[7:18am, 11/27/2014] KvCODJabalpurKamleshwar: ) Pay fixation in - TopicsExpress


[7:18am, 11/27/2014] KvCODJabalpurKamleshwar: ) Pay fixation in cases of PRTs where posts have been upgraded e.g. posts in pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 4500-125-7000 to 6500-200-1050 w.e.f. 01.01.06 let us take the example if PRT has joined KVS in February 2004 and was drawing basic pay of 4625 as on 01.01.06. 1. Existing Scale of Pay Rs.4500-7000 2. Pay Band applicable PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 3. Upgraded to the Scale of Pay Rs.6500-10500 (Corresponding to the Grade pay Rs.4200) which further revised to 4600 by MOF OM dt. 13.11.09 w.e.f. 01.01.06. 4. Existing basic pay as on 01.01.06 Rs. 4625 5. Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.86 8602 (Rounded off to Rs 8610) 6. Pay in the Pay band Rs. 8610 7. Pay in the pay band after including benefit of bunching in the pre-revised scale of Rs.4500-7000, if admissible Rs. 12090 8. Grade pay attached to the scale of Rs. 6500-200-10500 Rs. 4200 which further revised to 4600 by MOF OM dt. 13.11.09 w.e.f. 01.01.06. 9. Revised basic pay- total of pay in the pay band and grade pay. Rs. 16290 with grade pay 4200 and 16690 with grade pay 4600. Note: (i) It is emphasised that as per column no 7 of original illustration 4A the minimum pay in the upgraded revised scale 3200-85-4900, the minimum of the pay scale 3200 multiplied by factor 1.86 in the same manner in case of PRTs who are upgraded to 6500-200-10500 their minimum pay scale 6500 will be multiplied by factor 1.86 in the same manner and minimum pay in the pay band will be fixed 12090 then added to Grade pay 4200 as on 01.01.06 if their grade pay is approved 4600 then it will be total Rs.16690. (ii) It may please be noted that as per the instruction mentioned at page no 35 in the Gazette of India 6th CPC in point (A) sub para (i) & (ii) if the minimum revised pay band/ pay scale is more than the amount arrived at as per (i) above, the pay shall be fixed at the minimum of the revised pay band/ pay scale. In this case the minimum pay in the pay band of grade pay 4600 is 12540 as mentioned in the Gazette of India part A section II as applicable for the entry pay in the revised pay. Hence if the grade pay of 4600 is granted to the primary teacher then minimum pay for the PRTs in the grade pay of 4600 will be fixed 17140(12540 minimum pay in the pay band + 4600). In this case PRTs appointed prior to 01.01.06. Their pay will be stepped up with reference to the junior to set right the pay anomaly among the teaching staff. If they continue in the grade pay 4200 then minimum pay as per illustration 4A must be fixed 16290 w.e.f. 01.01.06. b) Pay fixation in case of TGTs where posts have been upgraded e.g posts in pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 5500-175-9000 to 7450-225-11500 appointed after 01.01.06 i.e. for example in May 2007. 1. Existing Scale of Pay Rs.5500-175-9000 2. Pay Band applicable PB-2 9300-34800 3. Upgraded to the Scale of Pay Rs.7450-225-11500 (Corresponding Grade pay Rs. 4600) 4. Existing basic pay as on 01.01.06 Will be assumed minimum of the pay scale as per the example given in the illustration 4A by GOI MOF. 5. Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.86 Rs.7450×1.86=13860 6. Pay in the Pay band PB-2 Rs.13860 7. Pay in the pay band after including benefit of bunching in the pre-revised scale of Rs.5500-9000, if admissible Rs.13860 8. Grade pay attached to the scale of Rs. 7450-225-11500 Rs.4600 9. Revised basic pay- total of pay in the pay band and grade pay. Rs.18460 Note:- It may be noted that if a teacher is appointed after 01.01.06 then his minimum pay on the date of his appointment is to be considered the minimum of the upgraded pay scale on the date of his fixation of pay in the revised ungraded pay scale. (c) ) Pay fixation in case of PGTs where posts have been upgraded e.g posts in pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 6500-200-10500 to 7500-250-12000 appointed after notification of 6th CPC i.e. on 10.09.08. 