7 Positive ThingsTo Tell Yourself When Things Turn Hopeless. 1. - TopicsExpress


7 Positive ThingsTo Tell Yourself When Things Turn Hopeless. 1. You Have The Power to Change Your Life One of the positive things to tell yourself is that you have the potential to change your situation. Look at Robert Downey Jr. He suffered through drug addiction, jail time, and rehab. Now he’s one of the most talented, respected actors who’s starred in multiple movies. Never give up hope, because there will be moments in life worth living for. Even if your current situation is rough, that can change. 2. You’re Stronger than You Think Be proud that you’ve made it this far in life. You’ve made it through countless arguments, bad days, and embarrassing moments. You’ve endured difficult things and you’ll have thewillpower to make it through more. Remember how far you’ve come and know that you’re a strong person. Even if you don’t believe that’s true, reading this means you’re alive, so you must be stronger than you think. 3. Your past Is a Memory If your past makes you cringe, focus on something else. Everyonehas memories that make them sick to think about. If you can use your past mistakes as reminders tobe a better person, that’s great. But if it only bringspain, push the thoughts away. Tell yourself that your past is your past and not an indication of your future. 4. People Love You Sometimes clichés are true. Whether it’s a parent, friend, or boyfriend, someone lovesyou. Just because they don’t show their emotions doesn’t mean they don’t exist. If it seems like they’re pushing you too hard, it’sonly because they care. Your family and friends want you to have the best life possible and for that to happen, they might have to be stern. 5. You Can’t Rush Success If you’re worried about what your future holds, remember to take life one day at a time. Don’t get overwhelmed with whether or not you’ll succeed with your goal of becoming a teacher. Start small. Take the classes you need to take, tutor, and go on job interviews when you’re ready. Don’t rush things or you’ll stress yourself out more than you should. 6. Others Are in The Same Boat Whatever you’re feeling, you’re not the only one inthe world to feel that way. Plenty of people think that their existence is useless and that their life is going nowhere. It doesn’t mean that your emotions are unimportant. It just means that others have gone through what you have and have come out alright. You can survive too. 7. Happiness Is a Choice If your feel like your life ishorrible, you can still takemoments out of the day to be happy. Use escapism by watching a movie or reading a book.Or just have a conversation with your friends. Just remember that you have the power to make choices that can lead to happiness. So don’t isolate yourself from those you love or punish yourself by refusing to do things that bring you joy. When life seems pointless, use positivity. Itcan be incredibly difficult, but it’s worthwhile. Whatdo you tell yourself whenyou’re upset?
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 22:19:23 +0000

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