6 months ago I had a bit of health issue my training was getting - TopicsExpress


6 months ago I had a bit of health issue my training was getting weaker, I could not lift my weights as heavy as I should have done, my strength was deteriorating and I was dropping my weight strength by 5 kg each month on all my workouts. I had trouble in sleeping and was rushing to the loo at 5 times in the night. I realised something was going wrong so I visited the docs for a blood test. To my dismay I was diagnosed very high boarder line diabetic blood sugar levels at 42. My nurse warned me if I did not to something about it will get worse. I explained I exercise 6 days a week, I have very healthy diet and I hardly have any bad sugar foods. The nurse came to the conclusion it must be genetic because my father had diabetes. I went away very shocked and realised I have to change something. I have changed to only 1 spoon of sugar in my tea and only one cup in the morning and furthered my increase of exercise I now avoid any foods containing any bad sugar and also cut down on my carb intake. I have increased to eating more fat burning foods . My blood results came back today and my blood sugar levels have dropped to 38 which now is normal. I refused to allow any genetics affect my health, I believe I control my what happens to my body. My father suffered from high blood pressure, angina, high cholesterol, several heart attacks and final passed away with a heart attack. My mother has high blood pressure, has suffered from liver and bowel cancel so both my parents have had some serious health issues so I know I am at a big risk but this is not going to hinder my training only make me work harder. When I was younger I had a problem with my central nervous system which made me shake all the time, my legs were very weak and I used always trip when I used to walk. When I was 13 I got diagnosed with serious migraines which makes my body shut down. My left hand side of my body gets paralysed for upto 6 hours, I lose function in my arms and legs and my speech will slur I just fall on the floor. My attacks only come with with a 5 min warning . After each attack I get the biggest headache which can last for 3 days. I was put on very strong medication which I had to take daily. I could react to foods like processed cheese, cheap orange juice, chocolate, wheat and artificial mint flavouring and strong smells like petrol and strong perfume. At first I was very scared to go out incase I had an attack If I was out on my own. Its still always in the back head What if my attacks can come on when Im driving, training or shopping. I slowly weened my self of my medication and watched my foods and starting to exercise more. When I was 12 years I got knocked down by a builders van which ran over my ankles and bent my bones. When I was 32 I dropped 3 metal shelfs on right foot breaking my big toe and two other toes in 3 places. Later on that year I had a very harsh accident on the motor way which injured my lower back and upper back and shoulders . I have been diagnosed with abnormal cells in my cervix. Each time I have used exercise and my food as my medication to help me get better. My migraines have now reduced my legs have gone stronger and my bones in my toes seemed to have repaired. My central nervous disorder has gone and I feel like Im in the best health ever (allumdilah ). This post is not about sympathy its to prove that exercise is the best medication and if anyone has any medical conditions dont feel sorry for your self and make them worse do something about it. You control your body dont let your body control you.. Thank you for reading x ps remember exercise is not just cardio workouts make sure you practice strength training & weight training this will make your bones stronger and your body stronger and also make you burn fat quicker x
Posted on: Wed, 28 Jan 2015 00:28:52 +0000

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