7/4/1776... America! This flag couldve been the body of a African - TopicsExpress


7/4/1776... America! This flag couldve been the body of a African American 60-70 years ago surrounded by a group of Caucasians and it wouldve been considered as a celebration. We live in a country where one race is considered dominant. While others struggle for success. Where my ancestors had to fight just to be treated as a human being and not a animal. Where actual animals receive better treatment than most human. Where black children are lied to or not taught to value themselves and their history... because their history is hidden. Where great African American leaders are assassinated by our own government. Where our youth could be drafted to fight for their country but dont know the truth behind the so called fight. Where the government has the nerve to bring this flag to our falling soldiers front door step after being killed. Where war vets are forgotten. Where were taught to remember things such as Colombus Day and/or 9/11/2001... but the Rosewood Massacre is unheard of. Where our 1st black President is considered one of the worst presidents in U.S history... but the president before him is glorified and considered as a hero to some. Where our government either lies or conceal the truth from us citizens. Where were suppose to have equal rights and amendments but theyre violated and slowly but surely snatched from us. Where our tax money is spent on unnecessary things. Where our tax money is use to pay government officials and the law... but the law is above is all. Where thousands of children go missing in our own country every year and who are still missing... bit we could find Bin Laden over seas. Where our kids are pushed and forced to receive an education... but cant because they cant afford it and the same applies for healthcare. Where our founding fathers (who were ok with slavery) say they discovered this country when its actually stolen property. Where my race was treated as and taught to be animals but are frowned upon when we act as such. Where a hurricane named Katrina destroyed an entire city and people were left to die or considered as refugees in their own country. Where we jump quick to save another country in need but our low class and poor are left for dead. It cost to be born... to live... and even to die here! This country was build off of hatred, slavery, depression and oppression. If you dont like what you see. Theres a unfriend button on my page that you could click. For the land of the free..(yea right) and the home of the slave!! #HappyIndependenceDay #Morons Delete me of you dont like it!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 13:10:45 +0000

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