667 Friends. That is what Facebook says I have. But what is the - TopicsExpress


667 Friends. That is what Facebook says I have. But what is the definition of a friend? According to dictonary: a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. Thinking about the past, I would say that about 10 years ago, I had a multitude of friends, many I could call at the last minute and we would go do something together, always hanging with them, either me at their house, or having a house full of guests. I am not sure what has changed that. Is it me? As I watch posts go up on Facebook, I question that. I see all the interaction between others, the getting together for this cause, or that holiday feast, going to an event or whatever the case may be. But me... Im home, here with my small family. Alone. But am I alone? Not so much, I have my husband and my kids.. and that folks is all that matters to me. I am not sure what changed and when.. is it when I married a man that didnt fit into your society? Is it when we had a son that is a little different and you dont know how to explain him to your children. Or was it when my husband went through family issues and we kept to ourselves to protect your precious reputation from being associated with us. Maybe it was when we struggled through another harsh diagnosis of the big C word.. and you just couldnt find a way to say what can I do to help?. Oh, wait.... you didnt mind calling when you needed something... you didnt hesitate to leave your child with us to play for a while... you didnt mind stopping by to let my husband look at your vehicle, because something wasnt quite right. We have a lot of people we know, after all Facebook says so, right, so it must be true. But when was the last time, you called? Just to say hi. When was the last time you stopped by to see how things are going?. When was the last time you called to invite one of the boys over to play? Or call to see if I wanted to go with you? Or if my family was ready for an outing? Thats right, you didnt... oh, you were too busy? You forgot? You just didnt think about it. Well, my friend, I havent forgotten you, and I wanted you to know that. Everyday I struggle with loneliness, but Ill never show it, my smile and laughter hide that... and besides, youre happy with all your new found friends, freedom and fun activities, so why does anything I feel, say, or do matter to you ? If this message makes you feel guilty, then please unfriend me, I dont want your pity.. but I do want you to take a moment and think about all your friends.. are you being a friend or has social media taken the physical and emotional part of friendship out of the equation ?
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:45:29 +0000

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