7 MISTAKES I MADE IN MY EARLY MINISTRY 1. NOT RAISING A LOT OF LEADERS: Ministry is a divine institution handled over to man to connect humanity to divinity.It is my belief that the success of the next generation depends on the success of the present generation. Therefore when you are called into ministry you have a responsibility to mentor and raise the next generation. Early in my ministry, i made this mistake of not raising many leaders.I corrected this mistakes by turning followers to leaders through mentorship, seminars and other conferences. Elijah raised Elisha, Jesus raised the 12 apostles. Who are you raising in life and ministry? 2. NOT BUILDING A STRONG STRUCTURE: Anointing is good but anointing without a strong structure will lead to destruction. The strength of any ministry largely depends on its organizational & administrative structure. I corrected this mistake by working on my administration, leadership and planning. It takes strong leadership skills with planning for productivity and profitability in ministry. I also brought on board other people who have the skills i was lacking. I respected their gifts and calling and delegated to them while i focused on the core of my ministry. 3. INVITING THE WRONG GUEST MINISTERS:Not every minister must be brought into your ministry. They may be gifted, anointed and more graced but do you really need their ministry? Are they coming to help you build and strengthen your hands? I made the mistake of inviting wrong ministers to my pulpit and they scattered what i was building. Some of these were genuine preachers but they did not have the spirit of the builder.I remember inviting this particular minister to my ministry and a family that were committed to the Lord, the church and to me stopped coming to church. Ministers with the spirit of the builder will establish your work. 4. NOT GIVING THE CHURCH MY MAXIMUM ATTENTION: In the parable of the talents, they were judged based on what they were given.We will be judged based on what we have been given. I made this mistake and learnt from it immediately. In my early ministry, I neglected my congregation in the name of blessing others with what I have been given. I saw the church not growing and people started leaving the church.I came to myself when some of these ministries neglected me when i went through persecutions. Remember, anyone who does not provide for his own people, especially for his family, has disowned the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. You must bless other ministries with your grace but dont do that to do detriment of own ministry. Young minister, give your ministry all the attention. 5. CONNECTING WITH WRONG MINISTERS: Associations are important for acceleration in ministry. Without godly associations you cannot go far in life and ministry but there are some associations that will jeopardize your life and ministry.This mistake nearly cost me my life and ministry. Who are your friends? Who do you listen to? Who do you submit to? Your life can never change until you change the dominant voice in your life. You need Godly association. Which platform do you minister on? Check it young minister. You dont need jealous driven, envy packaged ungodly associations. 6. NOT MAKING GOOD USE OF LITTLE OPPORTUNITIES: I made this mistake in my first two years in ministry. I have learnt from it and I now know that you can do so much with so little. Never despise small beginnings. I now turn little favors to great opportunities 7. NOT MAKING MY MATERIALS MORE ACCESSIBLE: I love writing because writing is my passion. I have a lot of materials on various topics but i realized that my materials are not easily accessible.Young minister, start writing. put your thoughts on paper even if you are not ready to publish them. You must have a product: a book, CD or any other product. You can pastor your ministry beyond the confines of the four walls of your church. Become innovative. Facebook, twitter, whatsapp, instagram, linkedin, google plus, youtube and many others are good platforms to make your materials and teachings available but be careful. Prophet Bernard Elbernard Nelson-Eshun.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 11:30:23 +0000

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