63-1124E THREE.KINDS.OF.BELIEVERS_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-3 N-6 SUNDAY_ 248 One man, with the audacity to stand there in Ohio, just when Brother Kidd was healed, come out there on the platform, and said, Now, Brother Branham is a prophet, no doubt at all, when hes under the anointing. But now, said, when the anointing is off of him, said, dont you believe his Teaching, because Its wrong. 249 And he didnt know, that sitting in my room, the Lord revealed it to me. And I walked right down there. And many of you was there. I said, Why would a man say a thing like that, when the Word... Now, see, I never said I was a prophet; he said it. 250 And the prophet, the word prophet, seer, Old Test-... Now, the English version of prophet means a preacher. But the Old Testament seer was a man who had the Divine interpretation of the Word, and was proven by the Word coming to him and foreseeing it. That was what... 251 And a man saying that a man be a prophet, and then saying his Teaching is wrong? If that aint a money-working scheme, what is? The hour is close at hand when that thing will be pulled out on the scene. Yeah. But thats the kind that, that make-believer, pat you on the back, call you brother, just as Judas. But, remember, He knowed from the beginning. He still knows. Yes, sir. 252 Remember, all these listening to this tape, too, thats right, youre in one of them classes. Thats exactly right. Now were going to close. Every person thats here, present, every person that listens to this tape; and even though someday I have to leave this world, these tapes will still live. Thats right. See? And youre in one of these classes. Youve got to be in one of them. Its exactly. You cant escape it. Youre in one of these classes. 253 Now what? Identify yourself with a Bible character that believed, where you believed the Word when It was vindicated, like I proved It tonight, that it was a vindicated Word always, always contrary to the popular belief. 254 If you should have lived in the days of Noah, now let me just ask, what side would you have been on, the church side or Noahs side, the prophet? See? 255 If youd have lived in the days of Moses, would you have believed Moses message after It had been proven and vindicated by God? But would you went with Korah and Dathan, and them, and said, Youre not the only holy man. Other people can do these things that you do, too? See? Youd have to be one, and you are, tonight. 256 Or would you have been with Daniel, or with the church that was down there at Nebuchadnezzars party they was giving? See? Would you have been outside, or would you been down at the shindig, the--the big thing they were having? 257 Would you have been with Elijah, that man standing alone, called, an old crank, a man lost his mind, and standing up on top of a hill, and his head shining up there to the sun, with a crooked stick in his hand, the birds feeding him, uh-huh, some crank? Or would you been with the priests and all them down there with Jezebel, and the rest of them modern-dressed women? And Elijah standing up there, rebuking them, as hard as he could! What part would you took your wife to? Just think. Just picture yourself tonight. 258 In the days of Jesus, would you have been with this Boy that had no credentials? He had no denomination affiliations. They said, What school did You come from? We dont have You on our record here. How do You get this wisdom? Howd You ever learn if we didnt teach You these things? What school did You come through? Are You Methodist, Presbyterian, or Baptist? He was none of it. Thats right. He was the Word. Thats exactly right, brother. Do you... 259 Or would you have took the side with the Pharisees of the modern belief of the humble old priest that seemed to be so gentle and nice, and the organization that stood up since the Nicaea Council, or since Luther organized it? Or what--what group would you have been in? Would you have been at the... What group would you have been with? Would you have stood with the Word when you seen It vindicated and proved to you, It was the Message of the day, or would you have took the church stand? Now just picture yourself tonight.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 12:04:47 +0000

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