre essentially paying for a best friend, but one that wont make out with the girl you like at the bar and then say she wasnt your type anyway -- thanks a lot, Dad! Guided tours also provide you with a way to get exclusive access to cool things, like the Señor Frogs VIP room. This post originally appeared at Thrillist. Copyright 2013. For more information katarinvestments.co.uk
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 10:23:05 +0000

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