60 Seconds Time Out – Athletes/Representatives Behaving Badly - TopicsExpress


60 Seconds Time Out – Athletes/Representatives Behaving Badly – Minnesota State Rep. Pat Garofalo thought it was a good idea to send a tweet stating that if teams in the NBA were to fold today the only thing that would change would be the street crime. Ummmmm, was that political suicide to anyone else other than me? What was he trying to say, since a majority of athletes in the NBA are African American? He is definitely a contender. Olivia Pope can’t even help him spin that one; so Cowboys’ head coach Jason Garrett and QB Tony Romo attended the Duke vs. North Carolina game sporting Duke gear. Lakers Kendall Marshall (North Carolina Alum) sent a tweet saying that now he understands why no one likes Tony Romo. Ummmm, I am NOT a Romo fan, but people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Seriously, I understand why no one (including LA fans) likes Marshall’s current team. How about you focus on helping the Lakers win some games, Kendall? He is a contender this week; another Ravens player has been arrested. This time it was Jah Reid. Seems like every week one of them is arrested. Reid was arrested for battery. I don’t condone violence, but at least he wasn’t like his teammate, Ray Rice who knocked out his finance’. Reid was in an altercation with a man; so let me understand this…..Oscar Pistorius started vomiting during his trial, when the examiner started describing all the wounds his girlfriend received when he killed her. Ummmmm, where is his OSCAR statue? He needs to stop all the foolery. He wasn’t vomiting, when he shot her. First he was cry now he is vomiting! Maybe he was vomiting because all the evidence clearly suggest that he intentionally killed his finance’, or maybe it just set in that he will not have those blades behind bars. Eye roll. I don’t believe him one bit. He is definitely a contender this week and he may receive the FLAG early just because of the foolishness. Ok, people have a blessed day!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 15:25:04 +0000

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