7/29/2014 todays deposit: SHUTEM DOWN! Matthew 22:46 - TopicsExpress


7/29/2014 todays deposit: SHUTEM DOWN! Matthew 22:46 (NIV) No one could say a word in reply, and from that day on no one dared to ask him any more questions. Good Morning! This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. In my quest to know Jesus, I am learning so much about the way He carried Himself in the earth. He did more than die for us. He also taught us how to deal with negative, cunning and conniving people. In the book of Matthew, Chapter 22, Jesus is confronted by the Sadducees on one occasion and the Pharisees on another. In bother instances they sought to entangle Him in His talk, or trip Him up, but they themselves were left silenced. The bible says in verse 18 that Jesus perceived their wickedness, and afterwhich, confronted their motives. And in doing so He SHUT THEM DOWN! The sripture goes on to say in verse 46, ... from that day forth no man asked Him anymore questions. Now, I shared that because we all have met people who seek to discredit and shame us, but following Jesus example, once you discern the motives of their hearts, you have the right to SHUT THEM DOWN! However, make sure you know your stuff, so you can stand surefooted in your response. Granted, everything does not warrant a response, but some things must be addressed or the enemy will continue to pursue you. This is not to say walk around with a chip on your shoulder, however, it is an example of how we should respond to the wicked that attempts to come against us in Christ. Dont you just love Jesus! He did not play games with people .... And neither should we. Have an AWESOME Tuesday!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 11:51:22 +0000

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