#69 Ndavuka the next day umzimba uthe saa kamnandi. Yhu - TopicsExpress


#69 Ndavuka the next day umzimba uthe saa kamnandi. Yhu ndagqibela nini ulala kamnandi kangaka bethuna. I stretched my legs and arms ogqiba ndaphuma ebhedini and went to the bathroom, I peed then ndaphuma ebedroom. I heard soft music playing in the lounge then I found Phila in the kitchen cooking Me morning he turned and smiled Phila morning! Ulele njani? Me kakuhle kakhulu, thanks again for indawo yokulala Phila done mention it, uhm grab a plate, breakfast is almost ready I sat down and he put all kinds of food in front of me. There was muesli, fruit, croissants, toast, pork bangers, bacon, grilled tomatoes, scrambled eggs, beef patties and so much more Me you dont get a lot of visitors do you? He laughed Phila why do you ask? Me because of this, I have never seen so much food in my life he chuckled Phila so what are you waiting for girl? Eat up! Unless youre a vegetarian, youre not vegetarian are you? Me lol no...and thank you I didnt waste any time ke nam, I dished up for myself and started eating. Wayephekile shame umfana wabantu and I was really enjoying the food. He sat down and joined me, wabe esitya naye qha emane endijonga Me what? Phila akhonto Me come on...talk Phila alright Im just wondering what the deal is with you, why were sitting alone in a garage? Tell me a little more about yourself Me arent you supposed to be at work or something? He laughed Phila okay, well uhm let me tell you about myself then maybe you can be open about yourself Me okay, lets hear it Phila well Im the first born of 2 children, I am 26 years old and my little sister is 19. We were raised by a single mother, our dad left as soon as my little sis was born. Oh ndingowasemthatha by the way, my mom bought a house eFortgale but sasikade sihlala eMbuqe ext before that. Im a doctor and a neuro surgeon, I have my own practice kwalapha eGonubie but sometimes Im on call at the hospital, thats basically my life Me oh wow Phila now its your turn okay I felt kinda free around this guy so I could tell him everything. I told him all there is to know about, ndade ndamxelela about how I ended up sitting in a garage with my bags... Phila oh my God..Im so sorry about all that, I can only imagine how it must feel, youre own mother and family Me yeah, it is really messed up nyani Phila so uzothini kengoku? Me I dont know, I would like to find a place to stay and also be able to go to school Phila well...uhm if its alright with you, you can stay here until you find your feet Me what? Nooo I couldnt, I cant Phila please, I really dont mind. You can go to school everyday and sort yourself out Me really? Wow thank you Phila, this means a lot Phila Im happy to help and I do have some ulterior motives I smiled Me oh you do huh? Phila yes...I could do with some company, it gets a little lonely here Me well I guess this is a win win situation for both of us Phila it really is, so what do you want to do today? Me again I ask, shouldnt you be at work? He laughed Phila dont worry about that, lets just have fun Flatmate! I laughed and we finished eating, put the left overs away, did the dishes then sahlala nje. I was going to enjoy staying with this guy mos :) Two months later... I was still living with Phila and I loving it, he was the most considerate man I had ever met. We took turns ngokupheka and twice a week kwakufika usisi ozocleaner, her name was Kholosa and enice shame but I held my cards close to my chest, I wasnt prepared to get burned like I did with Nosi. Sasincokola nje xa ekhona ndibe ndingayanga eskolweni on that day. Phila never tried anything funny kum or athethe izinto ezifunny, he was such a gentleman, he rubbed my feet when I came back tired or Id massage his back xa ediniwe. Kwakumnandi nje kum and ndonwabile, my family was becoming a distant memory and I doubt they even looked for me, I had no phone so ndandingafumaneki :( . I tried ukufumana iRes but ayalunga lonto and Phila said I could stay with him for as long as I needed to. Riri and Ash knew about my situation, they met Phila and liked him Ash yhuuu chomi! Rhaa ubambile pha uyeva! Yerrr Me were not dating guys, I just live with the guy, come on Riri nizojola mos, icacile leyo! Me aisuka uzobe efuna nton kum? Ndilingana nesister yakhe encinci, Im in my first year, hes sophisticated, has money and is old, there are a lot of ladies in his caliber Ash I think that youre as good as anyone for him wethu chomi! Me well I dont see him in that way yet so...take a bath and calm your tits they laughed Riri we just saying bra Me well whatevs, I need a drink -_- lol but I love my friends though, they supported me in everything. Oh ja Lina and I broke up when she got back together with her ex, its wasnt on bad terms though, we agreed to remain friends. One night Phila and I were sitting and watching a movie, we heard a knock at the door, I went to open and there was a very beautiful lady, enxibe a dress that was just below the knee, it was red and she wore a navy blazer, she had a long weave, Brazilian I suppose Her hi Me hello Her uhm uPhila ukhona? Me yes..e in, please she walked in and Phila was surprised to see her, he stood up Phila Nasiphi? Nas hey Phila, its good to see you she hugged him and he responded coldly Phila uzothini apha? Oko ndime ngasemnyango and just listening to them Nas well I was in the neighbourhood, I thought I should pop by Phila in the neighborhood? Uhlala eDorchester, how are you in Gonubie Nas well I was just driving around wethu he raised his eyebrow Phila kwenzeka ntoni Nasiphi? Nas okay okay fine, uhm Im kinda stuck and I need a place to sleep Phila so why are you here? Nas please Phila, I have nowhere else to go he took a deep breath Phila fine, you can use the guest room ndakhamisa kengoku, aibo mna ndilalephi kengoku? Nas okay let me go take a shower, can I borrow a shirt? He went to the bedroom nam ndasuka ngasemnyango Nas oh sorry, ungubani kanene wena? Me Sinovuyo Nas his girlfriend? Me no, just a friend. We just live together Nas oh great, well uhm its nice meeting you Me likewise wabuya ne shirt uPhila wamnika then she went to the guest room. I sat down and Phila joined me Phila Im so sorry about that Me ndizolalaphi kengoku mna? Phila you can sleep in my room Me with you? He laughed Phila I have an air mattress, Ill just blow it up Me oh okay, so who is she? Phila ex girlfriend Me I see we sat in silence and watched the movie. Yaphuma lentombi inxibe just the shirt ka Phila, she had long and shaved legs, yho hay I could see why they dated but I didnt get why they broke up Nas so where will she sleep? Wabe ekhomba mna theres only one guest room Phila in my room Nas oh with you? He nodded oh okay but I thought you werent together Phila so? Ndabe ndimbona ba udikwe nyan uPhila Nas hay akho nix, Im hungry Phila theres the kitchen Nas what? But Im so tired, cant she make me something? Phila uSino is not your maid Nasiphi, uba ulambile uzoya ekitchen ndancumela ecaleni Nas yho inoba ungumfazi walapha wathula uPhila wamjonga nje. Yaphela imovie and we went to bed Phila Ill make sure umnkile ngomso Me thats alright I changed in the bathroom, ndabuya ndangena ezingubeni and slept.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 13:37:57 +0000

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