6 months ago I started a journey with 3 other women to transform - TopicsExpress


6 months ago I started a journey with 3 other women to transform our lives through some intensive group therapy in Khatija Dadabhoys Inner Revolution Womens Collective. Today was our final meeting--a wedding with ourselves where we all wrote and recited vows to ourselves in front of a few close loved ones. We had gifts and bouquets and even a beautiful cake. It was one of the best days of my life--to share my re-commitment to myself with other women on the same path to greatness. There is a new group starting next month and there is not a woman I know that I would not WHOLEHEARTEDLY recommend this program to. So many of us are living with pain, with fear, with limits--and its time to get free. Please check out khatijadadabhoy/ and feel free to ask me any questions you may have about the program or my experience. And now I share my vows with you--because thats just how I do. Feel free to hold me to them:) MY PROMISE TO YOU 3/15/14 I promise to see all of you. And love all of you—unconditionally. To fight for the good in you, fight for the good in the world—but also promise to help manage and navigate the bad. To love your wrongs and your rights, your darkness and your light. I promise to forgive you. For the mistakes you have already made and those you have yet to encounter—for they are what make you Melinda. To respect you—for the strong, resilient, funny, ambitious, talkative, loving, passionate and emotional woman and mother that you are—and only allow people in your life who encourage and respect those things in you. I promise to not judge you by lofty standards of the perfect woman, the perfect life, and to never allow the concerns and expectations of the outside world impact your choices or become what drives you. I promise to see your beauty when you do not see it. To love your body when you do not love it. To honor your highs and lows, yeses and noes, the life you have and the life you long for—for all your thoughts, experiences, and dreams are valid. I promise to be kind to you, to nurture you, to let you fall and always catch you. To love all the versions of you—to support you in showing your weakness and truth to the world—so other women can see the struggles of a difficult but beautiful life. I promise to invite people into our world, to not allow you to stand alone—in your joy OR your sorrow. To encourage your relationship with god—whoever she may be—and remind you to ask for divine guidance when you feel alone. To not put value on your appearance over your heart, for when your heart is pure you are the most beautiful. I promise to surround you with people and actions that encourage that truth. I promise to not doubt or fear your greatness, your potential. To not get bogged down by the hows, but be propelled forward by the whys. To push you to get better and smarter, to grow your devotion to the truth, fuel your commitment to beauty, refine your emotions, and hone your dreams. To wrestle with your shadows, purge your ignorance, and soften you heart. I promise to sit with you in the sunshine, (with sunblock), and absorb the beauty and guidance the earth offers us. To make time to retreat—for moments of silence and stillness—to regularly check in with your heart. I promise to care for your body—to feed it with real foods that nourish it and encourage its longevity. To to push you—to run, to swim, to fly so you can live the longest and strongest life possible. I promise to protect you from all harm—to keep your thoughts, intentions, surroundings and vibrations so high that only the worthy can reach you. To forgive those that have trespassed against you and continue to pray for the light at the end of their tunnel-for all hearts were born pure. I promise to cherish every memory of this long and complex life—for every one unlocked something greater within you. To remember whenever you felt broken, you were just broken open, so you can live larger and greater than you had before. I promise to be a lifelong learner—to feed you with new and enriching people, travels, and adventures. To learn to live in the gray, to embrace all the mystery, to accept all that is yet to happen, all that is not up to us. To let it excite and not scare you, for you trust in the process of this never ending story and know that there is the energy of all the women before you, all the women beside you, and an almighty universe holding your hand at every moment. You are never alone. I promise to live big with you, until we can no longer live. To do what fees good and lots of it. You will never walk alone, because I am here, to hold you and flood your life with joy and your heart with unconditional love—from this moment until the end of your days.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 03:40:30 +0000

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