6th Sunday of Lent: We cant afford not to go out on a - TopicsExpress


6th Sunday of Lent: We cant afford not to go out on a limb...cause thats where the fruit is! We so often in life play it close to the vest, fearful of failure or change, ridicule, or embarrassment. Sometimes we choose to take no action at all on issues and events in our life because of the above concerns...But truly, thats where the fruit in life is at, out on the limbs! You cant live your life in fear of taking action or else youll look back and your life will be a lot of having done nothing, having stood for nothing, and having believed in nothing. Whether you agree with my beliefs, (both personal and political), my life choices, or my actions, I guarantee you that I do not allow fear of the unknown, ridicule from others, or fear of failure prevent me from taking action or standing up for what I believe in. People who know me always know where I stand. The morning I left home at 17 for college, My Daddy hugged me and told me, Son, I know youre afraid, but if you allow your fear to stop you, youll never accomplish anything in life! I think about that all the time, especially when challenges in life arise. Courage is where fear is overcome! Anyone who knows me well will tell you many things about me, but everyone would agree I have courage and am fearless! Todays Lenten challenge: Dare to venture out on a limb this week regarding something you believe in, a new job you want, a hopeful relationship, whatever that youre fearful right now to take action on...and find the fruit out on the limbs! Life is meant to be lived richly and fully! Have courage and be fearless!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 14:13:56 +0000

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