65 OF OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS ARE NOW CONFORMED DEAD TO EBOLA VIRUS IN LIBERIA ACCORDING W.H.O. Dear friends of Liberia I do not meant to hurt the Christians of Liberia for I myself am a Christian. Hear me brothers and sisters, let us stop this too much Holy Ghost fire will stop the spread of the EBOLA virus and listen to what the health ministry and the international body saying in order curb this nuclear bomb (EBOLA). This is the first time this sickness is shown in the West Africa. Science and God are not at war neither are scientist against God. Science is about facts and data collections and God is about faith. Not because we belief in God so can we let ourselves get sick and die by challenging scientific facts with faith. I am aware of our faith but I am also aware of the dangers around us. God will never heal the entire Liberia. Why? God gives us knowledge to detect dangers and avoid them. If we ignore that and begin preaching in the church that people should not belief in what the doctors are saying, brothers and sisters we causing ourselves more dangers then good. This is not the way of GOD. God gives us power to fight these diseases and avoid them not by Holy Ghost fire or holy oil but the medicine we produce against them. Bacterial and viruses are not demons spirits. The both belong to the animal kingdom and God is the creator of the animal kingdom. The bible said GOD created the universe and all that is in it. He put us human at the top. In the human species, we are intelligent. Amongst the intelligent are the doctors and scientist. Why are we Christian picking fight that we will not win? Remember God is a winner not loser. THE IDEAL THAT PASTORS WILL SAY THAT THEY ARE PRAYING FOR THE ENTIRE COUNTRY AND THAT THE VIRUS WILL DO NOTHING IS WRONG, BECAUSE THAT NOT WHAT IS SAID IN THE BIBLE. IT IS CLEAR IN THE BIBLE THAT GOD DOES LISTEN TO SINNERS, UNLESS WE REPENT OUR SINS AND CONFESS JESUS AS OUR LORD AND SAVIOR. LIBERIA IS NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION. LIBERIA IS NATION WITH CHRISTIAN IN IT. Remember history tell us that we Christian have being wrong on many things concerning the universe and the world in which we live. These are my accounts: A dement or cripple child at birth is said to be child with demons spirit in ancient Christianity Leprosy is a curse, Misers is plague, tuberculosis is a curse, epilepsy is demon spirit etc. Polio and other infant sickness are caused when male and female fornicate it turn out to be false, it have cure now. Flue and virus outbreak are not plague neither does God authorized them. Please please please pastors help the ministry of health and pas the information of the Ebola virus both in Sunday school and daily summer. If you refuse to do that you are murderer yourself because you know the truth but refused to say it. Remember this sickness is the like the black death of England. The Black Death disease kill almost 1.5 million English people in the in 17 century to 18 century. Read this online. Please teach people about health. I would recommend you to read where there is no doctor book online about tropical diseases. The Ebola is also in Uganda the DRC Congo and Rwanda. The doctors are saying let avoid eating bats, monkeys and antelope as delicacies. The reason is that this virus is carried by fruits bats and antelopes that eats the drop fruits and they (antelope) get infected. 65 OF OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS ARE NOW CONFORMED DEAD TO EBOLA VIRUS IN LIBERIA ACCORDING W.H.O. Dear friends of Liberia I do not meant to hurt the Christians of Liberia for I myself am a Christian. Hear me brothers and sisters, let us stop this too much Holy Ghost fire will stop the spread of the EBOLA virus and listen to what the health ministry and the international body saying in order curb this nuclear bomb (EBOLA). This is the first time this sickness is shown in the West Africa. Science and God are not at war neither are scientist against God. Science is about facts and data collections and God is about faith. Not because we belief in God so can we let ourselves get sick and die by challenging scientific facts with faith. I am aware of our faith but I am also aware of the dangers around us. God will never heal the entire Liberia. Why? God gives us knowledge to detect dangers and avoid them. If we ignore that and begin preaching in the church that people should not belief in what the doctors are saying, brothers and sisters we causing ourselves more dangers then good. This is not the way of GOD. God gives us power to fight these diseases and avoid them not by Holy Ghost fire or holy oil but the medicine we produce against them. Bacterial and viruses are not demons spirits. The both belong to the animal kingdom and God is the creator of the animal kingdom. The bible said GOD created the universe and all that is in it. He put us human at the top. In the human species, we are intelligent. Amongst the intelligent are the doctors and scientist. Why are we Christian picking fight that we will not win? Remember God is a winner not loser. THE IDEAL THAT PASTORS WILL SAY THAT THEY ARE PRAYING FOR THE ENTIRE COUNTRY AND THAT THE VIRUS WILL DO NOTHING IS WRONG, BECAUSE THAT NOT WHAT IS SAID IN THE BIBLE. IT IS CLEAR IN THE BIBLE THAT GOD DOES LISTEN TO SINNERS, UNLESS WE REPENT OUR SINS AND CONFESS JESUS AS OUR LORD AND SAVIOR. LIBERIA IS NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION. LIBERIA IS NATION WITH CHRISTIAN IN IT. Remember history tell us that we Christian have being wrong on many things concerning the universe and the world in which we live. These are my accounts: A dement or cripple child at birth is said to be child with demons spirit in ancient Christianity Leprosy is a curse, Misers is plague, tuberculosis is a curse, epilepsy is demon spirit etc. Polio and other infant sickness are caused when male and female fornicate it turn out to be false, it have cure now. Flue and virus outbreak are not plague neither does God authorized them. Please please please pastors help the ministry of health and pas the information of the Ebola virus both in Sunday school and daily summer. If you refuse to do that you are murderer yourself because you know the truth but refused to say it. Remember this sickness is the like the black death of England. The Black Death disease kill almost 1.5 million English people in the in 17 century to 18 century. Read this online. Please teach people about health. I would recommend you to read where there is no doctor book online about tropical diseases. The Ebola is also in Uganda the DRC Congo and Rwanda. The doctors are saying let avoid eating bats, monkeys and antelope as delicacies. The reason is that this virus is carried by fruits bats and antelopes that eats the drop fruits and they (antelope) get infected.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 17:39:18 +0000

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