1. Existing Scale of Pay Rs.6500-200-10500 2. Pay Band applicable PB-2 9300-34800 3. Upgraded to the Scale of Pay Rs.7500-250-12000 (Corresponding Grade pay Rs. 4800) 4. Existing basic pay as on 01.01.06 Will be assumed [7:18am, 11/27/2014] KvCODJabalpurKamleshwar: Subject:-Request for immediate clarification from KVS(HQ) regarding fixation of pay in respect of Teachers in the upgraded pay scales recommended by 6th CPC-Exercise of fresh option to switch over to CCS(RP) Rules 2008. Ref.:F.NO.110239/58/2008/KVS/Budget dated 14.11.2014 Respected sir, (1) With reference to AIKVTA /RO/ GGN/ -2014-15 dated 18.11.2014 and further to our telephonic discussion on the subject cited above and as per the advice of our learned counsel AIKVTA needs to seek following clarification from KVS(HQ) immediately:- i) With the reference to para 3 of cited above circular of KVS(HQ) dated 14.11.2014 where it is mentioned that Govt. of India MOF vide OM No. 01.01.2008-1C dated 13.10.2009 has approved the grant of grade pay 4600 to the post in the pre-revised scale of 6500-200-10500 as on 01.01.06 who were earlier granted grade pay of 4200. As this has been the main prayer of AIKVTA in the honourable CAT Principal Bench New Delhi regarding PRTs grade pay case as the pay scale of PRTs has been upgraded in the pre-revised scale of 6500-200-10500 as on 01.01.06 and which was granted grade pay of 4200 on implementation of 6 CPC by KVS but the grade pay of PRTs not revised on pursuant of GOI MOF OM dated. 13.11.2009 but the benefit of this OM was granted to the non-teaching category of the employee by KVS vide F.11081-4/2008-KVSHQ (Admn-I) 962 dated 27.07.2010 to the post of Hindi Officer and Technical Officer. The same grade pay of 4600 was granted to the superintendent and section-officer vide KVS letter no. F.11081-4/2008-KVSHQ (Admn-I) -1102 dt 27.08.2010 but the benefits of GOI MOF OM dt. 13.11.2009 but the grade pay of 4600 was not granted to the PRTs. Hence you are requested to seek immediate clarification from KVS(HQ) whether the prayer of AIKVTA to grant grade pay of 4600 to Primary Teacher at entry level(Grade III) with effect from 01.01.06 is covered by KVS HQ on issuance of F.NO.110239/58/2008/KVS/Budget dated 14.11.2014 as the same circular GOI MOF OM No. 01.01.2008-iC dt. 13.11.2009 approving grade pay of 4600 to all the posts in the pre-revised pay scale of 6500-200-10500 as on 01.01.06 and the post of primary teachers is in the same scale and qualify all other conditions laid down in OM dated 13.11.2009. 2. The details of the second clarification required are mentioned below:- i) As all the posts of teachers have been placed in upgraded pay scales as per the recommendation of 6 CPC. The pay of all upgraded posts such as teachers was to be fixed in revised pay scale with effect from 01.01.06 as per illustration no. 4A as explained in the GOI Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure while issuing notification of 6 CPC dt. 29.08.2008 The Gazette of India: Extraordinary) and the position is reiterated by DOPT as per para 2 in page 2 of its OM No. F.NO. 7/7/-2008-CS.I (A) dt. 03.01.2014. The same fact was also earlier clarified by the GOI MOF Department of Expenditure vide OM No. F.No 1/1/2008-IC dt. 13.10.2008 and the further clarification issued on the same subject vide same reference OM dated. 13.09.2008 clearly explaining that fixation of pay in the pay bands where posts have been upgraded as a result of recommendations of 6CPC- clarification regarding Note 2A below Rule 7 of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008 states as under: “Note 2A- Where a post has been upgraded as a result of the recommendations of the 6th CPC as indicated in Part B or Part C of the First Schedule to these Rules, the fixation of pay in the applicable pay band will be done in the manner prescribed in accordance with Clause (A) (i) and (ii) of rule 7 by multiplying the existing basic pay as on 01.01.2006 by a factor of 1 86 and rounding the resultant figure to the next multiple of ten. The grade pay corresponding to the upgraded scale as indicated in Column 6 of Part B or C will be payable in addition. Illustration 4A in this regard is in the Explanatory Memorandum to these Rules.” ii) Now as per the KVS OM dt. 14.11.2014 cited above and the example illustrated on page no. 4 at the end of para no 4 for clarity indi [7:19am, 11/27/2014] KvCODJabalpurKamleshwar: ) Pay fixation in cases of PRTs where posts have been upgraded e.g. posts in pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 4500-125-7000 to 6500-200-1050 w.e.f. 01.01.06 let us take the example if PRT has joined KVS in February 2004 and was drawing basic pay of 4625 as on 01.01.06. 