615am prayer......Eternal God our Father, we thank You for this - TopicsExpress


615am prayer......Eternal God our Father, we thank You for this another day. Thank You for watching over us as we slept last night. Thank You for breathing the breath of life into our bodies. Thank You for Your loving-kindness and Your tender mercies. We bless You today. We honor You today. We praise You today. We rose this morning with a praise on our lips and thanksgiving in our hearts. We come to You this morning with a thankful heart. Thank You for food on our table and clothes on our back. We thank You that we did not sleep outdoors last night. You protect us as we go in and go out, and we thank You. Thank You for salvation. Thank You for giving us the right to the tree of Life. We thank You. You have been good to us. The enemy would have us focus on what we do not have, but Lord, You have blessed us with so much. You have been good to us. You have been kind to us. Lord, we thank You for meeting every need. When we are at our lowest point, You always have a way of lifting our spirits. Lord, You have been good to us and we bless Your Holy Name. Give us to seek You for all things. Give us to seek You before we make decisions. We are a generation that depend on others to pray and speak over our lives. But Father, give us to seek Your face, Your heart, Your Will. Give us to seek You, not just Your hand, but seek You that we may know Your Will for our lives. We seek after other things more fervently than we do You. Give us to seek You as never before. Some are wondering around with no directions. We look good to others, but some are lost with no sense of direction. Some are doing the same thing year after year because they are not seeking You. Lord, give us to seek You as never before. We seek after things that we want and we pursue that, but we are not seeking You. Lord, give us to seek You as never before. Give us to seek You for direction, Your timing, Your guidance, Your Will. Lord, give us to seek You. Help us to stop being bratty children when we do not get want we want. Help us to understand if we seek You, if we get in Your face, we will know what You desire of us and for us. Give us to strengthen our relationship with You. Give us to study Your Word. We dont spend as much time studying Your Word as we do studying textbooks. We dont spend as much time studying Your Word as we do on Facebook and watching TV. Lord, give us to seek You. Your Will is so different from our will. Your Word reminds us: For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD (Is 55:8). Lord, give us to seek You. We bind every distraction that hinders us from seeking You. We want to be in Your Will. We dont want to do anything that is not in Your Will. Whatever pleases You, thats what I want to do. Whatever it takes to please You, I will do it. If I have to wait another year, Lord, I will do it. If it pleases You for me to hold my tongue when others are lying on me, I will do it. If it pleases You for me to praise You before my healing takes place, I will do it. Lord, whatever pleases You, thats what I want to be found doing. I want to be in Your Will. I will no longer try to please the will of others, but my focus is pleasing You by getting in and staying in Your Will. I dont have the time or energy to pursue another thing or person that s not in Your Will for me. Lord, I will get in Your Word. I will pray more. I will seek You more to learn Your Will for my life. I want to be pleasing to You. Teach me Your Will. Give us, this week, to spend more time with You. Give us to turn down our plate. Give us to turn the TV off. Give us to get in Your Word. Give us to spend more time with You this week so that we will learn more of You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..................In Jesus Name.............Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 11:32:41 +0000

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