#69 After my moms phonecall khange bubesehla nobo buthongo, i - TopicsExpress


#69 After my moms phonecall khange bubesehla nobo buthongo, i kept tossing & turning im not realy sure why because I didnt understand what she meant or what her dream meant. Infact it didnt bother me atleast thats what i thought, but maybe at the back of my mind bendiy cinga hay nam andiyazi ngoba nabo ubuthongo bungehli kodwa umntu ebediniwe. I decided to go take a shower, I took a very quick one because the water wasnt hot, I went back to my room & lotioned my body, I stood infront of the mirror looking at my body thinking of my moms words on the phone uze uthi kanti umithi i kept repeating those words in my head, i wondered what she meant when she said ndiyakuzibona, maybe i should have asked her, maybe she meant she would disown me? I kept pinching & poking my tummy hoping that i would somehow see something andiaz nam ba intoni but the fact that i didnt notice anything differnt eased me up abit. I laughed at how crazy i was because No man, i cant be pregnant andiyekanga pof uzi cofa isusu, i cant be pregnant we have been using protection no Lungelo & 1stym we did it i had bleeding after that day, ok it was just for one day but still wethu it was blood & i think pregnant people dont bleed. & besides you cant fall pregnant the 1st time mos can you? Yhoo bendithetha ndizi pendula. I finaly got dressed in my PJs & crawled into bed. By now only had about an hour lefr befor my alarm clock goes off ibe iphelile i2hours yam. So i decided to switch it off rather & i will study when i wake up. The following day i woke up at around 8, i couldnt believe how much i had slept other students were in school already. I went to take a shower & made myself cereal i browsed trough my notes while eating the cereal, as much as i had slept through the night I stll felt tired I just wanted to sleep and sleep, but sleep never did anything for nobody with that said, i gatherd my books & went to the dinning hall when i got there Lungelo was already there. I smiled & went to join him at his table I kissed his cheek & we had a brief chat then we were back to studying. I enjoyed studying with him because he puts me under pressure & i perform very well under pressure. Before we knew it exams were almost over, we only had one paper left biyi English additional I was thrilled because it meant that there wasnt much studyng to do atleast i could rest, lord knows i needed that tjoo exams took evry last bit of energy i had in me. Lungelo had plans of taking me to Tsitsikama apparently there was a beautiful lodge there & when i asked him where will he get funding for such a trip he told me he had been saving for it for sometime now, he said he wanted it to be a suprise for my Birthday which was on the 24th Sept but khange akwazi uzibamba. I laughed so hard at that, umntuwam was not good at longterm suprises, if he wants to do something ingaske ayenze ngoku ayicingayo or else it wont be a suprise anymore ngoba uzoyithetha owam shem. It is now teusday evening ndihleli nobaby at our special place, we were kissing & touching doing all those nasty things we always do in the dark. My phone rang I took it out ibingu Lhelhe i smiled thinking of how long it had been since i had spoken to her. Me: mntaka mha. Lhele: molo noPopi unjani? M: ndiryt unjani wena? Her: ndiyapila sisi, zinjan exams uyapasa pofu? Me: awund thembanga dan? I said that laughing, Lungelo stood up & went to stand behind me playing with my hair, while talking i noticed Lhele wasnt her bubly old self. Me: how are th twins abalupi? Her: ou ba right mntase wetu, im going for a C-section 1stweek October. Me: awudinwa usikwa awufuni khe uzizamele this time? Her: yhuu andicingi mntasekaya uJames uzokhangela indawo yosika afake iSkere mntaka bawo. We laughed together. yaz andikho right mntase, im going home ngomso khe ndibeku mama nabantwana until i give birth. Me: oh ok, her: but i have to find umntu ozohlala apha endlini until then Me: where is Nelas dad dan? Her: ndim xothile lowo Buhle, uyandi qhela uVusumzi mntase. The shock in my ears ngoba zange ndamva uLhele embiza ngegama lakowabo uTaka Nela. I kept quiet i was even afraid to ask what happened. Yazuba uVusumzi ukwi suspension emsebenzini? Theres a case pending against him Me: haybo eyantoni? Her: ulala nabantwana besikolo lomntu ndimbiza ngomyeni kum. Her tone was now changing as if she was crying i felt so sorry for my sis, i wished i could fly & be with her she cant be alone not in her position. Her: i believed him at first when he denied it & then & kwafika umntana noMama bakhe ethi uMithi lamntana Buhle umithi.. I told him to pack evry belonging of his until he can prove that child is not his, even so i cannot accept him backk in my house. Alot has happened mntase alot i cannot talk about it now but lomtshato uzandi bulala or i will end up in Jail with that mans blood on my hands.. I knew uTaka Nela ukhohlakele but this? Ade amithise kengok? Umntana wesi kolo nalapha ebantwini. God
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 10:05:46 +0000

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