7-10-14 This is a dream I had about Sparky recently. After a - TopicsExpress


7-10-14 This is a dream I had about Sparky recently. After a loved one of mine dies I usually have some visitation from them in dream form or other way. In Sparkys case, I didnt feel him leave when he died and it has left an empty space in my life where he once stood. So it was was with great joy to have dreamed of him and to see him as he once was, restored to the old Sparky that I once knew. I feel honored that he made his presence known to me and I miss him everyday. I was in a large auditorium that was filled with many descriptions of people that I did not know. We were all there for the purpose of honoring Sparkys life. I was to speak of the Sparky I knew. I felt an inner vibration and joy of being asked to do so and anticipated the moment when I would be able to tell everyone about him. In the honoring of his life there were other people I did not know who also knew him and were to speak about him and there were others that did not know him. I was aware of a very masculine presence as there were many men there and I remember thinking that Sparky would have loved that. He would have loved the fact that they were Bear types present. As my turn to speak came about I rose and walked to the front of the assembly and right there sitting in the front row by himself was my old friend Sparky, fully present and his usual self. Though I realized that I was the only one who could see him. It was without reserve that I welcomed him and though I could not hug him or otherwise touch him I saw him smile and assurance for me to go on with the speech I had prepared and thus I proceeded to the stage. I cant recall the actual words that I spoke but I do know that the man I loved came through and I spoke on many things. As I spoke there came a chanting of the song HORNED ONE_COME. I do not remember ever singing in a dream but it was beautiful and many people said afterward how magical it was to happen and witness and be part of and I told them that was the real magic of Sparky. At that moment he was alive again through the many that sang and I could feel a pulse inside of the song that I never knew until then. It was Sparkys pulse I felt and voice I heard and it was wonderful. As I awoke later I felt a certain peace and knew that Sparky was now alright and though he would stay with me forever in spirit form the human aspect of life was really gone. There was a structure and fullness to the dream that made it seem more than just real and it gifted me with a memory and reminded me of what life with Sparky was like during the times before and after his chronic illnesses took him away. Thank you my dear friend Sparky for visiting and feel free to come anytime.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 01:04:03 +0000

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