#68 me:why? Her:ur dad lost his job awhile ago nd his been tryna - TopicsExpress


#68 me:why? Her:ur dad lost his job awhile ago nd his been tryna find work bt its hard 4 him especially at this age,ive tried 2 sustain us bt my salary is not enuf 2 cover all our expenses,we need 2 cut down thats why we have 2 move me:cant we make a plan? Her:im in debt as it is so no dear me:so now we all have 2 change our lives,ive just settled in here nd found friends nd now we leaving? Her:url make new friends nd hav another life me:i dont want another 1,this 1 is perfect enuf 4 me her:well theres nothin we can do bt adapt 2 da changes..yoh i kept quiet her:go 2 bed its late,dont wori things will work out..i stood up nd went 2 my room,i was in deep thought,about da move nd how il tell every1 especially K,da thought of leavin every1 made me teary,i was disturbed by a msg on my fone,a birthday message 4m Minnie,i wasnt in da mood so i put it on silence nd dosed off i woke up at 6am nd checked my fone,i read da birthday messages,heeh Sizwe even sent me a msg it wasnt long thou just da usual messages bt its da thought that count,i went on my FB nd read da messages then tried sleepin again,i was just not in a birthday mood so i covered myself with da covers tryin 2 dose off again,when my mom nd sista entered my room singin HBD me:thanx mom:u dont luk like sum1 whos just turned a year older..i smiled faintly her:forget abt izolo we will work it out in da meantym enjoy ur day,live a little..she pulled da covers away frm me,i slowly woke up nd went 2 freshen up,i made myself cereal nd watched tv,my mom had gone 2 town 2 run sum errands bfre we could go out,my fone beeped nd twas a message frm Thabz,it jst said,he wishes me a HBD,hope i enjoy my day,wish he was here with me,he misses me nd loves me nd cherishes da moment we hav shared..mxm i ignores it nd continued wtv i went 2 shower then opted 4 pumps nd a dress then tied my hair upryt,my mom came back her:u ready? Me:yeap..she went 2 freshen up then we were off,my dad was in jhb but he sent a msg nd i replied thankin him we got to the mall then walked around doin abit of shoppin there nd there,then went 2 watch a movie then went 2 sit down nd eat,i felt lyk nandos so we went there,i was quiet nd busy with my fone mom:are u gonna be lyk this da whole day? Me:lyk wat? Her:grumpy me:im not her:im your mom,i know u nd u are me:im sorry her:dont let this stress u ok,im da parent i should be stressed nt u..she hugged me then we continued eatin,final exams were around da corner so i shouldnt be stressin myself wth all this,we were talkin nd havin fun then K greeted me on whatsapp him:unjn me:ok u him:gud,where u @? Me:mall wth mom him:gettin spoiled neh? Me:well she has 2 2day him:lol ok,talk l8a luv.. This was an opportunity 4 him 2 say sumthing,maybe he just wants 2 be da last persn,ow well i continued enjoyin da day wth my family till we had 2 go bak hme i chilled infront of da tv then we ate my cake then i went 2 bed Njabulo had sent me a message,i was shocked cos i didnt expect him too bt glad he did,it showed though we were still nt on good terms he cared so i called him,he answered me:hey him:hey birthday gal,how was ur day? Me: ok i gec him:doesnt sound lik u enjoyed it me:all birthdays hav there disapointments him:which are? Me:nah dnt worry about that,anyway thanx 4 da message it rly means alot him: pleasure me:bye..it was nice talkin 2 him again,da only dat gets me well only person too i wasnt sleepy so i was on my watsapp talkin 2 my friends nd K,Nhle was onlyn 2 her:hey hun,u wont blv what happend at da interview me:wat? Her:i got shortlisted on da spot me:congrats babe her:thanx me:u wont blv wat happend 2 me 2day too her:what? Me:it was my birthday her: OMG!Simtha im so sorry,it slipped my mind,i feel so bad me:dont,its kwl i understand her:its not! Me:im sure its normal 4 ur close friends 2 4get ur birthday so i shouldnt be hurt either,anyway talk l8a nyt..i went outa watsapp b4 she answered da tym was around 23:45pm,and K called since i was ignorin everyone on whatsapp him:babe lam me:hey him:i miss u me:miss u2 him:u ok? Me:yeap him:,cmon i know u,ur nt me:ts really ntn him:Simtha cmon me:dnt waste ur artym,ill talk 2 u later in da day (twas already 00:05) im sleepy him:its not a waste kuwe,i just wanna know whats botherin u me:well besides that my boyfriend forget my birthday absolutely nothin..i heard him gasp in shock him:shit!babe look im so so.. Me:no dont be him:babe im so sory i rly thought it was next week me:haha so nt only did u 4get my birthday bt u actually dont even know da ryt date him:babe i wish u reminded me yaz me:WTF!Khwezi my status is abt my birthday!on facebook too so dont u dare tell me i shouldve told u!ur my boyfriend i dnt think i need 2 remind u of my birthday him: ok that came out wrong,but i really am sor.. Me:so am I..i hung up then felt warm droplets escape my eyes fallin on da pillow this was really turnin out to be a bad day for me,im not gone yet but im already forgotten HBD To Me i guess :( #K_S
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 06:31:42 +0000

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