#6000 Game of total randomness Randomness:the slapdash - TopicsExpress


#6000 Game of total randomness Randomness:the slapdash events almost tantamount to comic tragedies typical to shakespearean literature. A was beatific in his life. He inherited copious amount of money. Had two beautiful healthy children. His life was at acme. But he got cancer without consuming any statutory warning debilitations. Why? B was an athlete. Played soccer for a league. Got a beauteous girlfriend. But just as he was taking a lackadaisical walk in his neighborhood he found himself losing his left foot over a truck accident. Why? C studied vigorously for his SAT exam. He left his lucrative job to follow his academic dream. He studied day in and day out. But faired poorly in his exams because of a computer hitch. Why? In case the reader is thinking that A,B and C got to their miserable conditions because god has punished them then let the humble writer postulate before you the theory of randomness. The theory of randomness states that any incident that befalls any matter whether living or dead is purely random. Any incident no matter how meticulously planned suffers the wrath of randomness. Does believing randomness means becoming atheist? Because both atheist and a believer of randomness will never blame god for their misfortunes. No, a believer in randomness is more inclined towards agnosticism than towards atheism. He the believer in our context is more concerned towards performing his duties while fully cognizant of the fact that randomness might come knocking at his door at anytime while an atheist believes that if he does anything arduously then he will have his fair amount of success no matter how. The subservient writer here points out the illogical nature of the logical atheist because the latter doesnt factor in the probability of chaos,coincidences,entropy or in short the game of total randomness.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 11:15:00 +0000

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