60km of Solwezi roads to be tarred- Kambwili 10/09/2014 0 - TopicsExpress


60km of Solwezi roads to be tarred- Kambwili 10/09/2014 0 Comments OVER 60 kilometres of Solwezi dusty and gravel roads shall be tarred; Sports Minister Chishimba Kambwili has assured the people of Solwezi. Mr Kambwili who was in President Michael Sata’s entourage said Solwezi is dusty and needs urgent remedial measures to correct the situation. He said under the Pave Zambia the district will be awarded 20 km, the situation he said will reduce dust in the district which has red gravel. The Minister said Government was also disturbed learning that miners in the district have been subjected to perpetual three months renewal contracts. He said the situation will be corrected and Government will work with World Bank to electrify all houses that do not have electricity at a reduced cost from over K7, 000 to K150. The full of mouth Minister, who has a liking whenever he steps on the platform told the miners that his Government will ensure that they occupy the houses which were constructed for mortgage purposes. The houses have been pegged at K400, 000 and miners wishing to buy the house are requested to pay about K4, 000 per month far below the salary of an ordinary employee. The payments of K4, 000 lasts up to ones retirement.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 05:41:55 +0000

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