1. Existing Scale of Pay Rs.4500-7000 2. Pay Band applicable PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 3. Upgraded to the Scale of Pay Rs.6500-10500 (Corresponding to the Grade pay Rs.4200) which further revised to 4600 by MOF OM dt. 13.11.09 w.e.f. 01.01.06. 4. Existing basic pay as on 01.01.06 Rs. 4625 5. Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.86 8602 (Rounded off to Rs 8610) 6. Pay in the Pay band Rs. 8610 7. Pay in the pay band after including benefit of bunching in the pre-revised scale of Rs.4500-7000, if admissible Rs. 12090 8. Grade pay attached to the scale of Rs. 6500-200-10500 Rs. 4200 which further revised to 4600 by MOF OM dt. 13.11.09 w.e.f. 01.01.06. 9. Revised basic pay- total of pay in the pay band and grade pay. Rs. 16290 with grade pay 4200 and 16690 with grade pay 4600. Note: (i) It is emphasised that as per column no 7 of original illustration 4A the minimum pay in the upgraded revised scale 3200-85-4900, the minimum of the pay scale 3200 multiplied by factor 1.86 in the same manner in case of PRTs who are upgraded to 6500-200-10500 their minimum pay scale 6500 will be multiplied by factor 1.86 in the same manner and minimum pay in the pay band will be fixed 12090 then added to Grade pay 4200 as on 01.01.06 if their grade pay is approved 4600 then it will be total Rs.16690. (ii) It may please be noted that as per the instruction mentioned at page no 35 in the Gazette of India 6th CPC in point (A) sub para (i) & (ii) if the minimum revised pay band/ pay scale is more than the amount arrived at as per (i) above, the pay shall be fixed at the minimum of the revised pay band/ pay scale. In this case the minimum pay in the pay band of grade pay 4600 is 12540 as mentioned in the Gazette of India part A section II as applicable for the entry pay in the revised pay. Hence if the grade pay of 4600 is granted to the primary teacher then minimum pay for the PRTs in the grade pay of 4600 will be fixed 17140(12540 minimum pay in the pay band + 4600). In this case PRTs appointed prior to 01.01.06. Their pay will be stepped up with reference to the junior to set right the pay anomaly among the teaching staff. If they continue in the grade pay 4200 then minimum pay as per illustration 4A must be fixed 16290 w.e.f. 01.01.06. b) Pay fixation in case of TGTs where posts have been upgraded e.g posts in pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 5500-175-9000 to 7450-225-11500 appointed after 01.01.06 i.e. for example in May 2007. 1. Existing Scale of Pay Rs.5500-175-9000 2. Pay Band applicable PB-2 9300-34800 3. Upgraded to the Scale of Pay Rs.7450-225-11500 (Corresponding Grade pay Rs. 4600) 4. Existing basic pay as on 01.01.06 Will be assumed minimum of the pay scale as per the example given in the illustration 4A by GOI MOF. 5. Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.86 Rs.7450×1.86=13860 6. Pay in the Pay band PB-2 Rs.13860 7. Pay in the pay band after including benefit of bunching in the pre-revised scale of Rs.5500-9000, if admissible Rs.13860 8. Grade pay attached to the scale of Rs. 7450-225-11500 Rs.4600 9. Revised basic pay- total of pay in the pay band and grade pay. Rs.18460 Note:- It may be noted that if a teacher is appointed after 01.01.06 then his minimum pay on the date of his appointment is to be considered the minimum of the upgraded pay scale on the date of his fixation of pay in the revised ungraded pay scale. (c) ) Pay fixation in case of PGTs where posts have been upgraded e.g posts in pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 6500-200-10500 to 7500-250-12000 appointed after notification of 6th CPC i.e. on 10.09.08. 1. Existing Scale of Pay Rs.6500-200-10500 2. Pay Band applicable PB-2 9300-34800 3. Upgraded to the Scale of Pay Rs.7500-250-12000 (Corresponding Grade pay Rs. 4800) 4. Existing basic pay as on 01.01.06 Will be assumed
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 02:55:47 +0000

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