7 Qualities Of A Big Girl 1. big girls dont pretend to be - TopicsExpress


7 Qualities Of A Big Girl 1. big girls dont pretend to be celebrities big girl dont pretend or form like they are celebrities, by trying to make semi Unclad or Unclad photos, no guy will want that for a wife, you got curves do not expose them all round thinking it make you a big girl, make them look decent, we call this type of girls, ladies of influence 2. Big girls are royalty big girls dont flirt with men around, they respect their relationship, respect her value of womanhood, carries her dignity around neither does she brag about number of men she slept with or how many beer bottle she can drink 3. Big girls are supportive in as much as men want to be caretakers, even the strongest of men want a soft place to fall, big girls stand by theirs men anytime anyday instead of collecting ever kobo that comes out of the guys pocket 4. Big girls are independent big girls have a life, the feel contended with what the have, the dont push men around but give them space to do their own thing 5. Big girls dont piece all their body big girls dont put holes in every part of their body just to impress or trying to look like daddy shoki with earrings all over your ears, eyes, and nose, real big girls look classic with proper piecing in the right places 6. Big girls dont belittle people a big girl pays attention to every call to listen what the person has to say, big girls dont go snubbing people all way round in every place the pass, it show signs of immaturity 7. Big girls are the one with enough brains big girls are creative thinkers, the put their head straight, bring up good ideas and are not addicted to chatting with men alone Above all,Be bold but humble,be Godly,be hardworking,be ambitious but contented,Dont make men a priority in life. Real men will seek after you.. Build yourself into a woman men will always want to take home to their mamas,not the one they want to take to restaurants and hotels only. Trust me,if you trap a man with your body,he will go one day... # Simon is back again
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 04:30:18 +0000

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