615am prayer.....Gracious and Eternal God our Father, thank You - TopicsExpress


615am prayer.....Gracious and Eternal God our Father, thank You this beautiful day You have allowed us to see. Thank You for watching over us as we slept. Thank You for shielding us from dangers seen and unseen. Thank You for being gracious toward us. Thank You for Your goodness toward us. You are a loving Father. You are a kind Savior. You are so mindful of us. Lord, I love You today. I love You with my whole heart. I love You with every fiber of my being. Lord, I love You. Father, today we continue to intercede for those who are feeling overwhelmed. We intercede for those who have had to be strong for so long. We intercede for those who have built a wall of protection to keep from being hurt, disappointed, let down, etc. Those who have become numb and desensitized to feelings because they have been hurt so many times before. We recognize that society teaches males at an early age that men dont cry. Society has also practically forced women to be hard and not show any emotion. We have produced a generation of emotion-less, feeling-less individuals. And this is how we approach God. Many times I hear young women say I almost cried today during service, but I caught myself. Father, I am reminded in Your Word: And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness...(2 Cor 12:9a). Its in the time when we are at our weakest that Gods strength is made perfect. Its at my weakest hour, Gods power is made perfect. Lord, help us to come to You with our weaknesses. We have internalized our hurt far too long. We have internalized pain far too long. Lord, here we are today. So are at their wits end. Some are overwhelmed. Some badly wounded. Some hurt to their core. Some too weak to speak. Lord, help us today. Strengthen us where we are. You see and You know. Lord, You see and You know. When we cannot find words to describe what we are feeling, Your Word promises: the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans (Rom 8:26). Allow the Holy Spirit to intercede for Your people today. Every tear, Hes giving You the message. Every groan, Hes giving You our cry for help. Every moan, Hes giving You our plea for strength. Holy Ghost, be our Help. Holy Ghost be our comfort today. Intercede on behalf of those who are ready to give up. Intercede on behalf of those who are at their breaking point. Father, send Your help today. Send Your healing today. Heal the wounds. Heal the wounds in the lives of Your people. Heal the hurt. Heal Lord. Heal Lord, in the mighty Name of Jesus. We have been hurting to long. We give it all to You. Lord, replace our hurting with healing. Replace it with joy. Replace it with peace. Make us whole again. Make us new again. Lord, thank You for hearing our prayer. Thank You for hearing our tears. Thank You for making us whole today.....In Jesus Name....Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 11:45:26 +0000

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