7/24/2013 Wednesday in the Arava I completed the first two steps - TopicsExpress


7/24/2013 Wednesday in the Arava I completed the first two steps on the way to getting an Israeli Drivers license. Step 1 is to go to Elat and get the “green form” and a license photo from one of only two places in the city of Elat that can provide them. Step 2 is to take a brief eye test. I was lucky today in that I was able to do both at the same place and I walked out 45 minutes later with the green form all filled out and ready for step 3. Step three is to get confirmation from your family doctor that you are physically fit to drive. Here, the way a lot of people drive, there should be a requirement of a psychiatric clearance as well. But, everybody in every city says the same things about the drivers they contend with every rush hour and of course those drivers are saying the same thing about them. [Step 4, et. seq., to follow] I also for the first time today experienced a prescription refill at the HMO pharmacy. You go in and slide your membership card down the slot like at an ATM. This machine gives you a number. There are 5 pharmacists in five cubbyholes filling prescriptions. The number changes on a computer screen above the cubby holes and there is an announcement made calling the number and a cubby hole number. It was very efficient and very professional. The wait was about 15 minutes. The prescription was filled quickly and you can pay or they will bill you if you want. The co-pay was about $4.00 US. So all in all, a pretty good day In Elat where by the way, it was a balmy 106 degrees F. When asked how it compares to Florida I simply say that here you walk outside and it feels hot. Sometimes in parts of Florida you open the door and you feel like you have walked into a “wall”. The humidity can be very uncomfortable. But here, the only “humidity” is in the pool. Laila Tov.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 16:59:17 +0000

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